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Business Essentials Courses - Page 13

Showing results 121-130 of 645
ESG Data & Accountability
In this course, we’ll introduce students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products to data-driven resources they can use to complement their fundamental analysis. We’ll also highlight certain deceptive marketing practices that can paint a rosier picture of addressing ESG-related concerns than may actually be the case. Moreover, many corporations appear to be growing increasingly aware of the values of the millennial generation, who, according to some industry surveys, appear to account for the vast majority of those who cite ESG as a central goal in their investment plans. We’ll dive more deeply into these topics, and through a series of video, webinar, and reading modules, among other objectives, you’ll learn to explain how Big Data and artificial intelligence may be used for actionable accountability, and describe inherent challenges in data analysis, as well as differentiate between different forms of deceptive business practices, including green washing, social washing, and pink washing, You’ll also be able to provide insights about how millennial, and younger, investors’ interests may be driving increased attention on ESG investing.
Linear Regression for Business Statistics
Regression Analysis is perhaps the single most important Business Statistics tool used in the industry. Regression is the engine behind a multitude of data analytics applications used for many forms of forecasting and prediction. This is the fourth course in the specialization, "Business Statistics and Analysis". The course introduces you to the very important tool known as Linear Regression. You will learn to apply various procedures such as dummy variable regressions, transforming variables, and interaction effects. All these are introduced and explained using easy to understand examples in Microsoft Excel. The focus of the course is on understanding and application, rather than detailed mathematical derivations. Note: This course uses the ‘Data Analysis’ tool box which is standard with the Windows version of Microsoft Excel. It is also standard with the 2016 or later Mac version of Excel. However, it is not standard with earlier versions of Excel for Mac. WEEK 1 Module 1: Regression Analysis: An Introduction In this module you will get introduced to the Linear Regression Model. We will build a regression model and estimate it using Excel. We will use the estimated model to infer relationships between various variables and use the model to make predictions. The module also introduces the notion of errors, residuals and R-square in a regression model. Topics covered include: • Introducing the Linear Regression • Building a Regression Model and estimating it using Excel • Making inferences using the estimated model • Using the Regression model to make predictions • Errors, Residuals and R-square WEEK 2 Module 2: Regression Analysis: Hypothesis Testing and Goodness of Fit This module presents different hypothesis tests you could do using the Regression output. These tests are an important part of inference and the module introduces them using Excel based examples. The p-values are introduced along with goodness of fit measures R-square and the adjusted R-square. Towards the end of module we introduce the ‘Dummy variable regression’ which is used to incorporate categorical variables in a regression. Topics covered include: • Hypothesis testing in a Linear Regression • ‘Goodness of Fit’ measures (R-square, adjusted R-square) • Dummy variable Regression (using Categorical variables in a Regression) WEEK 3 Module 3: Regression Analysis: Dummy Variables, Multicollinearity This module continues with the application of Dummy variable Regression. You get to understand the interpretation of Regression output in the presence of categorical variables. Examples are worked out to re-inforce various concepts introduced. The module also explains what is Multicollinearity and how to deal with it. Topics covered include: • Dummy variable Regression (using Categorical variables in a Regression) • Interpretation of coefficients and p-values in the presence of Dummy variables • Multicollinearity in Regression Models WEEK 4 Module 4: Regression Analysis: Various Extensions The module extends your understanding of the Linear Regression, introducing techniques such as mean-centering of variables and building confidence bounds for predictions using the Regression model. A powerful regression extension known as ‘Interaction variables’ is introduced and explained using examples. We also study the transformation of variables in a regression and in that context introduce the log-log and the semi-log regression models. Topics covered include: • Mean centering of variables in a Regression model • Building confidence bounds for predictions using a Regression model • Interaction effects in a Regression • Transformation of variables • The log-log and semi-log regression models
Taxation of Business Entities I: Corporations
This course provides an introduction to the U.S. federal income taxation of corporations and their shareholders. The course focuses on the relevant provisions of Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as related Treasury Regulations and judicial opinions, governing corporate formation, operations, distributions, and liquidation. Practical in-class study problems facilitate self-discovery of technical tax knowledge along with the development of a variety of professional skills and attitudes.
Forex - Trading Around the World
In this course, we’ll introduce you to the foreign currency market, including who participates in it and some of their reasons for doing so. You’ll also gain an understanding of the complex nature of certain trading products, as well as some of the risks investors typically face. We’ll also explore the use of margin in your account and provide you with a case study, showing how to invest in the stock of a non-domestic company listed on a foreign exchange, as well as guide you through entering an overseas trade on an online trading platform. By the end of this course, you should gain a broad overview of the foreign exchange market, understand certain major currency products, and acquire some practical skills that will help you to dive-in and make trades on your own.
Examine 508 Compliance & Accessibility in Chrome Extensions
Creating compliant material is the right thing to do, but it can seem like an expensive undertaking and an enormously high bar to meet. In this project you will become familiar with Federal 508 compliance standards and how they can become an asset to an organization’s goal of connecting individuals with content in a meaningful way. You will also gain hands-on experience with a no-cost technique for one component of accessibility testing. That is testing for color blindness accessibility with the Colorblindly extension in your Chrome Browser. By the end of this project, you will be able to confidently leverage Chrome browser extensions to test information accessibility, so that you can ensure that as much of your audience as possible can intuitively take in and interact with your organization’s information. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Diversity and Inclusion for HR Professionals
Welcome to Diversity & Inclusion for HR Professionals. In this course we will review the changing landscape of the workplace and discuss the current change drivers that make Diversity and Inclusion an important focus for your organization. We will explore strategies for creating an inclusive climate and a sense of belonging, and how bias and microaggressions can be mitigated. Finally, we will explore the business case for Diversity and Inclusion strategies, and you’ll have the opportunity to develop a DEIB tailored to your organization and situation. Learning goals for this course include: - Recognize the impact of DEIB on company culture - Recognize how conscious and unconscious bias can impact the workplace - Identify how thought diversity supports innovation and challenges conformity - Develop a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Plan for your organization - Explore why innovation is the currency of the future
Microeconomics Principles
Most people make the incorrect assumption that economics is ONLY the study of money. My primary goal in this course is to shatter this belief. During this course, we will be addressing the above questions as well as many more relating to: -the environment -love and marriage -crime -labor markets -education -politics -sports -business My main goal is to show you the way economists think and how to use this analytical system to answer questions related not only to these and other important human issues but to anything you end up doing with your life after this class. After all, as you will quickly find out, I believe that everything is economics!
Microeconomics: When Markets Fail
Perfect markets achieve efficiency: maximizing total surplus generated. But real markets are imperfect. In this course we will explore a set of market imperfections to understand why they fail and to explore possible remedies including as antitrust policy, regulation, government intervention. Examples are taken from everyday life, from goods and services that we all purchase and use. We will apply the theory to current events and policy debates through weekly exercises. These will empower you to be an educated, critical thinker who can understand, analyze and evaluate market outcomes.
Fundamentals of Accounting Capstone
**You should complete all other courses in the Fundamentals of Accounting Specialization before beginning this course.** The capstone project will be set in the context of a realistic small-business enterprise, and will require you to think deeply and apply the accounting concepts presented in the other courses in the Fundamentals of Accounting. While navigating the daily operations of the business, you will have an opportunity to consider the accounting implications of the economic events encountered, as well as how these economic events should be communicated to decision makers. If you enjoy this business course and are interested in an MBA, consider applying to the iMBA, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price offered by the University of Illinois. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and
Create Informative Presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint
At the end of this project you will be able to create a successful and informative PowerPoint presentation that will keep your audience’s attention. First, you will learn how to start a basic PowerPoint presentation. Then, you will learn how to add informative content to your presentation before you will also learn how to add engaging visual support to your presentation. Additionally, you will learn a few easy methods to make your slide transitions smoother and more appealing to your audience. Creating an informative Microsoft PowerPoint will ensure your audience stays attentive and engaged during your presentation and retains as much information as possible.