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Leadership And Management Courses - Page 7

Showing results 61-70 of 600
Collaborate on Files in Slack: Local & Google Drive Integrations
By the end of this project, you will maximize collaborations by supporting messages with files and creating files in Slack. You’ll do this by gaining hands-on experience sharing files in Slack with local and external integrations. Utilizing local and external or cloud-based integrations boosts productivity because it will give you the opportunity to keep work product based in your Slack digital workspace, avoid versioning confusion, and ensure that your team is referring to the most relevant and timely documents. For the purpose of this course, we will use the free to use, Google Drive external integration. Your hands-on project will include drag, drop, and upload techniques and creating an archive. You will also integrate cloud-based/outside service files within your Slack environment by adding the free Google Drive app to your Slack workspace. You will then gain experience leveraging your Google Drive tool and your Slack file archive together to maximize collaborations. You will work through this guided project in the Slack app on your Rhyme virtual machine, where you will use your current Slack workspace or set up a sample workspace under Slack’s free plan so that you can gain hands-on experience collaborating with files in Slack with local and external integrations. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Procurement Negotiation
This course will teach you the necessary negotiation skills to be successful. We will be covering the overall negotiation process, how to establish objectives (e.g.Most Desirable Option (MDO), Least Acceptable Alternative (LAA), Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)), what type and how to gather facts and collect information, the importance of developing a plan, learn your negotiation style, how to use, recognize and counter various tactics, understand the difference between positions vs. interest and need and wants, and lastly what you need to do after the negotiation is complete. This course will be supported by video, readings, a personal style survey, a podcast, and a required "mock" negotiation with a Peer group assessment.
Financial Forecasting and Reporting
This course discusses how public projects are evaluated using cost-benefit analysis. Learners discover how interest rates and prices for stocks and bonds are determined. Techniques are presented on how to create departmental budgets for engineering cost centers and pro forma statements for profit centers. Learners then work with corporate financial statements to assess a company’s financial health, including recent measures of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Engineering in Engineering Management (ME-EM) degree offered on the Coursera platform. The ME-EM is designed to help engineers, scientists, and technical professionals move into leadership and management roles in the engineering and technical sectors. With performance-based admissions and no application process, the ME-EM is ideal for individuals with a broad range of undergraduate education and/or professional experience. Learn more about the ME-EM program at
Negotiation Skills and Effective Communication
We start making negotiations as soon as our day begins, through all our interactions, either work, social, or family-related. But have you ever wondered how efficiently you negotiate, and whether you could be better at it? This is a straightforward opportunity to put into practice all the knowledge you have acquired, and to confirm that the negotiation process is dynamic and can always be improved. The course integrates the most recent advances in the development of negotiation skills, based on modern life complexities, in a simple and direct way. We start out with the structure of effective communication in a negotiation, with the intention of identifying our opportunity areas, and improving them through active learning mechanisms. And what can we say about the role emotions play in a negotiation process? It is necessary to acknowledge , manage, and take advantage of them by using emotional intelligence mechanisms. Negotiation, by definition, implies the relationship between two or more parties who eventually express opposing interests and demand skills for problem-solving. In this course you will learn to identify and manage its irreversible consequences in advance.
إدارة المشروعات في أجايل
هذه هي الدورة التدريبية الخامسة في برنامج شهادة إدارة المشروعات من Google. سوف تستكشف هذه الدورة تاريخ ونهج وفلسفة إدارة المشروعات في أجايل، بما في ذلك إطار عمل سْكرَم. سوف تتعلم كيفية التفريق والمزج بين أجايل والنهج الأخرى لإدارة المشروعات. أثناء تقدمك خلال الدورة التدريبية، ستتعرف على المزيد عن سْكرَم، من خلال استكشاف ركائزها وقيمها ومقارنة أدوار فريق سْكرَم الأساسية. سوف تكتشف كيفية إنشاء قائمة مهام المنتج وإدارتها وتنقيحها، وتنفيذ استراتيجيات التسليم القائمة على القيمة من أجايل، وتحديد خارطة طريق القيمة. سوف تتعلم أيضًا استراتيجيات لتنظيم أحداث سْكرَم الخمسة المهمة لفريق سْكرَم بشكل فعال، وتقديم نهج أجايل أو سْكرَم لمؤسسة ما، وتدريب فريق أجايل. وأخيرا، سوف تتعلم كيفية البحث عن الفرص وإيجادها في أدوار أجايل. سيستمر مديرو مشروعات Google الحاليون في إرشادك وتزويدك بالنُهُج والأدوات والموارد العملية لتحقيق أهدافك. يجب أن يكون المتعلمون الذين يكملون هذا البرنامج مجهزين للتقدم لوظائف المستوى التمهيدي كمديري المشروعات. لا تلزم خبرة سابقة. بنهاية هذه الدورة، ستكون قادرًا على: شرح نهج وفلسفة إدارة المشروعات في أجايل، بما في ذلك القيم والمبادئ. - شرح ركائز سْكرَم وكيفية دعمها لقيم سْكرَم. - تحديد ومقارنة الأدوار الأساسية في فريق سْكرَم وما الذي يجعلها فعالة. - إنشاء وإدارة قائمة مهام المنتج وتنقيح قائمة المهام. - وصف الفعاليات الخمسة الهامة في سْكرَم وكيفية إعداد كل فعالية لفريق سْكرَم. - تنفيذ استراتيجيات التسليم المبنية على القيمة لأجايل وتحديد خارطة طريق القيمة. - شرح كيفية تدريب فريق أجايل ومساعدته في التغلب على التحديات. - إجراء بحث عن وظيفة للحصول على دور أجايل وتعلم كيفية النجاح في مقابلتك.
Effective Communication for Today’s Leader
Interpersonal communication is one of the most important management skills: everyday we relate with our bosses, collaborators, customers and colleagues. Being a good communicator is synonym to being a good leader. Interpersonal and group communication helps us to create better business environments, and therefore, to have better results.
Adapt your leadership style
Why are organisational misbehaviours such as cynicism, apathy, bullying and disengagement increasingly prevalent in the workplace? This course examines these tensions and how transformational, authentic and inclusive leadership styles offer an alternative to the more autocratic, job-centred and controlling leadership styles of the past. You’ll learn how the digital revolution, along with an increased focus on projects and teamwork, has dramatically altered the perception of leadership in a way that now demands all organisational members take on some form of self-leadership. And you’ll learn how this change is causing tensions between traditional leaders and the contemporary practices vital to maintain agility in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace. This learning will be complemented by structured activities such as video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments.
Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations
Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations will help you as an individual, as a team, and an organization to better understand and implement policies and practices that emphasize and promote not only the inclusion but the belonging of all employees. It is aimed to cover the following objectives: Policies - How to identify and understand the ways in which structural dynamics of an organization can preclude a sense of belonging and how to use inclusive policies as a tool to foster belonging. Practices - How to design an organizational culture that promotes the wellbeing and belonging of all its constituents through kindness, empathy, openness, and compassion. People - How to leverage the creation of affinity groups and task forces to overcome structural biases, build community and create a greater sense of belonging. The final module also introduces complementary resources to bring the pillars together and support an organization's belonging efforts.
Get Started with Facebook Ads Manager
By the end of this project, learners will know how to get started with Facebook Ads Manager. According to Facebook, “Ads Manager is a Facebook tool that lets you create and manage your Facebook ads. You can view, make changes and see results for all your Facebook campaigns, ad sets and ads. Go to Ads Manager.” Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Program Risk Planning with ClickUp
By the end of this guided project, you will be fluent in creating Program Risk Management artefacts for the Planning Phase for diverse programs. You will utilise a logical diagramming plan in an agile environment to develop the solution. This will enable you to identify and classify the required components for risk planning. Furthermore, it will help develop a structural model for learning about the field of Program Management. If you are interested in building up the knowledge leading to this guided project, the following is the link to: [ Developing Programme Management Blueprint with ClickUp] [Advanced Programme Planning Phases Framework in ClickUp] This Guided Project is essential for individuals wanting to learn about the field, or looking to transition into working in Program Management. This guided project is designed to engage and harness your visionary and exploratory abilities. You will use proven models in an agile environment with ClickUp to engage in a hands-on learning experience.