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Business Essentials Courses - Page 61
Showing results 601-610 of 645
Sales Training: Techniques for a Human-Centric Sales Process
This course will teach you an inbound approach to sales that focuses on being helpful, not salesy. By the end of this course, you'll be able to prospect for new business, qualify for high-quality prospects, book meetings with decision makers, handle buyer's objections, and negotiate and close a deal. By following this process, you'll be able to jumpstart your career in sales with tactical tips and advice to run an effective sales playbook.
Free accounts you'll need to go through this course:
- HubSpot Academy:
- LinkedIn:
- Gmail:
How to create a Facebook or Instagram Ad with Mailchimp
Here you will learn how to create a Facebook advert with MailChimp. You will learn how to navigate the Mailchimp dashboard and how to get to creating Facebook ads
Creating Accounting Statements Using Accounting Fundamentals
In this one and a half hour long project-based course about Creating Accounting Statements Using Accounting Fundamentals, You will be capable of recording your own transaction and even create accounting statements to your private business to observe profit and losses. By the end of this project, you will be able to understand basic accounting principals which will assist you with preparing, recording and analysing accounting statements for your own private business. You will learn how to Record transactions on journal entries, create a Trial balance, create an Income statement (A profit or loss statement) as well as create a Balance sheet (Statement of financial position)
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Project Planning and Execution
The goal of this second course of the Project Management specialization is to provide students with skills necessary to plan and execute traditional engineering projects. Project managers must plan and manage complex projects constrained by time and budget. As part of this course, you will determine project schedules, budgets, and risk assessments. At the end of this course, you will also be able to identify and explain various quality tools and methods used in project management.
This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Engineering in Engineering Management (ME-EM) degree offered on the Coursera platform. The ME-EM is designed to help engineers, scientists, and technical professionals move into leadership and management roles in the engineering and technical sectors. With performance-based admissions and no application process, the ME-EM is ideal for individuals with a broad range of undergraduate education and/or professional experience. Learn more about the ME-EM program at
Logo image courtesy of Shane Rounce, available on Unsplash at
Employment Contracts
The employment relationship is one of the foundations upon which modern society and the greater economy is built, but the nature of this relationship can be both complex and confusing. This course seeks to demystify the ways that U.S. contract law principles govern the fundamental relationship between employers and employees.
We begin by examining the default rule of at-will employment that applies to most U.S. employment relationships, and we then consider the necessary elements required to create a binding employment relationship. We also explore how courts interpret the content of employment agreements as well as what factors courts consider in awarding damages when an employment agreement is breached. Finally, we take a deeper dive into employment-related agreements such as non-disclosure agreements, non-disparagement agreements, and mandatory arbitration clauses, and how the law has evolved to keep up with the changing nature of the fundamental employment relationship.
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials
In this first course of the specialization Excel Skills for Business, you will learn the essentials of Microsoft Excel. Within six weeks, you will be able to expertly navigate the Excel user interface, perform basic calculations with formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create visualizations of data through charts and graphs.
Whether you are self-taught and want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, or whether you have never used Excel before, this course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident user and develop more advanced skills in later courses.
The best way to learn Excel is to use Excel. In this course, learners will solve a broad range of business problems as they apply the Excel skills and techniques they learn along the way. This course uses downloadable Excel workbooks and full data sets with applied examples and practical challenge exercises. This provides learners with countless opportunities to practice their Excel skills while discovering new and useful productivity features of Excel for a variety of business contexts.
Spreadsheet software is one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. At a time when digital skills jobs are growing much faster than non-digital jobs, make sure to position yourself ahead of the rest by adding Excel skills to your employment portfolio.
Nützliches Feedback geben (Giving Helpful Feedback)
Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die einfachen Prinzipien, mit denen Führungskräfte die Leistung ihrer Mitarbeiter verbessern und sie gleichzeitig motivieren. Von jetzt an müssen Sie Situationen, in denen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern „unangenehme Nachrichten“ überbringen, nicht mehr meiden. Wir zeigen Ihnen sieben Methoden, mit deren Hilfe Ihre Mitarbeiter weder eine Abwehrhaltung einnehmen noch Angst bekommen. Als Führungskraft oder jemand, der gerne eine sein möchte, lernen Sie auch speziell, was Feedback ist und warum negatives Feedback schwerer wiegt als positives Feedback. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie positives Feedback Eigenschaften wie Kreativität und Teamwork fördert.
Feedback zu geben, ist eine Fähigkeit, die sich im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt. Wir geben Ihnen einen Prozess an die Hand, mit dem Sie Ihre Fähigkeit, Feedback zu geben, verbessern und mit Zuversicht umsetzen können. Sie werden sehen, dass es für Ihre Beobachtungen und Ihr Gespür für Feedback eine wissenschaftliche Erklärung gibt. So zum Beispiel, dass es schwierig ist, nützliches Feedback zu geben, und dass Menschen nicht gerne Feedback erhalten usw.
Dies hilft Ihnen dabei zu lernen, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Wir hoffen, dass Sie Spaß daran haben, eine bessere Führungskraft zu werden.
Introduction to Project Management with ClickUp
In this project, we will learn how to create and organize a ClickUp workspace to best meet your project management and business needs. We will also learn how to use the tool to better collaborate and communicate with your team. Whether you’re assigning tasks, pushing out important information, scheduling meetings, or working through a to do list, ClickUp can help you keep track of it all.
ClickUp is a free, cloud-based program that helps to improve both your productivity and your budget. ClickUp helps to make both individuals and groups more productive in their work by consolidating tasks, documents, goals, and communication into one, all inclusive platform.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Developing Innovative Ideas for Product Leaders
For product leaders, creating new new products and improving existing products are imperatives for success. Maturing technologies and aging product portfolios are requiring companies to discover, develop, and deliver products that customers love. This course is focused on the first step of this journey, identifying and evaluating new product opportunities.
This course is primarily aimed at professionals who are inspired, or tasked, to develop and lead products. This include aspiring and active product managers, product designers, product developers, and others in the product arena. This course is also valuable to anyone interested in how to developing innovative ideas for new products.
We will focus on four important areas to develop and enhance your capabilities as a product leader:
• Introducing the skills for identifying and analyzing entrepreneurial ideas for new or improved products;
• Examining entrepreneurial thinking within yourself and your colleagues with an awareness of entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial motivations, and entrepreneurial behaviors;
• Cultivating seeing entrepreneurially within yourself and your colleagues with attention to industry conditions, industry status, macroeconomic change, and competition; and
• Championing acting entrepreneurially within the corporate environment with an understanding of value innovation and opportunity identification.
Excel Modeling for Professionals: Best Practices & Pitfalls
What sets this Excel course apart is that we don’t focus on quick fixes or specific tips and tricks. This course is for those who already understand Excel. The aim of the course is to elevate Excel models, to improve clarity, longevity, and transferability of these models, and to reduce mistakes and to encourage consistency in businesses as they work with Excel.
Through this Excel course learners will gain the tools to decide whether or not to use Excel to solve their problem. They will learn how to set up good input data, format correctly, and the importance of good documentation. Learners will gain the ability to discern between different functions, to understand the pitfalls and strengths of commonly used functions, and to apply correct functions to their Excel models. Those that follow the course will also gain understanding of logical spreadsheet structure, graphs and reporting, and protection and hidden information in Excel, and users will learn how to apply these things to their own models. Finally users will get practical tips and steps for the finalization of a model, the automated checks, the manual run through, and general testing that one should do to ensure that their Excel model is accurate and complete.
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