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Business Essentials Courses - Page 62
Showing results 611-620 of 645
Developing Interpersonal Skills
In order to have a successful professional life, you have to be able to communicate with the people you work with. You have to be able to communicate with co-workers in a way that establishes respect and influence.
This short course is designed to teach you how to communicate with the people you work with in ways that shows confidence and gives them a sense of trust. By taking this course you will learn how to assert your influence and how you can use these skills to do things like resolve issues between people at work.
At every job, there is bound to be a conflict that will arise, and by taking this course you will gain the communication skills you need to resolve them. By learning the interpersonal skills that this course will equip you with, you will gain some foundational skills that will pave the way for your success.
This short course will provide you with the essential skills you need to be able to be able to successfully communicate and establish yourself with people in your professional life. The course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn, no matter how much experience you have.
This course is part of the People and Soft Skills for Professional and Personal Success Specialization from IBM.
How to improve customer satisfaction on Facebook
In this guided project, you will learn how to improve customer satisfaction, increase customer's purchase experience with respect to post purchase strategy, understand the three purchase stages, and increase customer survey response rates on Facebook.
By the end of this project, you will have learned how to ensure customer satisfaction on Facebook.
Data Visualization using Microsoft Excel
Have you ever been asked to create a report based on a lot of data and you did not know where to begin? Or, you simply needed to demonstrate data from different sources all in one place with minimum effort? By the end of this project, you will learn how to operate data to generate a report and demonstrate information in a comprehensive visual way in Microsoft Excel.
In this project, you will create a free account on Microsoft 365, you will get access to Microsoft Excel and use data to generate a report with informative charts that you can present to your audience. Your new skills will help you efficiently make decisions based on a visual data presentation.
Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II
Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. In this third course of our Excel specialization Excel Skills for Business you will delve deeper into some of the most powerful features Excel has to offer. When you have successfully completed the course you will be able to
Check for and prevent errors in spreadsheets;
Create powerful automation in spreadsheets;
Apply advanced formulas and conditional logic to help make informed business decisions; and
Create spreadsheets that help forecast and model data.
Once again, we have brought together a great teaching team that will be with you every step of the way. Nicky, Prashan and myself will guide you through each week. As we are exploring these more advanced topics, we are following Alex who is an Excel consultant called in by businesses that experience issues with their spreadsheets.
Fundamentals of Accounting and Reporting
This course is for those interested in starting a career in bookkeeping. The course will help you learn and apply the basic concepts of computerized accounting using TallyPrime, fundamentals of accounting, book-keeping, day-to-day business transactions, creating charts of accounts, preparing and analyzing management information systems, and how to secure company data.
The course is enriched with numerous real business scenarios, screenshots, observations, solved illustrations, and practice scenarios to help you experience the simplicity and the power of technology of working on TallyPrime as you solve these real-life business scenarios.
You will gain skills in the intricacies of business operations and learn to handle such transactions in the daily work environment with ease.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Explain and apply the fundamentals of accounting
- Use TallyPrime as an integrated business management software
- Create and maintain chart of accounts
- Record and maintain accounting transactions
- Describe and manage banking payments
- Generate and analyze financial statements
- Implement security control to protect data
- Backup and restore company data
No prior experience in bookkeeping is required, but you should have an interest and aptitude in working with numbers.
Fundamentals of Organization
Organization is a fundamental theme to understand the real functioning of each company or, more in general, of any institution, and it is part of the basic know-how of each manager. Organization design implies decisions on how work is subdivided and how coordination between the various activities and people who autonomously perform them is guaranteed. Moreover, organization design is willing to consider also the interdependences between people daily activities (namely processes): in fact, processes are the real lever to achieve organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Lastly, organization design should also consider how people and units take their decisions, given that organizing and deciding are two central and complementary activities of the managerial function.
To achieve these goals, this course aims at explaining you the main concepts of organization, with a strong practical orientation: illustration of typical organizational problems through real corporate examples will be used. But a solid theoretical background is provided as well: the main theories behind organizational design will be used to dig into the main areas of investigation.
The course investigates three main areas:
the analysis and design of a proper organization, at the micro level (individual) and at the macro level (group of multiple individuals);
the analysis of how to effectively manage processes, in terms of activities, performance and principles;
the analysis of how to rapidly take decisions, in terms of process, constraints, models and game theory approach.
Auditing II: The Practice of Auditing
This course provides a continuation of the intensive conceptual and applied introduction to auditing in society begun in Auditing I: Conceptual Foundations of Auditing. It focuses on a conceptual framework that is applied by audit professionals to assess, evaluate, and manage audit risks and evidence.
Project Practicum with Multiple Projects
Managing multiple projects presents different and additional challenges when compared with the management of a single project. This advanced hands-on course builds on the project managers’ previously acquired knowledge and skills in the areas of scope, time, cost, risk, human resources, leadership, and teambuilding through a combination of videos, discussions, and team-based learning exercises.
This capstone course lets you put into practice the project process groups and knowledge areas that are outlined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK® Guide) and expands it to those required to management multiple projects.
These skills include delivering appropriate and timely communications and applying advanced, effective management skills. You'll learn how to oversee multiple stakeholders; prioritize tasks; and allocate resources efficiently. You'll explore scheduling techniques that allow you to balance resource utilization with project risks and achieve a desired level of responsiveness that can lead to a schedule that ensures optimal stakeholder satisfaction. The basics of portfolio management, program management, and Scrum Agile project management techniques are also covered.
Group Work:
You will be assigned to a Coursera team for the group project. Given the class size, the number and size of the groups may vary. You may see additional members join or drop from your group as they register or opt to not continue for this course. Thus, it is important to understand that just as in real-life project teams, you will be expected to manage the completion of the project activities with a possible team member changes.
Management Skills for International Business
This course focuses on a range of management techniques. You’ll discover the main skills and competencies of effective leaders, and how to distinguish between management and leadership. The course will cover team dynamics, how to build effective relationships, key motivation theories, and how to use communication to best effect.
This course forms part of a specialisation from the University of London designed to help you develop and build the essential business, academic, and cultural skills necessary to succeed in international business, or in further study.
If completed successfully, your certificate from this specialisation can also be used as part of the application process for the University of London Global MBA programme, particularly for early career applicants. If you would like more information about the Global MBA, please visit
This course is endorsed by CMI
Automation Techniques in RPA
The Automation Techniques in RPA course will provide knowledge about Extraction and its Techniques, Screen Scraping, Data Scraping and PDF Extraction.
In the later part of the course, you will gain knowledge about Workbook, Excel and Email Automation in Studio. You will also learn about activities for workbooks and excel automation along with Email protocols and related activities. Building on each concept, there will be demonstration videos that will explain these operations and methods.
The course has multiple practice exercises which will help in strengthening your knowledge and understand the creation of workflows in Studio.
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