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Personal Development Courses - Page 6

Showing results 51-60 of 514
Removing Barriers to Change
What does it mean to truly change something? How does one persuade others to change? How do we reduce roadblocks to change? In this course, you’ll learn about the barriers to change and how to become more effective in inspiring change within others and your organization. Professor Jonah Berger of the Wharton School has designed this course to help you understand the REDUCE framework, and shows you how to develop your skills of persuasion and influence. By the end of this course, you’ll know both the strengths and weaknesses of certain strategies for removing barriers in change, plus you'll learn how to leverage those strategies to achieve change in both business and in life.
Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome
Imagine if there were an organ in your body that weighed as much as your brain, that affected your health, your weight, and even your behavior. Wouldn’t you want to know more about it? There is such an organ — the collection of microbes in and on your body, your human microbiome.
Find a job and submit proposal in Upwork
In this project, learners will know how to find a job and submit a proposal in Upwork as a freelancer. Upwork is a platform for freelancers to find and communicate with clients for different projects. Learning how to find a job and submit a proposal in Upwork is beneficial for freelancers to find new clients and have a consistent workflow. We will find a job in Upwork from a client looking for a freelancer to complete a project. We will then fill out the terms section on the proposal. The terms section is the pay we will be requesting from the client. After that, we will write a cover letter for the proposal for the job. Then we will use the boost feature in Upwork to finish and submit the proposal. Finally, we will see how we find our submitted proposal and how we would communicate with the client.
Risk Management in Personal Finance
This course is primarily aimed at those who want to understand more about how they can protect their finances from unexpected events. Taught by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional, this course covers the role insurance plays into your financial plan, including what kinds of insurance to explore, how to determine how much insurance you need, and how different kinds of insurance works. The course includes life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, homeowners insurance, renters insurance, auto insurance, and umbrella insurance. You will also learn about estate planning, including the documents involved and special considerations for new parents. This course helps you understand how protecting your money is an important part of financial planning. It is geared towards learners in the United States of America. It is part of The Fundamentals of Personal Finance specialization but can be taken as a standalone course as well.
The Sustainability Imperative
In this course, learners begin with a macro-level view of the current state of the world and touch upon topics such as climate change, plastic pollution, social inequity, and the economic systems that got us to where we are today. Learners investigate how such an economy cannot sustain itself and the need for a rapid transition to something different. We define sustainability, the meaning of sustainable development, and the United Nations' Sustainability Goals. Recognizing that change is imperative, we begin looking at energy, and more specifically, power generation as this is widely understood as the leading cause of climate change today. We show why this is the case and explore pathways to reduce carbon emissions, such as through the transition from coal and natural gas to renewables such as wind and solar. The concept of the carbon footprint and how it is determined is introduced. Learners have the opportunity to calculate their own personal carbon footprint under a variety of power source options (coal, natural gas, or renewable), and discover what would happen to their personal carbon footprint if they moved toward renewable energies.
Capstone: Creating A Sustainability Proposal
Congratulations on reaching the Capstone Class of the Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent specialization. The class will help you apply material from the previous three classes. We have developed a case about a hypothetical ski resort that offers lots of opportunities to develop sustainability recommendations. A second option is do develop a proposal for a change in your company or organization. Or you can do both the case and your own proposal. The goal of the class is to have you practice the entire process from identifying a problem, finding a possible solution, doing analysis to determine the proposed change's financial and sustainability impacts, figure out who to present the proposal and what they need to see to say 'Yes' and develop a budget and implementation plan. It is big assignment, but if you have gone through the material in the first three classes you should be well-equipped for the challenge. We hope that the concepts and tools we have introduced will start you on your way to making positive changes in your company, organization, community and the world. We have provided just the most basic tolls. As you progress you will enhance your skills and become more effective. Best of luck on all you change endeavors.
Personality Types at Work
Knowing yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization are keys to personal and business success. What were once labeled soft skills are now modern requirements in today's workplace - especially if you are trying to get in the door or are already leading a team. This course is specifically designed for the: -Job Seeker: You will create a usable cover letter with feedback from your peers as well as develop exceptional responses to some of the most common, yet challenging interview questions. We will get you the skills to help get in the door! -Team Member: You will develop an action plan to confront your personality weaknesses and highlight your strengths so you can ace your annual review. We will also cover strategies that will help you uncover your true worth so you can ask with more confidence. We will get you the skills to get ahead! -Manager: You will create an effective action plan for an employee, team, or organization based on your new knowledge of personality types and you will create a 360 degree review plan to better identify your strengths and weaknesses. We will get you the skills to rise above the rest! We will dive deep into the types and teach you how to translate your new knowledge into business success by leveraging personality and emotional intelligence in the workplace - wherever you may be! Join us!
Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication
In "Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication", you will learn the key skill of persuasion, in the context of professional communication in a globalised world. Persuasive communication is essential to any professional workplace. From a simple email request for your colleague to help you, to developing a presentation for the board of directors, these are acts of communication that require a good degree of persuasion. Even the process of entering the workforce requires effective persuasive communication, for in the act of writing your resume, cover-letter, or in the interview process, you are essentially persuading the potential employer to hire you. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure and express your ideas in a convincing and persuasive manner in writing, apply basic principles of persuasive writing to convince different sets of audiences at the globalised workplace, and learn to engage in persuasive and credible communication across different cultures in a complex globalised environment.
Foundations of Teaching for Learning Capstone: The Reflective Practitioner
This course is open to learners who have completed all eight courses on the Foundations of Teaching for Learning MOOC. It revisits topics covered and focuses on what it really means to be a reflective practitioner. One of the great paradoxes of learning is that the more you know the more you become aware of what you don’t know... and the more you want to know! This course offers an opportunity to further deepen and broaden your professional expertise. It provides an opportunity to participate in practical tasks and assessments that draw on the knowledge and skills gained in the previous courses.

 If you have completed the eight courses, signed up to the Signature track, met all the assessment requirements of the programme and would like to continue to build on your interest and achievements, this course is for you! There is enough challenge and scope for learners who already have teaching experience, but this course is also suitable for less experienced learners who may not have a great deal of teacher education or may not yet hold a teaching qualification. Announcement for US based teachers: Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama. To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development. Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.
Use Genially to Create Award Certificates
Genially is “the tool that brings content to life.” Genially allows you to map out a learning journey for your students using high interest images and interactive tools. By the end of this project, you will be ready to celebrate student success through award certificates.