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Personal Development Courses - Page 7

Showing results 61-70 of 514
Procurement Negotiation
This course will teach you the necessary negotiation skills to be successful. We will be covering the overall negotiation process, how to establish objectives (e.g.Most Desirable Option (MDO), Least Acceptable Alternative (LAA), Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)), what type and how to gather facts and collect information, the importance of developing a plan, learn your negotiation style, how to use, recognize and counter various tactics, understand the difference between positions vs. interest and need and wants, and lastly what you need to do after the negotiation is complete. This course will be supported by video, readings, a personal style survey, a podcast, and a required "mock" negotiation with a Peer group assessment.
Building Students Math Skills with iKnowit
By the end of this project, you will be fully prepared to use iKnowit with your students to improve their math skills. IKnowit is an interactive math practice site for students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Through iKnowit, teachers can assign students math activities that are at their ability level. Students then engage in practice that is encouraging and aligned with program goals, while teachers are provided with valuable data on how students are progressing towards curriculum goals. Throughout this project, we will navigate through the various features of iKnowit as we work together to ensure that your account is ready to use with your class. *You will need a free iKnowit account for this project.
The Psychology of Thrill Seekers
Sensation seeking is a trait we all have and includes the search for complex and new experiences. Thrill Seekers, people with high-sensation seeking personalities, crave exotic and intense experiences even when physical or social risks are involved. This course helps learners examine the remarkable world of the high-sensation seeking personality and explores the lifestyle, psychology, and neuroscience behind thrill seekers.
Speaking and Presenting: Poise
Poise is not some elusive or innate characteristic. It’s a series of choices, all of which can help you better connect with your intended audience. This course will help you identify those choices and teach you how to make them in a way that consistently enhances the clarity of your message and the effectiveness of your delivery.
Low Intermediate English: Help & Information
In this course, you will learn important language for asking for help, giving and understanding directions, and sharing your opinions. Learning activities in this course will take place on Voxy, an engaging language learning platform that automatically adapts to your current level and your performance across reading, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills so that every lesson is optimized for rapid improvement. Each week is made up of engaging, short, task-based lessons that can be done anywhere, anytime. Lessons include content from the real world, so you will learn from real conversations and emails between friends and colleagues exchanging information and assistance. By the end of the course, you will be able to seek and find answers to just about any question you may have!
Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age
Most professions these days require more than general intelligence. They require in addition the ability to collect, analyze and think about data. Personal life is enriched when these same skills are applied to problems in everyday life involving judgment and choice. This course presents basic concepts from statistics, probability, scientific methodology, cognitive psychology and cost-benefit theory and shows how they can be applied to everything from picking one product over another to critiquing media accounts of scientific research. Concepts are defined briefly and breezily and then applied to many examples drawn from business, the media and everyday life. What kinds of things will you learn? Why it’s usually a mistake to interview people for a job. Why it’s highly unlikely that, if your first meal in a new restaurant is excellent, you will find the next meal to be as good. Why economists regularly walk out of movies and leave restaurant food uneaten. Why getting your picture on the cover of Sports Illustrated usually means your next season is going to be a disappointment. Why you might not have a disease even though you’ve tested positive for it. Why you’re never going to know how coffee affects you unless you conduct an experiment in which you flip a coin to determine whether you will have coffee on a given day. Why it might be a mistake to use an office in a building you own as opposed to having your office in someone else’s building. Why you should never keep a stock that’s going down in hopes that it will go back up and prevent you from losing any of your initial investment. Why it is that a great deal of health information presented in the media is misinformation.
Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding
In this course, you will learn how to use strategic marketing and personal branding techniques for designing, enhancing, and promoting your professional image. Acting as "your own Chief Executive Officer" (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use relationship and network marketing and impression management to showcase your skills to prospective employers, colleagues, supervisors, and other interested parties. This course will help you to: - Recognize the importance of marketing orientation and career brand building for your career development; use marketing communication strategies for your self-marketing; - Implement strategic marketing planning for your career development and engage in creating your own strategic self-marketing plan; - Devise strategies for managing your professional reputation; begin creating your personal brand, and plan steps for strategic personal branding; - Create personal branding statements, and integrate social networking into your career branding; - Refine your self-management information system to systematically collect and analyze self-marketing and personal branding related data, select appropriate tools and apply them for a thorough, accurate, evidence-based and data driven self-assessment of your self-marketing and personal branding skills; - Develop and implement an effective instrument for displaying your artifacts and monitoring your marketing communications strategies ("The Showcaser") and a realistic performance metric for evaluating your career brand building activities ("The Career Brand Equity Builder").
Increasing Multiplication Mastery with Microsoft PowerPoint
By the end of this project, you will have developed a tool to track student progress as they master multiplication facts while also motivating them to “level up” along the way. Strong numeracy skills are important for students to succeed, but these skills do not come naturally to all students. By motivating them to tackle each fact family, your students will be able to gain confidence as they ensure mastery. Throughout this project, we will work together to become comfortable using Microsoft PowerPoint in order to create a path to multiplication mastery. The skills you learn will extend beyond this project, allowing you to create additional content using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Do you want to be more successful? This course was designed to help you define what success means to you, and to develop a plan for achieving it. Wharton Professor G. Richard Shell, an award-winning author and the creator of the popular Wharton School course on the meaning of success, created this course to help you answer the questions that arise when you consider how best to use your life. Drawing on his decades of research and mentoring, Shell offers personalized assessments to help you probe your past, imagine your future, and measure your strengths. He then combines these with the latest scientific insights on everything from self-confidence and happiness to relationships and careers. Throughout, he shares inspiring examples of people who found what they were meant to do by embracing their own true measure of success. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime—one that will help you reevaluate your future and envision success on your own terms. Students and executives say that Richard Shell’s courses and executive training programs have changed their lives. Let this course change yours.
Conflict Resolution Skills
Resolving conflict in a positive manner is a skill that can be developed and practiced. Being heard can be one of the most important goals of someone engaged in conflict. Knowing how to listen and deploy appropriate communication tactics is determinative of whether a conflict will have a positive or negative resolution. Examine listening skills, appropriate and strategic verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and how to assemble a conflict management plan likely to yield positive resolutions. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Use active listening skills when dealing with conflict 2. Choose appropriate communication tactics when dealing with conflict 3. Create a usable plan for managing conflict