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Business Strategy Courses - Page 4

Showing results 31-40 of 543
Create a Facebook Shop in Commerce Manager
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to build a Facebook shop, customize it and list products on it. You can use your existing Facebook page or create a brand new page for the purpose of this project. I will guide you step by step throughout the entire process of setting up a Facebook shop. We will also explore and choose an appropriate checkout method. By the end of this project, you will be confident in selling your products through Facebook shops. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Sales Training: Inbound Business Strategy
Welcome to the Inbound Certification course! This course will introduce you to inbound and provide you with a big picture view of everything you need for a successful inbound strategy. So, why inbound? Inbound is a fundamental shift in the way you do business. Instead of an interruption-based message where the marketer or salesperson had all the control, inbound is about empowering potential customers. Consumer’s buying behaviors have changed and will continue to change. That's the driving force behind inbound. What your customers want today is different than what they wanted 10 years ago. That means you need to change the way you market, sell, and service to match the way people actually want to shop and buy. So, wondering what to expect in this course? After an initial lesson on an introduction to the inbound fundamentals, the course consists of a set of lessons that follows the inbound methodology. The inbound methodology illustrates the four stages that make an inbound business. It reflects the entire inbound marketing, sales, services, and relationship process. The stages are Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. Each lesson includes different tactics that you can apply to help you and your business grow better. You’ll also hear from HubSpot executives and leadership including: HubSpot’s Co-founders Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah. Chief People Officer, Katie Burke. VP of HubSpot Academy, Mark Kilens. VP of Marketing, Meghan Anderson. SVP of Product, Christopher O’Donnell. VP of Sales, Michelle Benfer. And VP of Customer Success, Alison Elworthy
Fundamentals of Color and Appearance
The Fundamentals of Color and Appearance is an interactive online course, where you will gain a solid foundation in color and appearance science. From the physics of color to lighting, spectrophotometers and color data, you will learn how to measure, view, and communicate color. This class is designed for all industries and individuals who are quality control and assurance professionals, lab technicians, parts suppliers, manufacturing specifiers, designers and anyone who evaluates or approves color.
Scaling Operations: Linking Strategy and Execution
Over the past several decades, operations strategy has played an increasingly important role in business’ success. In this course, we will equip you with concepts and tools to build operations in a way that not only supports your competitive strategy, but also allows you to create new opportunities in the market place. Scaling operations: Linking strategy and execution is a five-week course dedicated to making strategic decisions that are grounded in operational reality. Together, we will study how to build and evaluate the “operating system” of the firm to maximize value. This involves tailoring the firm’s operational competencies, assets, and processes to a specific business strategy. Each week, we’ll explore case studies, engage in discussions and examine realistic data. Thanks to our data-driven approach, you’ll be able to implement your learning directly into practice. At the end of this course, you’ll be ready to build an effective, actionable plan to scale your department or organization.
Annual Campaigns: Building a Case for Support
In this comprehensive overview of annual giving programs, you’ll gain an introduction to the basic terminology and concepts of annual giving as well as the various solicitation channels and donor types. Learn how to write a direct mail appeal, craft an impactful email appeal, and develop a script for phone solicitation. You’ll learn how to build a leadership annual giving portfolio and maximize the impact of memberships and events in annual campaigns. You’ll complete the course with the knowledge and skills to build and implement a multi-channel solicitation strategy that achieves the goals of an annual campaign.
Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials Management
This course looks at where important materials in products we use every day come from and how these materials can be used more efficiently, longer, and in closed loops. This is the aim of the Circular Economy, but it doesn’t happen on its own. It is the result of choices and strategies by suppliers, designers, businesses, policymakers and all of us as consumers. In addition to providing many cases of managing materials for sustainability, the course also teaches skills and tools for analyzing circular business models and promotes development of your own ideas to become more involved in the transition to a Circular Economy. You will learn from expert researchers and practitioners from around Europe as they explain core elements and challenges in the transition to a circular economy over the course of 5 modules: Module 1: Materials. This module explores where materials come from, and builds a rationale for why society needs more circularity. Module 2: Circular Business Models. In this module circular business models are explored in-depth and a range of ways for business to create economic and social value are discussed. Module 3: Circular Design, Innovation and Assessment. This module presents topics like functional materials and eco-design as well as methods to assess environmental impacts. Module 4: Policies and Networks. This module explores the role of governments and networks and how policies and sharing best practices can enable the circular economy. Module 5: Circular Societies. This module examines new norms, forms of engagement, social systems, and institutions, needed by the circular economy and how we, as individuals, can help society become more circular. This course is brought to you by: LUND UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS (IIIEE) EIT RAWMATERIALS VITO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS GHENT UNIVERSITY DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
Digital Fashion Reality
Digital Fashion Reality is a collaboration between Parsons School of Design at The New School and The Digital Fashion Group Academy. This course explores how to remove the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds to create a hybrid, taking an interactive approach to consumer engagement. You will learn how designers are using powerful tools to blend the physical and digital worlds to address the fashion industry’s major challenges. Examine the rise of the fashion avatar, their increasing use in fashion e-commerce, and their role in waste prevention and quality testing. Then, you will explore the Metaverse and how it challenges designers to reach beyond real-world design. Throughout this course, you will analyze the impact of technology in the fashion industry and how it can enhance customer-centric development and distribution processes throughout the industry. At the end of the course, you will craft your personal Digital Fashion Reality Manifesto that sets and clarifies your intentions so they can be easily understood by others.
Change Leadership: Developing Strategic Gap Analysis in Miro
By the end of this guided project, you will be fluent in identifying, and mapping variables for Gap Analysis using a hands-on example. This will enable you to map business states from the AS IS to the TO BE state which is important in for preparing and managing change in professional and personal life. Change happens all the time and in being able to identify factors involved in change and preparing to manage change you increase your chances for success . This analysis will help you if you are in: + Strategy development + Program Management + Project Management + Business Process Re-Engineering + Product Development + Organisational Development And much more. On a personal level this analysis can help you to map where you are and where you want to be for example: + Competing in sports + Having a professional goal + Developing a good habit Furthermore, this guided project is designed to engage and harness your visionary and exploratory abilities. You will use proven models in change management with Miro to identify the gaps in products/services, and further equip you with the knowledge to utilise the learned concepts, methodologies, and tools to prepare for change in various settings.
Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I
Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I is the second course of a four-course series and explores the foundational principles of DE&I and how they often impact decision-making within organizations. While these concepts are common, this course presents them through the unique lens of an equal opportunity professional with experience resolving complaints of discrimination and delivering DE&I programming to influence organizational culture and policy. By the end of this course, you will able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to link the foundational principles of DEI (equal opportunity, bias, power, privilege and other key concepts) and use awareness exercises to change behavior within your organization. 2. Identify the difference between ist (such as racist or sexist), phobias (such as Xenophobia), bias, and other forms of discriminatory thinking from discriminatory behavior. 3. Describe ways that you and your employees can use cultural competence as a way to address and limit the impact of bias, prejudice and stereotypes on organizational decision making. 4. Describe the essential elements of systemic discrimination and how different forms of power and privilege must be managed to create inclusive organizations.
The Nuts and Bolts of Public Relations
In this course, you will learn how to create the necessary collateral related to “doing” public relations, including a press release, story pitch, and media contact list. These collateral materials can then be used to tell your company’s story. It’s important that all collateral stay “on message” and communicate a company's mission and core values. Working with journalists and other media professionals can sometimes be challenging, so we’ll talk through some tricks to building these relationships. Lastly, we’ll talk about social media influencers and if working with influencers is the right tactic for your communication goals.