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Mobile And Web Development Courses - Page 9

Showing results 81-90 of 456
Build a Website using React
By the end of this project, you will use React and React Router Dom to Make a Single Page Application (SPA) from an existing website. Traditionally, a web application requires a trip to the server to fetch a web page when a user clicks on a link. A React Single Page Application sends the complete web application to a browser where the individual components are rendered into navigable web pages using the React Router DOM package. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Data Manipulation in JavaScript
This course builds on the skills from the previous course and goes further into managing and manipulating data with JavaScript. You will learn methods for validating and handling data provided by users or coming from an external data source. This course includes a challenge in the form of a seat reservation system, as well as a project that pulls data in from an external data source. The course objectives include validation basics in JavaScript and jQuery; jQuery form validation plugin features; arrow functions; asynchronous functions; and the JavaScript event loop.
Access NFC in an Android Studio Project
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to update your Android app code to allow NFC communication to be used, indicate to a device that NFC is a required feature in your app, check that a device has NFC capability, and then use that capability. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions. Projects in Series 1: 1. Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java 2. Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio 3. Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio 4. Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio 5. Build a Table Layout App in Android Studio Projects in Series 2: 1. Build an App in Android Studio using Resources 2. Build an App in Android Studio using Static Files 3. Build an App in Android Studio using Read - Write 4. Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch 5. Build an App in Android Studio using Activities Projects in Series 3: 1. Access CSV in an Android Studio Project 2. Access SQLite in an Android Studio Project. 3. Access WebView in an Android Studio Project. 4. Access NFC in an Android Studio Project 5. Access Maps in an Android Studio Project.
Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java
In this beginner project we will give you an introduction to using Android Studio and will facilitate you gaining the confidence and knowledge to begin your journey in the world of Android Development. By the end of this course you will have built an app in Android Studio using Java and will have uploaded your APK to Appetize. You will learn how to test your app on the Appetize platform. In this app you will build buttons, a TextView, an EditText, and dialog boxes. We will also cover using AVD Manager to create virtual devices that could be used to test applications in Android Studio. Projects in Series 1: 1. Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java 2. Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio 3. Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio 4. Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio 5. Build a Table Layout App in Android Studio Projects in Series 2: 1. Build an App in Android Studio using Resources 2. Build an App in Android Studio using Static Files 3. Build an App in Android Studio using Read - Write 4. Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch 5. Build an App in Android Studio using Activities
Encryption And Decryption Using C++
In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will (learn basics of cryptography, build basic encryption application). we will learn basics of encryption and decryption techniques and gain basic related cryptography knowledge and by the end of this project you will be able to create an encryption application. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Dart: Variables, Data Structures, Objects, and Conditionals
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab you will learn more about the basics of Dart. Build on your knowledge of Dart development
Typescript in React: useContext, useReducer, Type assertion
By the end of this course you will be able to incorporate state management with useContext and useReducer in a Typescript React application. We will start by revisiting React concepts of useReducer and useContext so we can better focus on the Typescript concepts and behaviours. This course is aimed at developers who are familiar with Typescript and understand the basics and would like to have some more experience, especially using some of the more advanced state management patterns in React. We will recap the React concepts We simplify these concepts and then use repetition to actually use these types in real React components.
Become a JavaScript Pro with these 7 Skills
In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will gain hands-on experience with 7 essential JavaScript topics. If you have some experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and object-oriented programming and want to elevate your level of competency and be ready to solve real-world problems, this course is for you! By the end of this course, you will understand and be able to apply 7 of the most important concepts and skills in JavaScript.
Style Tables with CSS
In this intermediate-level course you will explore how CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) can be used to alter the appearance of a table on your web page. HTML is used to add a table to a website to organize content. CSS is used to make that table easier to read and more visually appealing to website visitors. You will use the Notepad++ editor to write CSS rules with a variety of selectors and properties that are applied to table components to change their appearance. The Chrome browser is used to display the page to test the results of your work. CSS is a very powerful tool and using it to enhance the look of a table is a valuable skill for a web developer. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
A Simple Picture Storing App with Java and Android Studio
By the end of this project, we are going to learn to create a simple picture storing Andriod application using java and Android studio. We are going to learn how to capture pictures in android and how to store them in local storage. We will also learn how to read the image files from the storage. The prerequisite of this course is to be familiar with working with the Android studio environment and have basic knowledge of Android programming in java. this project is for those who are looking for a simple practice to elevate their knowledge of Android programming.