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Data Science Courses - Page 86

Showing results 851-860 of 1407
Climate Geospatial Analysis on Python with Xarray
By the end of this project, you will be able to load, visualize, manipulate and perform both simple and grouped operations over geospatial multidimensional data through Xarray and Python. We'll explore an dataset containing temperature, vegetation density and total precipitation over the Brazilian Amazon for the 1979-2019 period while the concepts are developed. This will enable the learner to handle and extract knowledge from complex datasets such as the ones from satellite and climate re-analysis observations. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Combining and Analyzing Complex Data
In this course you will learn how to use survey weights to estimate descriptive statistics, like means and totals, and more complicated quantities like model parameters for linear and logistic regressions. Software capabilities will be covered with R® receiving particular emphasis. The course will also cover the basics of record linkage and statistical matching—both of which are becoming more important as ways of combining data from different sources. Combining of datasets raises ethical issues which the course reviews. Informed consent may have to be obtained from persons to allow their data to be linked. You will learn about differences in the legal requirements in different countries.
Deep Learning Applications for Computer Vision
This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Data Science (MS-DS) degree offered on the Coursera platform. The MS-DS is an interdisciplinary degree that brings together faculty from CU Boulder’s departments of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Science, and others. With performance-based admissions and no application process, the MS-DS is ideal for individuals with a broad range of undergraduate education and/or professional experience in computer science, information science, mathematics, and statistics. Learn more about the MS-DS program at In this course, you’ll be learning about Computer Vision as a field of study and research. First we’ll be exploring several Computer Vision tasks and suggested approaches, from the classic Computer Vision perspective. Then we’ll introduce Deep Learning methods and apply them to some of the same problems. We will analyze the results and discuss advantages and drawbacks of both types of methods. We'll use tutorials to let you explore hands-on some of the modern machine learning tools and software libraries. Examples of Computer Vision tasks where Deep Learning can be applied include: image classification, image classification with localization, object detection, object segmentation, facial recognition, and activity or pose estimation.
Practical Data Wrangling with Pandas
In this project, we will analyze life expectancy data by performing data wrangling & exploratory data analysis (EDA). Pandas is a powerful open source data analysis tools in python. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a process of analyzing data to gain valuable insights such as statistical summary & visualizations.
Traffic Sign Classification Using Deep Learning in Python/Keras
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will be able to: - Understand the theory and intuition behind Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). - Import Key libraries, dataset and visualize images. - Perform image normalization and convert from color-scaled to gray-scaled images. - Build a Convolutional Neural Network using Keras with Tensorflow 2.0 as a backend. - Compile and fit Deep Learning model to training data. - Assess the performance of trained CNN and ensure its generalization using various KPIs. - Improve network performance using regularization techniques such as dropout.
TFX on Google Cloud Vertex Pipelines
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab you will develop, deploy, and run a TFX pipeline on Google Cloud Vertex Pipelines.
SVM Regression, prediction and losses
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to Train SVM regression model- with large & small margin, second degree polynomial kernel, make prediction using Linear SVM classifier; how a small weight vector results in a large margin? and finally pictorial representation for Hinge loss. This project gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in machine learning. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your understanding to thoroughness in machine learning.
Sequence Models
In the fifth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will become familiar with sequence models and their exciting applications such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language processing (NLP), and more. By the end, you will be able to build and train Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and commonly-used variants such as GRUs and LSTMs; apply RNNs to Character-level Language Modeling; gain experience with natural language processing and Word Embeddings; and use HuggingFace tokenizers and transformer models to solve different NLP tasks such as NER and Question Answering. The Deep Learning Specialization is a foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to take the definitive step in the world of AI by helping you gain the knowledge and skills to level up your career.
Evaluations of AI Applications in Healthcare
With artificial intelligence applications proliferating throughout the healthcare system, stakeholders are faced with both opportunities and challenges of these evolving technologies. This course explores the principles of AI deployment in healthcare and the framework used to evaluate downstream effects of AI healthcare solutions. The Stanford University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Visit the FAQs below for important information regarding 1) Date of original release and Termination or expiration date; 2) Accreditation and Credit Designation statements; 3) Disclosure of financial relationships for every person in control of activity content.
Detect and Mitigate Ethical Risks
Data-driven technologies like AI, when designed with ethics in mind, benefit both the business and society at large. But it’s not enough to say you will “be ethical” and expect it to happen. We need tools and techniques to help us assess gaps in our ethical behaviors and to identify and stop threats to our ethical goals. We also need to know where and how to improve our ethical processes across development lifecycles. What we need is a way to manage ethical risk. This third course in the Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (CEET) professional certificate is designed for learners seeking to detect and mitigate ethical risks in the design, development, and deployment of data-driven technologies. Students will learn the fundamentals of ethical risk analysis, sources of risk, and how to manage different types of risk. Throughout the course, learners will learn strategies for identifying and mitigating risks. This course is the third of five courses within the Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (CEET) professional certificate. The preceding courses are titled Promote the Ethical Use of Data-Driven Technologies and Turn Ethical Frameworks into Actionable Steps.