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Take a Swing at Baseball Analytics: Explore Player Careers


Former Major League Baseball (MLB) player Matt Kata joins MathWorks to introduce you to data analysis using baseball statistics. By analyzing historic batting statistics, you will explore player careers and answer the question: When do great hitters peak in their career? In this project, you will work in MATLAB, a programming environment used by millions of engineers and scientists, and now MLB players! You’ll have access to pitching, batting, and defensive statistics dating back to 1871, enabling you to explore and answer a wide variety of questions. You will compute statistics like On-base Plus Slugging (OPS), visualize results, and filter data to highlight players that meet criteria you specify, such as the number of home runs. Whether you’re analyzing sports data, financial markets, or electric engine performance, you can apply the data analysis skills you learn in this project to many other fields and applications. So, step up to the plate and take a swing at MATLAB for data analysis.

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