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Electrical Engineering Courses - Page 11

Showing results 101-110 of 141
Medical Applications of Particle Accelerators (NPAP MOOC)
Hello and welcome to this course! The NPAP - Medical Applications of Accelerators is one out of three courses in the Nordic Particle Accelerator Program (NPAP). Here you will be taken on a tour focusing on the medical applications of particle accelerators. You will see that there are two very important, but different, applications of accelerators in hospitals. The first application concerns radiotherapy of tumours and the other concerns the production of medical nuclides for diagnosis and treatment. Both will be included in this course and described through four modules. The first module offers the basic principles of radiotherapy from a medical and physics point of view. You there learn about the main components of the machines used for radiotherapy and get to know why radiotherapy is important for cancer treatments. The second module guides you through the different types of linear accelerators used in the machines for radiotherapy. It also describes the design of the treatment head. The design is important because it is the settings of the treatment head that determines the dose and the radiated region. It is also in the treatment head where the dose given to the patient is measured. In the third module you are introduced to proton therapy. In this type of therapy protons are first accelerated and then guided down to the tumour by magnets. The machines are considerably larger and more expensive than machines used for radio therapy. The module also offers a description and comparison between different types of accelerators, and explains how the protons interact with tissue. Also ions that are heavier than protons can be used in cancer therapy. This is described in the fourth module, where we also introduce you to the production of medical nuclides. You learn how the nuclides are produces in proton and ion accelerators and how the nuclides come into play at different places in hospitals. Medical nuclides are for instance used in Positron Electron Tomography, PET. Enjoy!
Magnetics for Power Electronic Converters
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5703, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This course covers the analysis and design of magnetic components, including inductors and transformers, used in power electronic converters. The course starts with an introduction to physical principles behind inductors and transformers, including the concepts of inductance, core material saturation, airgap and energy storage in inductors, reluctance and magnetic circuit modeling, transformer equivalent circuits, magnetizing and leakage inductance. Multi-winding transformer models are also developed, including inductance matrix representation, for series and parallel structures. Modeling of losses in magnetic components covers core and winding losses, including skin and proximity effects. Finally, a complete procedure is developed for design optimization of inductors in switched-mode power converters.   After completing this course, you will: - Understand the fundamentals of magnetic components, including inductors and transformers - Be able to analyze and model losses in magnetic components, and understand design trade-offs  - Know how to design and optimize inductors and transformers for switched-mode power converters This course assumes prior completion of courses 1 and 2: Introduction to Power Electronics, and Converter Circuits.
Nanophotonics and Detectors
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5606, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Nanophotonics and Detectors Introduction This course dives into nanophotonic light emitting devices and optical detectors, including metal semiconductors, metal semiconductor insulators, and pn junctions. We will also cover photoconductors, avalanche photodiodes, and photomultiplier tubes. Weekly homework problem sets will challenge you to apply the principles of analysis and design we cover in preparation for real-world problems. Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this course you will be able to… (1) Use nanophotonic effects (low dimensional structures) to engineer lasers (2) Apply low dimensional structures to photonic device design (3) Select and design optical detector for given system and application
Electrodynamics: In-depth Solutions for Maxwell’s Equations
This course is the fourth course in the Electrodynamics series, and is directly proceeded by Electrodynamics: Electric and Magnetic Fields. Previously, we have learned about visualization of fields and solutions which were not time dependent. Here, we will return to Maxwell's Equations and use them to produce wave equations which can be used to analyze complex systems, such as oscillating dipoles. We will also introduce AC circuits, and how they can be simplified, solved, and applied. Learners will: • Have a complete understanding of Maxwell's Equations and how they relate to the magnetic and electric potentials. • Be able to solve problems related to moving charges, and add relativistic corrections to the equations • Understand the different components in AC circuits, and how their presence can change the function of the circuit. The approach taken in this course complements traditional approaches, covering a fairly complete treatment of the physics of electricity and magnetism, and adds Feynman’s unique and vital approach to grasping a picture of the physical universe. Furthermore, this course uniquely provides the link between the knowledge of electrodynamics and its practical applications to research in materials science, information technology, electrical engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, energy storage, energy harvesting, and other materials related fields.
Project Planning and Machine Learning
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5386, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This is part 2 of the specialization. In this course students will learn : * How to staff, plan and execute a project * How to build a bill of materials for a product * How to calibrate sensors and validate sensor measurements * How hard drives and solid state drives operate * How basic file systems operate, and types of file systems used to store big data * How machine learning algorithms work - a basic introduction * Why we want to study big data and how to prepare data for machine learning algorithms
FPGA Capstone: Building FPGA Projects
This course will give you hands-on FPGA design experience that uses all the concepts and skills you have developed up to now. You will need to purchase a DE10-Lite development kit. You will setup and test the MAX10 DE10-Lite board using the FPGA design tool Quartus Prime and the System Builder. You will: Design and test a Binary Coded Decimal Adder. Design and test a PWM Circuit, with verification by simulation. Design and test an ADC circuit, using Quartus Prime built-in tools to verify your circuit design. Create hardware for the NIOS II soft processor, including many interfaces, using Qsys (Platform Designer). Instantiate this design into a top-level DE10-Lite HDL file. Compile your completed hardware using Quartus Prime. Enhance and test a working design, using most aspects of the Quartus Prime Design Flow and the NIOS II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse. Create software for the NIOS II soft processor, including many interfaces, using Qsys (Platform Designer) and the SBT. Compile your completed software using the SBT. Use Quartus Prime to program both the FPGA hardware configuration and software code in you DE10-Lite development kit. Record all your observations in a lab notebook pdf. Submit your project files and lab notebook for grading. This course consists of 4 modules, approximately 1 per week for 4 weeks. Each module will include an hour or less of video lectures, plus reading assignments, discussion prompts, and project assignment that involves creating hardware and/or software in the FPGA.
Beauty, Form & Function: An Exploration of Symmetry
Symmetry is everywhere. In the grand scheme of things it is the blueprint by which the universe operates. We see symmetry in nature, art, architecture, science and engineering. This course explores the Beauty, Form and Function of Symmetry in common objects, then progresses to investigate tiling and tessellation, with the extension of these concepts to the atomic structure of crystals. To amplify these ideas, you will undertake field-exercises and be introduced to specialists – botanists, artists, geomancers, historians, scientists and engineers - that work with symmetry, and who will provide their personal insights into its ‘magic’ and impact on their disciplines.
Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5360, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Programmable Logic has become more and more common as a core technology used to build electronic systems. By integrating soft-core or hardcore processors, these devices have become complete systems on a chip, steadily displacing general purpose processors and ASICs. In particular, high performance systems are now almost always implemented with FPGAs. This course will give you the foundation for FPGA design in Embedded Systems along with practical design skills. You will learn what an FPGA is and how this technology was developed, how to select the best FPGA architecture for a given application, how to use state of the art software tools for FPGA development, and solve critical digital design problems using FPGAs. You use FPGA development tools to complete several example designs, including a custom processor. If you are thinking of a career in Electronics Design or an engineer looking at a career change, this is a great course to enhance your career opportunities. Hardware Requirements: You must have access to computer resources to run the development tools, a PC running either Windows 7, 8, or 10 or a recent Linux OS which must be RHEL 6.5 or CentOS Linux 6.5 or later. Either Linux OS could be run as a virtual machine under Windows 8 or 10. The tools do not run on Apple Mac computers. Whatever the OS, the computer must have at least 8 GB of RAM. Most new laptops will have this, or it may be possible to upgrade the memory.
Solar Energy System Design
Solar Energy System Design builds upon the introduction to PV systems from Solar Energy Basics course, which included basic system components and functions, as well as some basic system sizing using simplifying assumptions. You should at this point have a basic understanding of electrical power and energy, be able to calculate the energy needs of a site as well as energy production potential for a PV system at a given location under optimal conditions. Much of this course will focus on incorporating on the ground conditions into energy production considerations, and how to account for these conditions in system design and equipment selection. By the end of this course you should be able to incorporate losses in irradiance due to array setups with less than optimal positioning and/or shading, and account for variations in module output due to temperature variations in your system design.
Electric Power Systems
This course familiarizes you with standards and policies of the electric utility industry, and provides you with basic vocabulary used in the business. It introduces the electric power system, from generation of the electricity all the way to the wall plug. You will learn about the segments of the system, and common components like power cables and transformers. This course is for individuals considering a career in the energy field (who have a high school diploma, at minimum, and basic knowledge of mathematics), and existing energy sector employees with less than three years of experience who have not completed similar training and would benefit from a course of foundational industry concepts. The course is a combination of online lectures, videos, readings and discussions. This is the first course in the Energy Production, Distribution & Safety specialization that explores various facets of the power sector, and features a culminating project involving creation of a roadmap to achieve a self-established, energy-related professional goal. To learn more about the specialization, check out a video overview at