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Electrical Engineering Courses - Page 12

Showing results 111-120 of 141
Ferrous Technology II
Steel, ever-evolving material, has been the most preeminent of all materials since it can provide wide range of properties that can meet ever-changing requirements. In this course, we explore both fundamental and technical issues related to steels, including iron and steelmaking, microstructure and phase transformation, and their properties and applications.
Introduction to Semiconductor Devices 2
This course aims to provide a general understanding of semiconductor devices. This coures covers the Metal-Semiconductor Contact, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capapcitor, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors(MOSFETs), CMOS, Metal-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors(MESFETs), Memory and Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) to improve the overall knowledge of semiconductor industry. The lecture notes can be downloaded with registration, that helps students watch the videos. It is recommeded to print them in two pages in one A4 sheet and take notes during lectures for better understanding. Also, there are quiz problems to check your understanding of the lectures each week. To receive course certificate, you must score at least 60% of each week's quiz withing two chances. Lecture notes, quiz and certificate are offered to registered students only. week 1 Metal-Semiconductor Contact (Schottky/Ohmic contacts) week 2 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor(MOS) Capacitor week 3 MOS Field Effect Transistors(MOSFETs) week 4 CMOS, CMOS logic (Inverter, NAND & NOR gate) week 5 Memory, Optoelectronic Devices week 6 MESFETs, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Modern MOSFET
Renewable Energy: Fundamentals and Job Opportunities
This course prepares you to recognize the complexities and nuances of different renewable energy solutions, as well as relevant career opportunities (both technical occupations and roles not typically associated with clean energy). Learners are immersed in discussions about green energy technologies, the impact of sustainability on society, energy consumption in the United States and conservation. Topics include: tenets of green building design and construction, solar energy conversion through photovoltaic cells, wind turbine site selection and design, and nanotechnology applications in clean energy. It references educational opportunities from the State University of New York (SUNY) system that correlate with each clean energy market segment. The course is suitable for anyone interested in entering the renewable energy field, whether fresh to the workforce or switching industries. Material encompasses online lectures, videos, demos, readings and discussions. Learners will create a career roadmap, whereby they define a job that interests them, conduct a gap assessment to determine additional education/training/skills they need, and document a pathway to their ideal renewable energy career.
Plastic electronics
Plastic electronics is a concept that emerged forty years ago, with the discovery of electrically conductive polymers. Ten years later, the first electronic devices using organic solids in place of the ubiquitous inorganic semiconductors were realised. The best achievement of plastic electronics is constituted by Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) that equip the display of many smartphones, and even TV sets. The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the physics of plastic electronic devices. After taking this course, the student should be able to demonstrate theoretical knowledge on the following subjects: Concept of organic semiconductors; Charge carrier transport in polymeric and organic semiconductors; Optical properties of organic semiconductors; Charge injection from metals to organic solids; Operating mode of the main plastic electronic devices: Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs).
Semiconductor Physics
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5630, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This course introduces basic concepts of quantum theory of solids and presents the theory describing the carrier behaviors in semiconductors. The course balances fundamental physics with application to semiconductors and other electronic devices. At the end of this course learners will be able to: 1. Understand the energy band structures and their significance in electric properties of solids 2. Analyze the carrier statistics in semiconductors 3. Analyze the carrier dynamics and the resulting conduction properties of semiconductors
Microwave engineering and antennas
This unique Master-level course provides you with in-depth know-how of microwave engineering and antennas. The course combines both passive and active microwave circuits as well as antenna systems. Future applications, like millimeter-wave 5G/beyond-5G wireless communications or automotive radar, require experts that can co-design highly integrated antenna systems that include both antennas and microwave electronics. We will provide you with the required theoretical foundation as well as hands-on experience using state-of-the-art design tools. The web lectures are supported by many on-line quizzes in which you can practice the background theory. Next to this, we will provide you hands-on experience in a design-challenge in which you will learn how to design microwave circuits and antennas. Throughout the course you will work on the design challenge in which you will design a complete active phased array system, including antennas, beamformers and amplifiers. The course is supported by a book written by the team of lecturers, which will be made available to the students. After finalizing the course a certificate can be obtained (5 ECTS), which can be used when you start a full MSc program at Eindhoven University of Technology. The lecturers all have an academic and industrial background and are embedded in the Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWT/e) of Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Manipulate Coulomb's Law Concepts using Wolfram notebook
The interaction between charged objects is a non-contact force that acts over some distance of separation. Charge, charge and distance. Every electrical interaction involves a force that highlights the importance of these three variables. Whether it is a plastic golf tube attracting paper bits, two like-charged balloons repelling or a charged Styrofoam plate interacting with electrons in a piece of aluminum, there is always two charges and a distance between them as the three critical variables that influence the strength of the interaction. By the end of this project, you will be able to do the following using “Wolfram editor”:- To Set up a trial account on the Wolfram notebook edition; State Coulomb's law in terms of how the electrostatic force changes with the distance between two objects; Calculate the electrostatic force between two point charges, such as electrons or protons; Compare the electrostatic force to the gravitational attraction for a proton and an electron; for a human and Earth; Create lines of force and equipotential lines using Wolfram notebook and analyze with variation in magnitude of charges and distance between them; Compute potential energy of the system of charges and illustrate how it alters with change in distance between them.
Intro to Acoustics (Part 1)
This course introduces acoustics by using the concept of impedance. The course starts with vibrations and waves, demonstrating how vibration can be envisaged as a kind of wave, mathematically and physically. They are realized by one-dimensional examples, which provide mathematically simplest but clear enough physical insights. Then the part 1 ends with explaining waves on a flat surface of discontinuity, demonstrating how propagation characteristics of waves change in space where there is a distributed impedance mismatch.
Programming for the Internet of Things Project
In this Capstone course, you will design a microcontroller-based embedded system. As an option, you can also build and test a system. The focus of your project will be to design the system so that it can be built on a low-cost budget for a real-world application. To complete this project you'll need to use all the skills you've learned in the course (programming microcontrollers, system design, interfacing, etc.). The project will include some core requirements, but leave room for your creativity in how you approach the project. In the end, you will produce a unique final project, suitable for showcasing to future potential employers. Note that for the three required assignments you do NOT need to purchase software and hardware to complete this course. There is an optional fourth assignment for students who wish to build and demonstrate their system using an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Please also note that this course does not include discussion forums. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Write a requirements specification document 2. Create a system-level design 3. Explore design options 4. Create a test plan
RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design
This unique Master-level course offered by the Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWT/e) of the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, provides students with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on RF and mmWave circuit design. The course covers the topics on how to derive the RF wireless systems specifications, and how to design the main building blocks of a transceiver, i.e., low noise amplifier, power amplifier, RF mixers, oscillators, and PLL frequency synthesizers. It is divided into two parts: (1) theoretical lectures will cover the basis of RF and mmWave Circuit Design; and (2) design labs will include simulation and implementation of these circuits. The design labs are completely optional for obtaining the certificate, but they are recommended because they allow students to put into practice all the acquired theoretical knowledge, and of course, implementing the circuits is where all the fun is! The students will be able to do 70% of the design labs using simulation tools, which already offers a great learning experience. The other 30% will require students to either get access to an electronics lab or to purchase a few off-the-shelf components. But ultimately, this would allow students to design and build their own transceiver at home! The course contains theoretical video classes with examples, quizzes, and an entire set of simulation files, step-by-step procedures, recorded data of real-life circuits, and solution videos so that students can learn from and build even better circuits.