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Business Essentials Courses - Page 5

Showing results 41-50 of 645
Creating a Budget in Libre Calc for a Small Business
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to access Libre Calc, understand why budgets are useful and create new tabs, populate budget data into the tabs in an organized way, create formulas within tabs to obtain useful information, create dropdowns using the data validation tool, and link data from multiple tabs into a single sheet, to obtain an overview of the business’ performance. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North American region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration
Integrated landscape management and large-scale landscape restoration should be in every company’s business strategy because in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goal on Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG Number 15.3) scaling up and acceleration of business-driven landscape restoration is urgently needed. This requires business professionals with a vision, the right knowledge and skills. This MOOC aims to train the next generation of business professionals and developers to acknowledge business’ interdependency with healthy landscapes and understand the value of ecosystem resources. “Historically, we have found countless ways to justify our continued exploitation of the environment: discovery, tradition, Manifest Destiny, even Chinese hoax. But we’re all out of excuses now. Each passing day swells the data on greenhouse gases and extreme weather, shrinking reservoirs and rising sea levels, and diminishing biodiversity. Our resources are finite, the window for change if not firmly shut, is certainly closing, and all life must adapt or be doomed.” Téa Obreht, The New Yorker, Dec. 19&26, 2016, p. 106. It is a frightening prospect indeed – that all life on Earth must either adapt or be doomed. This course is about landscape degradation – a global and wicked problem that is contributing to the dooming prospect of depletion of Earth’s finite resources. But this course is also about the solutions to this problem – business driven landscape restoration. So rather than leaving you powerless with the prospect Obreht puts fowards above, it is our hope that you learn how you can be part of the solution to making sure that Planet Earth still provides a safe and habitable home for future generations. We must act big and we must act now. With this course we want to pass on valuable knowledge and teach you useful skills that you can apply in your professional life that will enable you to tackle the issue of landscape degradation and restoration. The issue is urgent, so let’s dive right into it. This MOOC is developed by the ENABLE partnership, which is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and involves a diverse, international group of organizations including Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Commonland, United Nations University Land Restoration Training Programme, the Spanish National Research Council and Estoril Global Conferences.
Design a Professional Business card with QR code using Canva
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to design a high-quality business card that is professional, attractive and suited for the digital age. With this card, your clients can save your contact details on their mobile in an offline mode with just a click. They will also be able to connect with your Facebook Business page, LinkedIn Id, Twitter and Snapchat. They can Whatsapp you and they will also be able to watch your Youtube promotional videos. They will be able to take a look at all the products and services that you offer on your website. They can text you, call you and email you with just a click. They can also have access to the Google map location of your business. So we will be creating a business card that will be able to do all of these and more. We will also be building a cloud-based Virtual Business card that you can easily share with your clients digitally. In the final task, we will integrate this virtual business card with the physical one in order to maximize the benefits of using both cards: virtual and paper-based. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
ESG-focused Financial Products
As ESG investing continues to evolve, so do the funding mechanisms many companies, organizations, and governments use to finance their stated goals. Indeed, ESG-focused financial products, or ‘green assets’, have been growing in volume – as well as by type. In the fixed income space alone, instruments available to investors include green bonds, social bonds, sustainability-linked bonds, climate awareness bonds, gender bonds, and others – not to mention a growing list of ESG-themed exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Through this series of videos, webinars, and readings, students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products (e.g., bonds, ETFs) will learn how to describe various characteristics of green assets, including the supply, demand, and performance of green bonds, as well as holdings of certain ESG-themed ETFs, and discuss the recent growth of related fund flows. They should also be able to explain the principles and frameworks behind the issuance of different ESG-related fixed income products, as well as provide insights into how certain government and central bank policies may pose some critical challenges in this space.
How to create and join teams in Canva
By the end of this project, you will learn how to create groups in Canva, in which you can collaborate with your team and work together on projects. This guided project is an introduction to Canva teams and is designed for people who would like to work as a team in Canva and create projects together. Canva is a web based graphic design platform that allows users to design a big variety of projects, for both virtual and print use. After completing this project, you will be able to incorporate a color scheme, images, and other design elements to your designs for aesthetically pleasing and value added business marketing collateral. We can use Canva to complete this project because it provides all the tools you need to create an organized and visually appealing product while offering a variety of options for sharing and collaboration. You will learn how to plan and organize your ideas as a team and utilize graphic design tools to create visually appealing products that your clients will love.
The Define Phase for the 6 σ Black Belt
This course is designed for professionals interested in learning the principles of Lean Sigma, the DMAIC process and DFSS. This course is number 3 of 8 in this specialization dealing with topics in the Define Phase of Six Sigma Professionals with some completed coursework in statistics and a desire to drive continuous improvement within their organizations would find this course and the others in this specialization appealing. Method of assessment consists of several formative and summative quizzes and a multi-part peer reviewed project completion regiment.
Remote Employee Onboarding with Eduflow
In this project, you will create an employee onboarding course with Eduflow. In today’s world, more people than ever are working remotely. It is extremely important to be able to provide a smooth and effective onboarding process for new hires, even if you are unable to do so in person. Onboarding programs are an essential part of establishing and maintaining a company brand. Not only should they introduce the new employee to the company and team, onboarding programs should also train each employee on their job expectations and company policies and procedures. In this project, we will streamline the onboarding process to ensure each employee receives the same message and general training. At the same time, we are going to customize the onboarding process so that it also hones in on the individual training needs of each new hire’s position. Eduflow is a free, easy-to-use course builder that will allow us to both streamline and personalize the onboarding experience for each and every new hire. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Hiring and Onboarding Employees with ClickUp
In this project we will create an employee hiring and onboarding process using ClickUp. ClickUp is a free, cloud based program that helps to improve both your productivity and your budget. ClickUp helps both individuals and groups improve their work performance and productivity by consolidating tasks, documents, goals, and communication into one, all inclusive platform. In this project, we will learn how to create and organize a ClickUp workspace to best meet our hiring and onboarding needs. We will also learn how to create templates to simplify and streamline work and how to better track and manage time spent on tasks. So, whether you’re assigning tasks, scheduling training, or working applicants through the applicant tracking system, ClickUp can help you manage it all!
Project Execution: Running the Project
This is the fourth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will delve into the execution and closing phases of the project life cycle. You will learn what aspects of a project to track and how to track them. You will also learn how to effectively manage and communicate changes, dependencies, and risks. As you explore quality management, you will learn how to measure customer satisfaction and implement continuous improvement and process improvement techniques. Next, you will examine how to prioritize data, how to use data to inform your decision-making, and how to effectively present that data. Then, you will strengthen your leadership skills as you study the stages of team development and how to manage team dynamics. After that, you will discover tools that provide effective project team communication, how to organize and facilitate meetings, and how to effectively communicate project status updates. Finally, you will examine the steps of the project closing process and how to create and share project closing documentation. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on approaches for accomplishing these tasks while showing you the best project management tools and resources for the job at hand. Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Identify what aspects of a project to track and compare different tracking methods. - Discuss how to effectively manage and communicate changes, dependencies, and risks. - Explain the key quality management concepts of quality standards, quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control. - Describe how to create continuous improvement and process improvement and how to measure customer satisfaction. - Explain the purpose of a retrospective and describe how to conduct one. - Demonstrate how to prioritize and analyze data and how to communicate a project’s data-informed story. - Identify tools that provide effective project team communication and explore best practices for communicating project status updates. - Describe the steps of the closing process for stakeholders, the project team, and project managers.
Create an infographic with Infogram
In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to design effectively an infographic with, adding line, bar and map charts, and connecting the data story with text and visuals. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.