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Leadership And Management Courses - Page 5

Showing results 41-50 of 600
IS/IT Governance
Firms make significant investments in IT. In the IS/IT Governance course we will discuss how to govern IT to make sure that the IT investments contribute to organizational goals and strategies. Firms need to formally evaluate significant IT investments. IT investments are also risky, so firms need to consider the risk associated with the investments to appropriately evaluate the investment. We will discuss how to evaluate IT investments. Firms usually make multiple IT investments in a given year. In this course we will discuss how to evaluate a portfolio of IT investments. Firms need a mechanism to charge users for the IT investments made to encourage prudent consumption of IT resources. We will discuss different mechanisms for charging for IT that incents users to spend IT dollars wisely. Finally, IT investments are made to generate value for the firm. This requires that employees actually use the new IT systems that is developed. Thus, in the IS/IT Governance course we will discuss strategies to make sure that users use the new system so that the firm derives value from its IT investments.
5 Ways to Build a Better LinkedIn Profile
In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to complete each section of an existing LinkedIn profile, choose, edit, and resize a photograph to meet LInkedIn ideal requirements, and create a testimonial request template to send to LinkedIn contacts. By the end of this project you will have created a LinkedIn profile optimized for searches and content. A LinkedIn profile can have significant impact on the shaping and building of your digital professional brand. With so much of our professional lives now virtual, personal branding is of great importance. Each task in this project is designed to enhance your LinkedIn profile and help you become confident in navigating each section of your profile. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Building High-Performing Teams
Teams are essential to the modern organization, but most never reach their potential. Co-workers miscommunicate, and groups struggle to adapt to changes in the market or their organizations. When teams lack self-awareness about these challenges, performance suffers. Based on years of team culture research and consulting experience, this course helps you understand the problems that hurt productivity, and gives you tools for creating positive change. This course also guides you through creating the ground rules and structure needed to set your team up for success. You gain the skills to diagnose issues such as conflicts, groupthink and lack of commitment in your team before they get out of control. The course offers frameworks to adjust team behaviors and get the best performance out of your people. You also understand frequent stumbling blocks for common team types, such as startups and virtual teams, and learn solutions tailored to each one.
Inspiring and Motivating Individuals
In this course, you will learn how to create a shared vision for your team and effectively communicate it to your teammates. You will also learn how to set effective goals and expectations in a way that best enables your team to attain the shared vision. Finally, you will understand the most important needs and drivers of performance across cultures, and will learn to align rewards with desired behaviors so that your teammates are motivated to attain the team’s objectives. Motivation represents a crucial challenge for contemporary organizations: A recent Gallup poll revealed that only 13% of workers worldwide exhibit high levels of engagement and motivation. We will show you why these motivation problems are not simply due to a “bad” or “unmotivated” team member. Rather, motivation is very much driven by what work conditions we create for our teammates, how we structure goals and objectives, and how we reward people for the accomplishment of those goals. This course will help you diagnose and solve motivation problems so that you can bring out the best in your people.
Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders
Engineering leaders must write extensively for their jobs, and their writing needs to be professional, reader-focused, and error-free. What leaders write in particular can affect productivity and the bottom line, so the written communication that leaders create must be clear and concise. In this course, you’ll learn essential writing skills that you can apply in your daily activities on the job as an engineering leader. You’ll learn key principles in • Approaching various engineering genres • Using the writing process to create quality documents • Making your writing structured • Making your writing clear and concise • Handling style, tone, and voice Selected materials courtesy of Communication Faculty at Rice University - all rights reserved.
Leading transformations: Manage change
We live in a globalised world of continuous change. Your ability to successfully manage change will allow you to have a positive impact on your work and your life. Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessment) this course will teach you how to effectively influence change by developing a ‘change mindset’, creating a productive change cycle, and leading yourself and others on the change journey. You will learn how to re-imagine change by redefining the change problem and developing a balanced and reflective change mindset. Change is inevitable but you can influence how it affects your organisation.
How to Create a Lesson Plan in Microsoft Word
At the end of this project, you will be able to use the different features in Microsoft Word to create a lesson plan. You will be able to create a table with content. Additionally, you will be able to add a hyperlink, insert a video, and use your Word Document as a template. The skills you will learn in this project will be helpful for you to use Microsoft Word in a personal or professional context.
Client Booking & Scheduling with Picktime
This course will help you will develop a streamlined, user friendly scheduling tool that will allow you to easily manage client appointments and improve your team and time management. Picktime lets you add services, classes, and resources, allowing you to schedule all of your business needs in one platform. From booking client appointments, to creating a reservation system for equipment and meeting rooms, Picktime can help you better manage and oversee your business operations. This project is an introduction course which will walk you through the program step by step. From how to set up a Picktime account to creating a website to maximize the full capabilities and features of the program, this is a hands on project from beginning to end. It is designed for business owners and managers looking to enhance their scheduling capabilities.
Change Leadership: Strategic Route Analysis with Miro
By the end of this guided project, you will be fluent in creating a change implementation model using Route Analysis for a hands-on example. This will equip you with a systemic implementation framework for change that can be utilised in professional and personal life. Change happens all the time, and in being able to identify factors involved in change and developing a model for how to implement change you increase your chances for success. This analysis will help you if you are in: + Strategy development + Program Management + Project Management + Business Process Re-Engineering + Product Development + Organisational Development Furthermore, this guided project is designed to engage and harness your visionary and exploratory abilities. You will use proven models in change management with Miro to develop your change leadership skills for various settings.
Business Analytics Executive Overview
Businesses run on data, and data offers little value without analytics. The ability to process data to make predictions about the behavior of individuals or markets, to diagnose systems or situations, or to prescribe actions for people or processes drives business today. Increasingly many businesses are striving to become “data-driven”, proactively relying more on cold hard information and sophisticated algorithms than upon the gut instinct or slow reactions of humans. This course will focus on understanding key analytics concepts and the breadth of analytic possibilities. Together, the class will explore dozens of real-world analytics problems and solutions across most major industries and business functions. The course will also touch on analytic technologies, architectures, and roles from business intelligence to data science, and from data warehouses to data lakes. And the course will wrap up with a discussion of analytics trends and futures.