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Computer Science Courses - Page 5

Showing results 41-50 of 2309
Create a Macro Processor with PERL
In this 1 hour guided project, you will build a macro processor and create your very own macro markup language then you can expand! We will focus on file operations in PERL in this guide project. Prerequisite: Basics of PERL including variables, arrays, conditionals, loops, and print statements.
Test Driven Development in Java for Beginners
By the end of this course, you will understand the test-driven development process in Java at a beginner's level.
Create an FPS Weapon in Unity (Part 4 - Ammunition)
In this extended-length, two-hour, project-based course, you'll learn how to add a bullet-count to a weapon in an FPS game. You'll also learn how to create a reload mechanic, create a pick-up for new ammunition and create a new weapon for the player to pick up and use. This guided project will introduce you to the following Unity concepts: - Prefabs - Animation - Triggers - Inheritance - Coding techniques including the Input class, KeyCodes, Interfaces, Inheritance and Polymorphism This is Part 4, the special, extended-length finale of our four-part series on creating a weapon for your FPS game. In Part 1, we covered equipping your FPS player with a revolver. In Part 2, we learned how to create visual effects when the player pulls the trigger. Part 3 showed you how to set up the weapon's properties and apply damage effects to destructible GameObjects. This is a stand-alone guided project, but because this is the final part of the "FPS Weapon" series, it is recommended that you complete the first parts before commencing this guided project. This series also makes use of the western-themed Unity project created in Control physics with C# in Unity and the VM-compatible FPS Player script written in Create a VM Compatible First Person Camera. These compliment this guided project and, although not prerequisites, are recommended for a more well-rounded understanding of the concepts presented herein.
Parallel programming
With every smartphone and computer now boasting multiple processors, the use of functional ideas to facilitate parallel programming is becoming increasingly widespread. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of parallel programming, from task parallelism to data parallelism. In particular, you'll see how many familiar ideas from functional programming map perfectly to to the data parallel paradigm. We'll start the nuts and bolts how to effectively parallelize familiar collections operations, and we'll build up to parallel collections, a production-ready data parallel collections library available in the Scala standard library. Throughout, we'll apply these concepts through several hands-on examples that analyze real-world data, such as popular algorithms like k-means clustering. Learning Outcomes. By the end of this course you will be able to: - reason about task and data parallel programs, - express common algorithms in a functional style and solve them in parallel, - competently microbenchmark parallel code, - write programs that effectively use parallel collections to achieve performance Recommended background: You should have at least one year programming experience. Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or Ruby is also sufficient. You should have some familiarity using the command line. This course is intended to be taken after Functional Program Design in Scala:
Element, Class, and ID Selectors in CSS
In this intermediate-level course you will explore and compare CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) selectors. As HTML is used to add content to a website, CSS is used to make that content visually appealing to website visitors. This course focuses on helping you identify how and when to use element, class, and ID selectors to enhance the appearance of text on a website’s pages. CSS is a very powerful tool and gaining more control over the visual aspects of textual data on a website is a great first step in harnessing that power. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Design thinking for beginners with Mural
This project allows you to use the design thinking approach through the templates offered by Mural, an online tool for creating professional graphic designs and remote work. You will understand the various features of the platform and you will have all the basic skills to innovate and find solutions for your professional project with ease.
Making the Case for Robotic Process Automation
Overview Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is reshaping the accounting and finance profession. 40% of transactional accounting work is expected to be automated by 2020 and predicted to touch 230 million knowledge workers, 9% of the global workforce, according to McKinsey Research. Driven by the need to stay competitive, decrease costs and increase efficiency, RPA is quickly making a significant impact on the profession. Companies no longer think about "if" but "when" to implement RPA. Short Description: • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can transform business processes by eliminating the mundane, time-consuming, manual tasks that professionals complete; enabling them more time to focus on critical thinking. This course for accounting and finance professionals worldwide will show through use cases how robotic process automation can be utilized to decrease errors and increase productivity. Course description/ Overarching Learning Goal This course is intended to provide accounting and financial professionals with practical literacy on robotic process automation through a real-world, relevant data preparation use case. It will help identify potential uses and the benefits and considerations for robotic process automation. This course will help you make the business case by helping you assess requirements, define proof of value and measure and validate the ROI for automation.
Cloud IDS: Qwik Start
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab, Deploy Cloud IDS (Intrusion Detection System), a next-generation advanced intrusion detection service that provides threat detection for intrusions, malware, spyware and command-and-control attacks, to simulate multiple attacks and view the threat details.
Perform basic data analysis tasks using Java streams
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to create a Java Stream object based on an array of data, and understand the distinction between terminal and intermediate stream operations. You will iterate through the data stream using the forEach method, and use a range of Stream methods to perform logical operations on the data stream. You will perform basic statistical calculations on a stream of numeric data, and string operations on a stream of string data. You will learn how to use the map, filter, and reduce Stream methods. Finally, you will learn how to load a CSV file, the COVID vaccination dataset, and turn it into a data stream, and perform basic exploratory analysis of the data. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Create an A/B web page marketing test with Google Optimize
In this 1.5-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to create an A/B web page marketing test with Google Optimize and Google Analytics, personalizing weight option, goals, targeting, activation, and using a sample Google Sites to practice. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.