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Mobile And Web Development Courses - Page 6

Showing results 51-60 of 456
Build a Toolkit with Advanced Windows Commands
In this 1.5 hour guide project, you will learn some advanced Windows commands as well as how to create and combine batch scripts to create powerful utilities for the Windows environment. At the end of this project, you will be armed with the knowledge you need to create your own batch script and expand the toolkit we created in this project. Topics covered include: Pipes, streams, robust copy, file attributes, file existence check, incremental backup, batch scripts, variables, string extraction, conditionals, loops, and timer. Must have knowledge of basic Windows commands, such as change directory, list directory, moving and copying files.
Build a Full Stack Twitter clone with Next.js
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to create a fully functioning Full Stack Twitter clone. You will learn how to start a Next project from scratch with create-next-app, how to build functional React components and pass props down the components tree, how to fetch and display all of the tweets in your database.. Moreover, you will be able to style your application with CSS. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Advanced Styling with Responsive Design
It used to be the case that everyone viewed webpages on about the same size screen. But with the explosion of the use of smartphones to access the Internet, the landscape of design has completely changed. People viewing your site will now expect that it will perform regardless of the platform (smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer). This ability to respond to any platform is called responsive design. This course will expand upon the basic knowledge of CSS3 to include topics such as wireframes, fluid design, media queries, and the use of existing styling paradigms such as Bootstrap. After the course, learners will be able to: ** Explain the mobile-first paradigm and the importance of wireframes in the design phase ** Create sites that behave across a range of platforms ** Utilize existing design frameworks such as Bootstrap This is the fourth course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is expected when you enroll in this class. Additional courses focus on adding interactivity with the JavaScript Programming Language and completing a capstone project.
Cloud Computing
Learn about the different tools and systems involved in cloud computing and dev ops. Explore popular cloud solutions and the benefits to cloud computing along with the core cloud architecture concepts and approaches. You’ll also learn about the pipelines, integration techniques and workflows involved in dev ops. You’ll understand the methods and tools involved in delivery and deployment. Plus, you’ll learn about the core concepts that underpin the use of containers such as Docker and Kubernetes and how they are used. Finally, discover how all the different dev ops principles come together to form the practice of site reliability engineering.
Advanced React
Learn how to use more advanced React concepts and features, optimize and debug your React applications, and become proficient in using React Bootstrap and JSX. You’ll examine different types of React components, learn various characteristics and when to use them. You’ll start working with hooks, effects and other functional components. You’ll find out how routing is used in React to customize the users' experience, you’ll create a web application that consumes API data, and you'll get familiar with the most commonly used React framework integrations, tools, and debugging approaches. By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Render list and form components efficiently in React. • Lift a shared state up when several components need the updated data. • Use all common hooks in React, and put them to use within your application. • Build your own custom hooks. • Understand JSX in depth. • Use advanced patterns to encapsulate common behaviour via Higher Order Components and Render Props. • Test and debug your application. • Build a portfolio using React. You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: • React.js • JSX • React • HTML, CSS and JavaScript • VSCode You will be able to leverage the potential of this course to develop new skills, improve productivity, act effectively with data and boost your career. To take this course, you should understand the basics of React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!
Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter
If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course is your third step down that path. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of game design, including an understanding of level design, game balancing, prototyping, and playtesting, as well as game asset creation techniques. You will continue developing video games using industry standard game development tools, including the Unity 2020 game engine. At the end of the course you will have completed a 3D First-Person Shooter game, and will be able to leverage an array of game development techniques to create your own basic games.
Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use JavaScript variables and functions 6. Manipulate web page content using JavaScript 7. Respond to user input using JavaScript In this course, you will complete: 2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, each taking ~1 hour to complete 4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete 1 programming exercise~30 minutes to complete multiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes.
Create a chess online course with Thinkific
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to create an independent online course with Thinkific using a chess course as an example, creating video, text and images based lessons, producing your own material, creating quizzes and surveys, designing your site and setting prices and payments. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON
In this course, we'll look at the JavaScript language, and how it supports the Object-Oriented pattern, with a focus on the unique aspect of how JavaScript approaches OO. We'll explore a brief introduction to the jQuery library, which is widely used to do in-browser manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM) and event handling. You'll also learn more about JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which is commonly used as a syntax to exchange data between code running on the server (i.e. in PHP) and code running in the browser (JavaScript/jQuery). It is assumed that learners have already taken the Building Web Applications and Building Database Applications in PHP courses in this specialization.
Introduction to Virtual Reality
This course will introduce you to Virtual Reality (VR). The course will teach you everything from the basics of VR- the hardware and the history of VR- to different applications of VR, the psychology of Virtual Reality, and the challenges of the medium. The course is designed for people who are new to VR as a medium. You may have experienced some virtual reality before, and may have some hardware- but this course is suitable to individuals who have never experienced VR and those who do not have much hardware- we will explain Mobile VR as well as devices such as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Introduction to Virtual Reality is the first course in the Virtual Reality Specialisation. A learner with no previous experience in Virtual Reality and/or game programming will be able to evaluate existing VR applications, and design, test, and implement their own VR experiences/games using Unity by the end of the specialisation.