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Data Science Courses - Page 109

Showing results 1081-1090 of 1407
Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau
Leveraging the visualizations you created in the previous course, Visual Analytics with Tableau, you will create dashboards that help you identify the story within your data, and you will discover how to use Storypoints to create a powerful story to leave a lasting impression with your audience. You will balance the goals of your stakeholders with the needs of your end-users, and be able to structure and organize your story for maximum impact. Throughout the course you will apply more advanced functions within Tableau, such as hierarchies, actions and parameters to guide user interactions. For your final project, you will create a compelling narrative to be delivered in a meeting, as a static report, or in an interactive display online.
Mining Quality Prediction Using Machine & Deep Learning
In this 1.5-hour long project-based course, you will be able to: - Understand the theory and intuition behind Simple and Multiple Linear Regression. - Import Key python libraries, datasets and perform data visualization - Perform exploratory data analysis and standardize the training and testing data. - Train and Evaluate different regression models using Sci-kit Learn library. - Build and train an Artificial Neural Network to perform regression. - Understand the difference between various regression models KPIs such as MSE, RMSE, MAE, R2, and adjusted R2. - Assess the performance of regression models and visualize the performance of the best model using various KPIs.
Computer Simulations
Big data and artificial intelligence get most of the press about computational social science, but maybe the most complex aspect of it refers to using computational tools to explore and develop social science theory. This course shows how computer simulations are being used to explore the realm of what is theoretically possible. Computer simulations allow us to study why societies are the way they are, and to dream about the world we would like to live in. This can be as intuitive as playing a video game. Much like the well-known video game SimCity is used to build and manage an artificial city, we use agent-based models to grow and study artificial societies. Without hurting anyone in the real world, computer simulations allow us explore how to make the world a better place. We play hands-on with several practical computer simulation models and explore how we can combine hypothetical models with real world data. Finally, you will program a simple artificial society yourself, bottom-up. This will allow you to feel the complexity that arises when designing social systems, while at the same time experiencing the ease with which our new computational tools allow us to pursue such daunting endeavors.
Create Beautiful Data Visualizations with Python and Altair
In this Project, we would be creating some visualizations with Altair Python library and you will learn how to manipulate, interact with and save those charts.
Intro to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining
Welcome to Introduction to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining. In this course, we will begin with an exploration of the field and profession of data science with a focus on the skills and ethical considerations required when working with data. We will review the types of business problems data science can solve and discuss the application of the CRISP-DM process to data mining efforts. A brief overview of Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics will be provided, and we will conclude the course with an exploratory activity to learn more about the tools and resources you might find in a data science toolkit.
Simulation of CONWIP Production Control Using R Simmer
By the end of this project, you will learn gain introductiory knowledge of Discrete Event Simulation, use R Studio and Simmer library, create statistical variables required for simulation, define process trajectory, define and assign resources, define arrivals (eg. incoming customers / work units), run simulation in R, store results in data frames, plot charts and interpret the results.
Social Science Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society Part 1
This course seeks to turn learners into informed consumers of social science research. It introduces concepts, standards, and principles of social science research to the interested non-expert. Learners who complete the course will be able to assess evidence and critically evaluate claims about important social phenomena. It reviews the origins and development of social science, describes the process of discovery in contemporary social science research, and explains how contemporary social science differs from apparently related fields. It describes the goals, basic paradigms, and methodologies of the major social science disciplines. It offers an overview of the major questions that are the focus of much contemporary social science research, overall and for China. Special emphasis is given to explaining the challenges that social scientists face in drawing conclusions about cause and effect from their studies, and offers an overview of the approaches that are used to overcome these challenges. Explanation is non-technical and does not involve mathematics. Statistics and quantitative methods are not covered. Explore the big questions in social science and learn how you can be a critical, informed consumer of social science research. Course Overview video: After you complete Part 1, enroll in Part 2 to learn how to be a PRODUCER of Social science research. Part 2:
Web Applications and Command-Line Tools for Data Engineering
In this fourth course of the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization, you will build upon the data engineering concepts introduced in the first three courses to apply Python, Bash and SQL techniques in tackling real-world problems. First, we will dive deeper into leveraging Jupyter notebooks to create and deploy models for machine learning tasks. Then, we will explore how to use Python microservices to break up your data warehouse into small, portable solutions that can scale. Finally, you will build a powerful command-line tool to automate testing and quality control for publishing and sharing your tool with a data registry.
TensorFlow Serving with Docker for Model Deployment
This is a hands-on, guided project on deploying deep learning models using TensorFlow Serving with Docker. In this 1.5 hour long project, you will train and export TensorFlow models for text classification, learn how to deploy models with TF Serving and Docker in 90 seconds, and build simple gRPC and REST-based clients in Python for model inference. With the worldwide adoption of machine learning and AI by organizations, it is becoming increasingly important for data scientists and machine learning engineers to know how to deploy models to production. While DevOps groups are fantastic at scaling applications, they are not the experts in ML ecosystems such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. This guided project gives learners a solid, real-world foundation of pushing your TensorFlow models from development to production in no time! Prerequisites: In order to successfully complete this project, you should be familiar with Python, and have prior experience with building models with Keras or TensorFlow. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models
In Course 3 of the Natural Language Processing Specialization, you will: a) Train a neural network with GLoVe word embeddings to perform sentiment analysis of tweets, b) Generate synthetic Shakespeare text using a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) language model, c) Train a recurrent neural network to perform named entity recognition (NER) using LSTMs with linear layers, and d) Use so-called ‘Siamese’ LSTM models to compare questions in a corpus and identify those that are worded differently but have the same meaning. By the end of this Specialization, you will have designed NLP applications that perform question-answering and sentiment analysis, created tools to translate languages and summarize text, and even built a chatbot! This Specialization is designed and taught by two experts in NLP, machine learning, and deep learning. Younes Bensouda Mourri is an Instructor of AI at Stanford University who also helped build the Deep Learning Specialization. Łukasz Kaiser is a Staff Research Scientist at Google Brain and the co-author of Tensorflow, the Tensor2Tensor and Trax libraries, and the Transformer paper.