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Economics Courses - Page 2

Showing results 11-20 of 99
Digital business - Act on the digital world
The idea that digital technology triggers profound change in companies is largely accepted. There is indeed no question that the digital world is profoundly changing business life. Everyone is now on the same page. But with the digital world come a lot of misconceptions and buzzwords. You can no longer get by with these commonplaces or general ideas. You need to gain a detailed understanding of the main new management paradigms: new marketing approaches, the role of data in data-driven management, large businesses’ struggle to innovate, etc. This will give you precise insight into changes at work. Without precision, it is difficult to understand. Without understanding, it is impossible to act. This module will tell you how. Week 1 : Big Picture Week 2 : Operational Area Week 3 : Focus Area
Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities
This course will introduce learners to different approaches to thinking about housing justice, bringing together material, ecological, social and spatial approaches to thinking about housing. Rooting itself in Indian cities, but speaking more broadly to struggles for housing justice more globally, it will offer a diagnosis of what housing justice looks like as well as the modes and practices that can move us towards it ranging from activism and direct action to public policy and participatory governance.
Term-Structure and Credit Derivatives
This course will focus on capturing the evolution of interest rates and providing deep insight into credit derivatives. In the first module we discuss the term structure lattice models and cash account, and then analyze fixed income derivatives, such as Options, Futures, Caplets and Floorlets, Swaps and Swaptions. In the second module, we will examine model calibration in the context of fixed income securities and extend it to other asset classes and instruments. Learners will operate model calibration using Excel and apply it to price a payer swaption in a Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model. The third module introduces credit derivatives and subsequently focuses on modeling and pricing the Credit Default Swaps. In the fourth module, learners would be introduced to the concept of securitization, specifically asset backed securities(ABS). The discussion progresses to Mortgage Backed Securities(MBS) and the associated mortgage mathematics. The final module delves into introducing and pricing Collateralized Mortgage Obligations(CMOs).
Introduction to Topic Modelling in R
By the end of this project, you will know how to load and pre-process a data set of text documents by converting the data set into a document feature matrix and reducing it’s dimensionality. You will also know how to run an unsupervised machine learning LDA topic model (Latent Dirichlet Allocation). You will know how to plot the change in topics over time as well as explore the distribution of topic probability in each document.
AI, Business & the Future of Work
This course from Lunds university will help you understand and use AI so that you can transform your organisation to be more efficient, more sustainable and thus innovative. The lives of people all over the world are increasingly enhanced and shaped by artificial intelligence. To organisations there are tremendous opportunities, but also risks, so where do you start to plan for AI, business and the future of work? Whether you are in the public or private sector, in a large organisation or a small shop, AI has a growing impact on your business. Most organisations don’t have a strategy in place for how to make AI work for them. The teacher, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, will guide you through the topics with short lectures, interviews and interactive exercises meant to get you thinking about your own context. 12 industry professionals, AI experts and thought leaders from different industries have been interviewed and will complement the short lectures to give you a broad overview of perspectives on the topics. You will meet: Kerstin Enflo Professor in Economic History Lund University Dr. Irene Ek Founder Digital Institute Samuel Engblom Policy Director The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees Pelle Kimvall Lead Solution Ideator AFRY X Joakim Wernberg Research Director, Digitalisation and Tech Policy Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum Marcus Henriksson Empathic Leader of AI & Automation and Digital Business Development Empathic Johan Grundström Eriksson Board Advisor, Innovation Management & Corporate Governance Founder & Chairman, aiRikr Innovation AB Jakob Svensson Professor in Media and Communication Studies Malmö University Ulrik Franke Senior Researcher RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Björn Lorentzon Nordic Growth Lead Sympa Anna Felländer Founder AI Sustainability Center Prof. Fredrik Heintz Associate Professor of Computer Science Linköping University
Strategy and Sustainability
Business and environmental sustainability are not natural bedfellows. Business is about making money. Sustainability is about protecting the planet. Business is measured in months and quarters. Sustainability often requires significant short term costs to secure a sometimes uncertain long-term benefit. To some activists, all executives are exploitative, selfish one percenters. To some executives, all activists are irresponsible, unyielding extremists. And yet engaging with the issue isn’t optional – all businesses must have a strategy to deal with sustainability and, like any strategy, this involves making choices. This Strategy and Sustainability course based on Rosenberg's recently published book by Palgrave ( that encourages learners to filter out the noise and make those choices in a hard-nosed and clear-eyed way. Prof. Rosenberg’s nuanced and fact-based point of view recognizes the complexity of the issues at hand and the strategic choices businesses must make. He blends the work of some of the leading academic thinkers in the field with practical examples from a variety of business sectors and geographies and offers a framework with which senior management might engage with the topic, not (just) to save the planet but to fulfill their short, medium and long-term responsibilities to shareholders and other stakeholders. This course promises to be both engaging and thought-provoking, aimed at anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of a subject that is no longer perceived as a choice but a necessity for future managers and business leaders alike.
Microeconomics Principles
Most people make the incorrect assumption that economics is ONLY the study of money. My primary goal in this course is to shatter this belief. During this course, we will be addressing the above questions as well as many more relating to: -the environment -love and marriage -crime -labor markets -education -politics -sports -business My main goal is to show you the way economists think and how to use this analytical system to answer questions related not only to these and other important human issues but to anything you end up doing with your life after this class. After all, as you will quickly find out, I believe that everything is economics!
Quantitative Text Analysis and Textual Similarity in R
By the end of this project, you will learn about the concept of document similarity in textual analysis in R. You will know how to load and pre-process a data set of text documents by converting the data set into a corpus and document feature matrix. You will know how to calculate the cosine similarity between documents and explore and plot the output of your calculation.
Microeconomics: When Markets Fail
Perfect markets achieve efficiency: maximizing total surplus generated. But real markets are imperfect. In this course we will explore a set of market imperfections to understand why they fail and to explore possible remedies including as antitrust policy, regulation, government intervention. Examples are taken from everyday life, from goods and services that we all purchase and use. We will apply the theory to current events and policy debates through weekly exercises. These will empower you to be an educated, critical thinker who can understand, analyze and evaluate market outcomes.
The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains
Have a look at our trailer for a brief introduction to this course: In this course, you learn how the agro-food value chain approaches the challenge of constantly improving its competitiveness by producing high quality food and products and also aiming to attain greater sustainability. Some of the topics of this course are: • The notion of quality for food and agricultural products and consumer value. • How to conduct market research in this field. • Labelling, branding and pricing strategies, as-well as innovation in the agro-food sector. • How sustainability can be used as a competitive advantage through corporate social responsibility. • The role and different types of industrial standards. • The different forms of coordination in the chain, in particular with regard to the retailing and distribution sector. This course is taught by a group of international experts from Universities in Italy, Germany, Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands. Each of them will give you insights into a specific topic related to food quality and the organization of the agro-food value chains.