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Physical Science And Engineering Courses - Page 50
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Motors and Motor Control Circuits
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5341, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.
This is our second course in our specialization on Embedding Sensor and Motors. To get the most out of this course, you should first take our first course entitled Sensors and Sensor Circuits. Our first course gives you a tutorial on how to use the hardware and software development kit we have chosen for the lab exercises. This second course assumes that you already know how to use the kit.
After taking this course, you will be able to:
● Understand how to specify the proper AC or DC motor for a machine design.
● Integrate the motor to a machine, based on analysis of motor equations for voltage, current, torque and speed.
● Implement the motor and accompanying rotary sensor into a motor control circuit in both hardware and software.
● Add a motor and motor control circuit into a microprocessor based development kit.
● Create hardware and firmware to process motor feedback data to a microprocessor for further evaluation.
You will need to buy the following components to do the two course projects based on the videos in this module. Note that if you have already purchased the PSOC 5LP PROTOTYPING KIT, you do not need to buy it again.
These parts may be purchased off the Digikey web site, www. Or, you may obtain the specs from the site, and purchase them elsewhere.
These are the part numbers for the above table, the lab on Motor Voltage and Current Measurement. You can copy and paste them into the search engine on the Digikey web site. You need one of each except for the AA batteries (N107-ND), which you would need 3.
Additional equipment needed:
• Wire - various gauges and lengths
• Breadboard
• Oscilloscope – suggested models are:
o PICOSCOPE 2204A-D2 available on or
o Digilent 410-324 | OpenScope MZ available on
Depending on your budget, you can also investigate these models:
o Hantek HT6022BE20MHz -
o SainSmart DSO212 -
o PoScope Mega50 USB -
o ADALM2000 -
Disaster Risk Management and Korean Policies
In the past, developing countries such as Korea lacked guidelines for exploring effective policies for disaster-resilient growth, resulting in unnecessary sacrifices in terms of time, resources, and human capital. Through the lessons learned by Korea, currently developing countries facing socio-economic development can build disaster resilience without sacrifices.
Utilizing Korea's sound practices and institutional reforms, this course provides a valuable roadmap to prevent and mitigate the catastrophic effects of disasters. This course also provides insightful inspiration about what are the characteristics and the historical path of major disasters; how major disasters arise and affect policy changes; how science and technology can be used to explore and find solutions to complex tasks; and especially, what nations and institutes need to do reduce disaster risk and mitigate death and economic turmoil in the wake of disasters.
Throught this, students will be able to explain not only what is disaster risk management but also what must be done for a disaster resilent future.
Advanced Reproducibility in Cancer Informatics
This course introduces tools that help enhance reproducibility and replicability in the context of cancer informatics. It uses hands-on exercises to demonstrate in practical terms how to get acquainted with these tools but is by no means meant to be a comprehensive dive into these tools. The course introduces tools and their concepts such as git and GitHub, code review, Docker, and GitHub actions.
Target Audience
The course is intended for students in the biomedical sciences and researchers who use informatics tools in their research. It is the follow up course to the Introduction to Reproducibility in Cancer Informatics course. Learners who take this course should:
- Have some familiarity with R or Python
- Have take the Introductory Reproducibility in Cancer Informatics course
- Have some familiarity with GitHub
Data analyses are generally not reproducible without direct contact with the original researchers and a substantial amount of time and effort (BeaulieuJones, 2017). Reproducibility in cancer informatics (as with other fields) is still not monitored or incentivized despite that it is fundamental to the scientific method. Despite the lack of incentive, many researchers strive for reproducibility in their own work but often lack the skills or training to do so effectively.
Equipping researchers with the skills to create reproducible data analyses increases the efficiency of everyone involved. Reproducible analyses are more likely to be understood, applied, and replicated by others. This helps expedite the scientific process by helping researchers avoid false positive dead ends. Open source clarity in reproducible methods also saves researchers' time so they don't have to reinvent the proverbial wheel for methods that everyone in the field is already performing.
The course includes hands-on exercises for how to apply reproducible code concepts to their code. Individuals who take this course are encouraged to complete these activities as they follow along with the course material to help increase the reproducibility of their analyses.
**Goal of this course:**
To equip learners with a deeper knowledge of the capabilities of reproducibility tools and how they can apply to their existing analyses scripts and projects.
**What is NOT the goal of this course:**
To be a comprehensive dive into each of the tools discussed. .
How to use the course
Each chapter has associated exercises that you are encourage to complete in order to get the full benefit of the course
This course is designed with busy professional learners in mind -- who may have to pick up and put down the course when their schedule allows. In general, you are able to skip to chapters you find a most useful to (One incidence where a prior chapter is required is noted).
Each chapter has associated exercises that you are encourage to complete in order to get the full benefit of the course
The Science of Gastronomy
This course introduces several basic scientific principles underpinning the methodology of cooking, food preparation, and the enjoyment of food. All topics covered have a strong basis in biology, chemistry, and physics application. Among others, they include the consumption of cooked food, the physiological and evolutionary implications of the senses, geographic and cultural influences on food, and the rationale behind food preparation. We will also discuss issues such as coupling of senses to improve sense stimulation; altering flavor by chemical means, and modification of the coloration to improve the appearance of dishes. Following the video demonstrations of the scientific principles of cooking, you will learn to recognize the key ingredients and their combinations for preparing good healthy food. You will also be asked to try out and practice specific cooking principles through the weekly assignments; analyze your data and make comparisons of your experiences with others.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- appreciate the scientific basis of various recipes.
- develop your own recipes by integrating some of the scientific principles into new dishes.
- recognize the influence of the material world on human perception from the different senses.
- appreciate the art of integrating science into cooking and dining.
Important Note: This course is not designed for people with special dietary needs such as vegetarian, diabetic, and gluten-free diets. If you feel uncomfortable with any part of the assignments or activities of this course, you can substitute some of the ingredients or ask friends and family members to help with the tasting of your assignments. Alternatively, you may skip that specific assignment if you have fulfilled all other qualifying requirements to pass the course.
Course Overview video:
Extinctions: Past, Present, & Future
This course introduces you to the five mass extinctions of the pre-human past, their causes and significance to the history of life on earth, and the current mass extinction happening during our time. We’ll also explore the history of paleontology and geological study and review the key players that influenced the science today.
Regardless of your familiarity with the topic, you'll get portable handouts, lively demonstrations, and quizzes that bridge and enhance your knowledge.
Physics 102 - AC Circuits and Maxwell's Equations
This course serves as an introduction to the physics of electricity and magnetism. Upon completion, learners will have an understanding of how the forces between electric charges are described by fields, and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. They will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. The course follows the typical progression of topics of a first-semester university physics course: charges, electric forces, electric fields potential, magnetic fields, currents, magnetic moments, electromagnetic induction, and circuits. Each module contains reading links to a free textbook, complete video lectures, conceptual quizzes, and a set of homework problems. Once the modules are completed, the course ends with an exam. This comprehensive course series is similar in detail and rigor to what is taught on-campus. It will thoroughly prepare learners for their upcoming introductory physics courses, or more advanced courses in physics.
Exploring Quantum Physics
An introduction to quantum physics with emphasis on topics at the frontiers of research, and developing understanding through exercise.
Ash-Related Operational Challenges in Energy Utilization of Sustainable Fuels
The basic idea behind this MOOC, is to present recent data on fuel characterization, slagging, fouling, corrosion, and trace element transformations, in a course that can be readily provided for students and industry people.
This ensures understanding and application of the research, and provides the students and industry with a forum for discussion of the very latest research results, as well as feedback from industry to the research group at DTU, on important new research subjects in the field.
The specific aim of the MOOC, is that students will be able to;
Explain basic physical and chemical differences between solid fuels like coal, biomass, waste etc., be able to characterize solid fuels, and to interpret fuel analyses of them
Interpret and utilize data from advanced fuel and ash analyses (SEM, DTA/TGA, chemical fractionation, ash melting temperatures)
Describe chemically and physically, how critical ash-forming elements are released to the gas phase, the mechanisms for formation of aerosols and fly ash particles, and explain how ash is transported from bulk gas to heat transfer surfaces
Quantify the processes of deposit build-up, sintering and shedding
Explain the fundamentals of high-temperature corrosion in thermal fuel conversion systems
Can calculate viscosities as a function of temperature and composition, temperature profiles in a deposit, rates of deposit build-up and sintering, as well as porosity changes vs. time.
Astrobiology: Exploring Other Worlds
How are astronomers approaching their search for life in the universe? What have we learned from the surge of exoplanets discoveries? How likely is it that Earth does not host the only life in the Universe? In this course we explore the field of astrobiology, an emerging multidisciplinary field. Progress in astrobiology is driven by telescopes on the ground and in space, and by new insights on how life emerged on Earth and its diversity. The topics in this course range from the science of how exoplanets are detected, to the chemistry that supports the argument that the ingredients for life are common in the Universe.
We will follow the analyses of experts in chemistry, astronomy, geology and archaeology to build a strong foundation of understanding. By the final assignment, students will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to identify what makes a planet habitable, and how likely it is that life exists there. Students will graduate from this course informed about one of the most exciting fields in all of science, and ready to discuss the current exoplanet news stories and discoveries.
Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing
This course introduces you to one of the more common applications of generative design: Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing as it’s also known. In this course, we explore the basics of geometry creation and the mindset shift needed to build a generative design—a deeper understanding of generative design, its parameters, and how to work with the results specifically aimed at making a 3D printed metal part. We develop insightful understanding of the generative workflow by exploring Autodesk® Fusion 360™ tools and combining them with the creative process of taking an idea to a 3D model. We'll learn how to focus on where a design is and isn’t and apply the generative design thinking process to define a study as we take a deeper dive into Fusion 360.
You’ll need a paid subscription to Fusion 360 to complete the assignments in this course. Be sure to review your access or payment options before enrolling:
Want to take your learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk Generative Design for Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like generative design.
Enroll in the Specialization here:
Looking for Autodesk Fusion 360 certification prep courses? Check out additional learning resources to help you uplevel your skills:
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