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Physical Science And Engineering Courses - Page 49
Showing results 481-490 of 522
Physics of silicon solar cells
The first MOOC “Photovoltaic solar energy” is a general presentation of the solar photovoltaics technologies in the global energetic context, without extensive details. In particular the description of the solar cell operation is restricted to the ideal case
In contrast this second MOOC allows a deep understanding of the properties of solar cells based on crystalline semiconductors. It consists in a general presentation of the physics of the photovoltaics devices with a particular emphasize on the silicon technology that currently represents more than 90% share of the market. Photovoltaic applications of III-V semiconductors are also mentioned.
Indeed from a fundamental point of view, a solar cell can be considered as a semiconductor device (a diode) exposed to the sunlight. An introduction to the semiconductor physics is given, followed by the electron transport phenomena in a diode device. A detailed description of the solar cell operation is then provided, including the conversion efficiency limitations. A description of the solar spectrum and the optical properties of the cells are also presented. Finally the crystalline silicon technology is described from the bulk crystalline growth up to the preparation of heterojunctions combining crystalline and amorphous materials.
Electrical Power Distribution
This is an application-oriented course explaining the various aspects of power distribution, indoor and outdoor equipment up to 33kV. The course adopts a cross-disciplinary approach to ensure that the learners understand site execution, testing and commissioning. Throughout the course, safety aspects have been emphasized in every area of work. This course blends with conceptual knowledge covering the latest technological trends like SCADA & automation.
This course helps learners know the Electrical distribution system and master as a Construction Engineer/Planning Engineer and Commissioning Engineer .
This course gives the learners insights about:
1. Electrical distribution methods
2. Types of loads
3. Green Field Construction of Overhead Lines
4. Distribution Line Components
5. Concepts of Auto reclosers and Sectionalizes
6. SCADA in detail
Material Behavior
Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base metal? In this course, you will learn how a material’s properties are determined by the microstructure of the material, which is in turn determined by composition and the processing that the material has undergone.
This is the first of three Coursera courses that mirror the Introduction to Materials Science class that is taken by most engineering undergrads at Georgia Tech. The aim of the course is to help students better understand the engineering materials that are used in the world around them. This first section covers the fundamentals of materials science including atomic structure and bonding, crystal structure, atomic and microscopic defects, and noncrystalline materials such as glasses, rubbers, and polymers.
Design of High-Performance Optical Systems
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5602, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.
Optical instruments are how we see the world, from corrective eyewear to medical endoscopes to cell phone cameras to orbiting telescopes. This course extends what you have learned about first-order, paraxial system design and optical resolution and efficiency with the introduction to real lenses and their imperfections. We begin with a description of how different wavelengths propagate through systems, then move on to aberrations that appear with high angle, non-paraxial systems and how to correct for those problems. The course wraps up with a discussion of optical components beyond lenses and an excellent example of a high-performance optical system – the human eye. The mathematical tools required for analysis of high-performance systems are complicated enough that this course will rely more heavily on OpticStudio by Zemax. This will allow students to analyze systems that are too complicated for the simple analysis thus far introduced in this set of courses.
Differential Equations Part I Basic Theory
This introductory courses on (Ordinary) Differential Equations are mainly for the people, who need differential equations mostly for the practical use in their own fields. So we try to provide basic terminologies, concepts, and methods of solving various types of differential equations as well as a rudimentary but indispensable knowledge of the underlying theory and some related applications.
The prerequisites of the courses is one- or two- semester calculus course and some exposure to the elementary theory of matrices like determinants, Cramer’s Rule for solving linear systems of equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications
Welcome to Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications, in which we explore the nature of imaging the earth's surface from space or from airborne vehicles.
This course covers the fundamental nature of remote sensing and the platforms and sensor types used. It also provides an in-depth treatment of the computational algorithms employed in image understanding, ranging from the earliest historically important techniques to more recent approaches based on deep learning.
It assumes no prior knowledge of remote sensing but develops the material to a depth comparable to a senior undergraduate course in remote sensing and image analysis. That requires the use of the mathematics of vector and matrix algebra, and statistics. It is recognised that not all participants will have that background so summaries and hand worked examples are included to illustrate all important material.
The course material is extensively illustrated by examples and commentary on the how the technology is applied in practice. It will prepare participants to use the material in their own disciplines and to undertake more detailed study in remote sensing and related topics.
Participatory NetLogo Simulations with HubNet
In this guided project you will learn how to use the HubNet technology from the NetLogo modelling environment. HubNet makes it possible to create participatory simulations where users can interact simultaneously in the same simulation using networked computers. By doing so, they are able to collectively enact the behavior of a system.
You will learn how to use HubNet in the context of the BeeSmart Hive Finding model, which has been created from the observations described in the book HoneyBee Democracy. Finally, you will be shown the first steps to design your own custom HubNet activities, modeled after phenomena you find relevant.
Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future
THIS COURSE GIVES YOU THE INSIDE TRACK TO A COMPLICATED INDUSTRY. The approach of this course is truly unique in how it approaches and engages learners. It looks at the electric utility industry, which has remained critical to our quality of life, health and comfort from the eyes of numerous industry experts through on-location interviews, compelling visuals, and animation. You will benefit from having the inside track because you see some behind-the-scenes information not covered in news stories, social media or even if we are in the business ourselves.
EACH WEEK YOU NOT ONLY LEARN WHAT IS CHANGING, BUT WHY. As this industry continues to unfold at an unprecedented pace, you will be armed with knowledge and insights to form informed opinions supporting decisions you will increasingly make for your energy-dependent homes and businesses.
This course kicks off with animated crash course on industry history, highlighting aspects of the structure, governance, and technology that remain today, despite the passage of time. Then, throughout the modules, you will build some basics about how electricity gets to you, who watches over decisions, including setting rates. This information establishes a knowledge foundation so that when we explore some of the most critical topics, like renewable energy, smart grid, battery storage, and you can think about it from a much more analytical and critical viewpoint.
YOU WILL DEVELOP A FRAMEWORK FOR MAKING SENSE OF THIS INDUSTRY THAT WILL BENEFIT YOU BEYOND THIS COURSE. This industry can get pretty complicated, and this course will help you make more sense of it. Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future is the course for you whether you’re just curious about the industry or an industry veteran looking to grow – or, thinking about joining the industry. (Hint: now is a good time. You'll learn why in this course.) No prior education or experience required. You just need a healthy curiosity and an open mind to learn about an industry that I think a lot of us, including myself sometimes, take for granted.
Natural Gas
This course will educate you in the characteristics and properties of natural gas, preparing you with the ability to summarize gas system components and new pipeline technologies. You will be enabled to grasp the key factors behind formation of the natural gas industry and the historical use of natural gas. Ultimately, you will be able to identify gas and carbon monoxide safety procedures.
This course is for individuals considering a career in the energy field (who have a high school diploma, at minimum, and basic knowledge of mathematics), and existing energy sector employees with less than three years of experience who have not completed similar training and would benefit from a course of foundational industry concepts.
Main concepts of this course will be delivered through lectures, readings, discussions and various videos.
This is the second course in the Energy Production, Distribution & Safety specialization that explores various facets of the power sector, and features a culminating project involving creation of a roadmap to achieve a self-established, energy-related professional goal. To learn more about the specialization, check out a video overview at
Introduction to solar cells
How do solar cells work, why do we need, and how can we measure their efficiency? These are just some of the questions Introduction to solar cells tackles. Whether you are looking for general insight in this green technology or your ambition is to pursue a career in solar, “Introduction to Solar Cells” is an excellent starting point.
The course is a tour through the fundamental disciplines including solar cell history, why we need solar energy, how solar cells produce power, and how they work. During the course we cover mono- and multi-crystalline solar cells, thin film solar cells, and new emerging technologies. The course includes hands-on exercises using virtual instruments, interviews with field experts, and a comprehensive collection of material on solar cells.
At the end of the course you will have gained a fundamental understanding of the field. This will allow you to identify the most interesting or relevant aspects to be pursued in your future studies or in your professional career.
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