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Business Essentials Courses - Page 9
Showing results 81-90 of 645
Lesson | Telephone Language
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify telephone language through phone dialogues.
Conflict Resolution Skills
Resolving conflict in a positive manner is a skill that can be developed and practiced. Being heard can be one of the most important goals of someone engaged in conflict. Knowing how to listen and deploy appropriate communication tactics is determinative of whether a conflict will have a positive or negative resolution. Examine listening skills, appropriate and strategic verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and how to assemble a conflict management plan likely to yield positive resolutions.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
1. Use active listening skills when dealing with conflict
2. Choose appropriate communication tactics when dealing with conflict
3. Create a usable plan for managing conflict
إدارة المشروعات في أجايل
هذه هي الدورة التدريبية الخامسة في برنامج شهادة إدارة المشروعات من Google. سوف تستكشف هذه الدورة تاريخ ونهج وفلسفة إدارة المشروعات في أجايل، بما في ذلك إطار عمل سْكرَم. سوف تتعلم كيفية التفريق والمزج بين أجايل والنهج الأخرى لإدارة المشروعات. أثناء تقدمك خلال الدورة التدريبية، ستتعرف على المزيد عن سْكرَم، من خلال استكشاف ركائزها وقيمها ومقارنة أدوار فريق سْكرَم الأساسية. سوف تكتشف كيفية إنشاء قائمة مهام المنتج وإدارتها وتنقيحها، وتنفيذ استراتيجيات التسليم القائمة على القيمة من أجايل، وتحديد خارطة طريق القيمة. سوف تتعلم أيضًا استراتيجيات لتنظيم أحداث سْكرَم الخمسة المهمة لفريق سْكرَم بشكل فعال، وتقديم نهج أجايل أو سْكرَم لمؤسسة ما، وتدريب فريق أجايل. وأخيرا، سوف تتعلم كيفية البحث عن الفرص وإيجادها في أدوار أجايل. سيستمر مديرو مشروعات Google الحاليون في إرشادك وتزويدك بالنُهُج والأدوات والموارد العملية لتحقيق أهدافك.
يجب أن يكون المتعلمون الذين يكملون هذا البرنامج مجهزين للتقدم لوظائف المستوى التمهيدي كمديري المشروعات. لا تلزم خبرة سابقة.
بنهاية هذه الدورة، ستكون قادرًا على:
شرح نهج وفلسفة إدارة المشروعات في أجايل، بما في ذلك القيم والمبادئ.
- شرح ركائز سْكرَم وكيفية دعمها لقيم سْكرَم.
- تحديد ومقارنة الأدوار الأساسية في فريق سْكرَم وما الذي يجعلها فعالة.
- إنشاء وإدارة قائمة مهام المنتج وتنقيح قائمة المهام.
- وصف الفعاليات الخمسة الهامة في سْكرَم وكيفية إعداد كل فعالية لفريق سْكرَم.
- تنفيذ استراتيجيات التسليم المبنية على القيمة لأجايل وتحديد خارطة طريق القيمة.
- شرح كيفية تدريب فريق أجايل ومساعدته في التغلب على التحديات.
- إجراء بحث عن وظيفة للحصول على دور أجايل وتعلم كيفية النجاح في مقابلتك.
First Steps in Visme
By the end of this project, you will have learned how to create and design simple projects using the free version of Visme. Visme is a web based graphic design platform that helps you create visual content online.
This project is an introduction to Visme and is directed towards learners who don’t have any experience using the platform Visme. Learners can easily create and implement creative edits alone or as a team with online design tools to use when marketing their business.
We can use Visme to complete this project because it provides all the tools you need to create an organized and visually appealing product while offering a variety of options for sharing and collaboration.
U.S. Bond Investing Basics
In this fixed income course, you will learn to distinguish between different types of U.S. dollar-denominated corporate and municipal debt issuance, identify corporate and municipal bonds available to purchase and sell on an online trading platform, grasp the market mechanics underlying each type of fixed income instrument, as well as conduct basic analyses, and flag critical investment risks.
At the end of the course, you should be able to describe different types of corporate and municipal bond products available to buy and sell, some of the related risks you, as an investor, are likely to face, certain ways of mitigating them, as well as how to use an online trading platform to identify available securities to invest in, conduct due diligence, and much more
Global Impact: Cultural Psychology
Globalization has brought dramatic changes to the marketplace. A proliferation of global brands brings diverse cultures to a consumer population that is also culturally diverse. This course enables students to understand how globalization changes consumers at a psychological level and provides tools for infusing brands with cultural meaning that can resonate with global consumers. The focus is on understanding that culture exists in the mind as well as in the environment, and that globalization creates multi-cultural spaces in contemporary societies. Consumers can use the cultural meaning of a brand to build their identities or reject the brand’s cultural meaning.
The course will help students identify when assimilation vs. exclusionary reactions are more likely to occur and to devise strategies for imbuing brands with cultural meanings that can elevate them to the status of cultural icons.
You will be able to:
• Understand how globalization impacts the psychological responses of consumers in global markets
• Explain what culture is and how it manifests itself in business environments
• Understand how brands acquire cultural meanings and predict consumers’ responses to the cultural meanings in brands
• Identify strategies to win-over multi-cultural consumers in globalized markets
• Practice the fundamentals of how to build an iconic brand
This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at
Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations
Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations will help you as an individual, as a team, and an organization to better understand and implement policies and practices that emphasize and promote not only the inclusion but the belonging of all employees. It is aimed to cover the following objectives:
Policies - How to identify and understand the ways in which structural dynamics of an organization can preclude a sense of belonging and how to use inclusive policies as a tool to foster belonging.
Practices - How to design an organizational culture that promotes the wellbeing and belonging of all its constituents through kindness, empathy, openness, and compassion.
People - How to leverage the creation of affinity groups and task forces to overcome structural biases, build community and create a greater sense of belonging.
The final module also introduces complementary resources to bring the pillars together and support an organization's belonging efforts.
Explore Management Concepts through Metaphor and Music
How can exploring and analysing music and metaphors help us to better understand management, work organisations, working lives, and ultimately ourselves too? As you set out on your journey through this innovative course, the answers to these questions will be revealed. Through the lens of metaphor and music, you will be introduced to core managerial and organisational concepts and theories. You will explore issues related to, for example: organisational and work design; motivation and productivity; employee voice; careers; and management and leadership styles. You will research and analyse contemporary management dilemmas and challenges and gain new insights into the lived experience of work. You will explore the power of music to creatively engage and motivate employees, boost their morale, and give voice to workers who might otherwise remain unheard.
The course has been designed to be highly interactive and creative with lots of opportunities for you to share your ideas and engage in discussion and debate with your fellow students. You will develop your own original organisational metaphors, write lyrics to your own company song, write and record your own short radio play, and develop your own motivational music playlist. By the end of the course, your understanding of management, organisations and the lived experience of work will have increased considerably. You will develop new skills in research and creative writing and will have lots of new ideas to take away with you and apply in your own organisation and your own working life.
Lesson | Business English Skills: Introducing Yourself in Business Settings
This lesson is part of a full course, Business English Networking. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Introduce yourself by giving your name, job, company, and city
- Identify the job, company, and the city of new acquaintances
Control Flow in RPA
The Control Flow in RPA course provides a deep understanding of the automation flow. Control Flow is a concept that refers to the order in which actions are executed and "control" flows in an automation project with the help of sequences, decision making, loops, and flowcharts. This course also focuses on the error handling mechanism which is vital for an automation project.
The course has multiple practice exercises which will help in strengthening your knowledge and understanding of workflows in Studio.
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