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Life Sciences Courses - Page 9

Showing results 81-90 of 644
Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Taking Ideas to Market
This course delves into intellectual property (IP) with an introduction into the innovation landscape within the UK and how that compares with other settings. You'll focus on how intellectual property applies to frugal innovations, compulsory licensing, and when and how to apply for intellectual property. This course teaches you about how innovators can secure funding by exploring the types of funding available, the types of organisations involved, as well as the challenges that surround funding. A key part of this course is a focus on 'pitching' skills - what's involved in pitching well, what content should you include, how can you best deliver a pitch. You'll come away from this course with strong insight into the importance of protecting an innovation's intellectual property, able to identify IP processes and challenges, and able to confidently pitch an innovation.
Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation
Chimpanzees are one of our closest living relatives, yet almost nothing was known about their behavior in the wild until Jane Goodall started her groundbreaking study of the chimpanzees of Gombe, Tanzania in 1960. This study continues today, following the same chimpanzee families that Jane Goodall first encountered over 55 years ago. Guided by three course instructors who have lived and worked with the Gombe chimpanzees, you will learn how Goodall’s early discoveries changed our view of human uniqueness. By completing the course, you will gain a new appreciation of the deep similarities between chimpanzees and humans in intelligence, tool use, hunting, personality and social relationships, as well as some key differences. You will learn how chimpanzees interact with their environment and how their behavior is influenced by ecology, as well as the severe conservation challenges they face today. And you will employ your new knowledge of chimpanzees to construct a persuasive argument for their protection. This course is open to everyone interested in learning more about these fascinating and complex beings. Knowledge of high-school level biology is beneficial but not required. Please keep in mind, however, that the content of this course will cover all aspects of chimpanzee life, including scientific discussion of sexual and aggressive behaviors.
Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy
In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy Specialization, you will be introduced to the central and peripheral nervous systems. You will learn about basic neuroanatomy, sensory pathways, motor pathways and the autonomic nervous system. The course includes illustrated lecture videos and quizzes to help you expand and test your knowledge of the nervous system. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how the entire body influences, and is influenced, by the nervous system.
Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine
Course Overview: Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine are two distinct medical systems, yet they both aim at the prevention and treatment of human diseases. With this in mind, we should understand the practice of Chinese Medicine in the context of Modern Medicine. In this course, we explore the basic theories underlying the practice of Chinese Medicine, compare and contrast the use of Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine in Preventive Health, and discuss how to restore a healthy condition and understand the pharmacological basis of different types of Chinese tonifying herbs. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -              state the important Chinese Medicine literature from 5th century B.C. to 16th century A.D. -              describe and interpret basic Chinese Medicine theories -              apply the basic Chinese Medicine theories (such as the balance between Yin and Yang and the interaction among organs) to restore a healthy condition -              compare and contrast the use of Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine in Preventive Health -              explain how the balance of Yang/Qi and/or Yin/Blood can be restored by using Chinese tonifying herbs -              adapt the Chinese Medicine concepts by reviewing the contemporary researches on pharmacological activities in Chinese tonifying herbs
Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and the world it will leave in its wake. The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this. I will also give you clear strategies for managing and, in fact, turning off the anxiety response at least for short periods. My sincere hope is that you will leave this course with a better understanding of how your brain reacts to crises, along with some powerful tools for managing it before it manages you. In this course we will cover: 1.1 Introduction and Overview 1.2 Understanding the Anxiety Response 1.3 The Necessity of Strategies to Manage Anxiety 1.4 Achieving Relaxation: A Skill We All Need to Learn Now 2.1 Why Watching the News is Addicting and How to Manage Your Consumption 2.2 The Critical Art of Mental Distraction to Crowd Out Stressors 2.3 How We Think About Physical Distancing and Explaining it to Our Children 3.1 The Effects of Isolation 3.2 Some Strategies to Make Isolation More Tolerable 3.3 The Importance of Social Connection in a Physical Distancing World 4.1 The Need to Guard Against Depression: The Importance of Control 4.2 Bring it Together: Practice Makes Proficient 4.3 Invitation to Suggest Additional Videos
The Psychology of Thrill Seekers
Sensation seeking is a trait we all have and includes the search for complex and new experiences. Thrill Seekers, people with high-sensation seeking personalities, crave exotic and intense experiences even when physical or social risks are involved. This course helps learners examine the remarkable world of the high-sensation seeking personality and explores the lifestyle, psychology, and neuroscience behind thrill seekers.
Global Impact: Cultural Psychology
Globalization has brought dramatic changes to the marketplace. A proliferation of global brands brings diverse cultures to a consumer population that is also culturally diverse. This course enables students to understand how globalization changes consumers at a psychological level and provides tools for infusing brands with cultural meaning that can resonate with global consumers. The focus is on understanding that culture exists in the mind as well as in the environment, and that globalization creates multi-cultural spaces in contemporary societies. Consumers can use the cultural meaning of a brand to build their identities or reject the brand’s cultural meaning. The course will help students identify when assimilation vs. exclusionary reactions are more likely to occur and to devise strategies for imbuing brands with cultural meanings that can elevate them to the status of cultural icons. You will be able to: • Understand how globalization impacts the psychological responses of consumers in global markets • Explain what culture is and how it manifests itself in business environments • Understand how brands acquire cultural meanings and predict consumers’ responses to the cultural meanings in brands • Identify strategies to win-over multi-cultural consumers in globalized markets • Practice the fundamentals of how to build an iconic brand This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at
Clinical Trials Analysis, Monitoring, and Presentation
In this course, you’ll learn more advanced operational skills that you and your team need to run a successful clinical trial. You’ll learn about the computation of sample size and how to develop a sample size calculation that’s suitable for your trial design and outcome measures. You’ll also learn to use statistical methods to monitor your trial for safety, integrity, and efficacy. Next, you’ll learn how to report the results from your clinical trials through both journal articles and data monitoring reports. Finally, we’ll discuss the role of the analyst throughout the trial process, plus a few additional topics such as simulations and adaptive designs.
Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age
Most professions these days require more than general intelligence. They require in addition the ability to collect, analyze and think about data. Personal life is enriched when these same skills are applied to problems in everyday life involving judgment and choice. This course presents basic concepts from statistics, probability, scientific methodology, cognitive psychology and cost-benefit theory and shows how they can be applied to everything from picking one product over another to critiquing media accounts of scientific research. Concepts are defined briefly and breezily and then applied to many examples drawn from business, the media and everyday life. What kinds of things will you learn? Why it’s usually a mistake to interview people for a job. Why it’s highly unlikely that, if your first meal in a new restaurant is excellent, you will find the next meal to be as good. Why economists regularly walk out of movies and leave restaurant food uneaten. Why getting your picture on the cover of Sports Illustrated usually means your next season is going to be a disappointment. Why you might not have a disease even though you’ve tested positive for it. Why you’re never going to know how coffee affects you unless you conduct an experiment in which you flip a coin to determine whether you will have coffee on a given day. Why it might be a mistake to use an office in a building you own as opposed to having your office in someone else’s building. Why you should never keep a stock that’s going down in hopes that it will go back up and prevent you from losing any of your initial investment. Why it is that a great deal of health information presented in the media is misinformation.
Cybersecurity in Healthcare (Hospitals & Care Centres)
The Cybersecurity in Healthcare MOOC was developed as part the project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Coordination Research and Innovation Action under Grant Agreement No. 826497. The course "Cybersecurity in Healthcare" has been developed to raise awareness and understanding the role of cybersecurity in healthcare (e.g., hospitals, care centres, clinics, other medical or social care institutions and service organisations) and the challenges that surround it. In this course, we will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of cybersecurity. We look at both social aspects as technical aspects that come into play. Furthermore, we offer helpful resources that cover different aspects of cybersecurity. Even if you are not active in the healthcare domain, you will find helpful tips and insights to deal with cybersecurity challenges within any other organisation or in personal contexts as well. This course begins by introducing the opportunities and challenges that digitalisation of healthcare services has created. It explains how the rise of technologies and proliferation of (medical) data has become an attractive target to cybercriminals, which is essential in understanding why adequate cybersecurity measures are critical within the healthcare environment. In later modules, course contents cover the threats, both inside and outside of healthcare organisations like e.g. social engineering and hacking. Module 4 on Cyber Hygiene describes how to improve cybersecurity within healthcare organisations in practical ways. Module 5 looks deeper into how organisational culture affects cybersecurity, the cybersecurity culture, focusing on the interaction between human behaviour and technology and how organisational factors can boost or diminish the level and attention to cybersecurity in healthcare. Do you work for a hospital, clinic, medical practice, care centre, care provider, social care organisation, or nursing home? Do you want to improve your personal or your organisation’s cybersecurity (cyber security, IT security, information security, network security, computer security, awareness)? Then please visit to gain access to a range of resources. You can also join the Security providers and Trainers platform (see: or our Community of Practice (see: