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Life Sciences Courses - Page 37

Showing results 361-370 of 644
Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation
In this course you will find a comprehensive overlook of healthy practices in public schools in the USA, including: physical activity and nutrition in the school setting. We will review the basics of some of the regulatory programs found in the United States that support healthy students through nutrition education and nutrition programs. You will be able to explain some of the nutritional components such as, alternatives to the use of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Many of these principles can be applied to students in schools throughout the globe. You will understand how the schools can support physical activity throughout the day and how they can effectively offer physical education. Learners will be able to explain MVPA, or moderate to vigorous physical activity. They will identify this as the newest method for measuring and evaluating what counts as physical activity in terms of METs. Participants in the course will be able to explain the science behind the recommended "60 minutes of Physical Activity" and what counts toward MVPA both during and outside of the school day. Learners will be able to evaluate and explain how what students eat and how they exercise impacts student success. We will provide you with information to help you to promote the teamwork that it takes to implement successful nutritional and physical activity programs. Our discussion will include where to find and how to develop community support and encourage family participation. Later in the course you will understand how attendance impacts student success. Together we will look at real-life examples of programs in a school setting and this will help you to recognize what impact you can have on improving the health and success of students in your own community.
Value-Based Care: Managing Processes to Improve Outcomes
COURSE 3 of 7. This course is designed to introduce you to critical office-based processes that a value-based practice must manage in the drive towards improved patient outcomes. In Module 2, we’ll focus on office-based and clinical patient-based supporting functions. At every level in healthcare, guidelines, processes, and functions exist to improve outcomes, and following a consistent process will return the best effect. Refine your understanding of value and learn strategies to provide real assistance to patients to manage chronic diseases and navigate the complex healthcare system. Gain an overview of panel management, a systematic, proactive approach to identify and address unmet chronic and preventive care needs of patients that leads to better health outcomes. Learn how clinical patient-based questions related to immunizations, cancer screenings, or diabetes care can generate data to support a strategy of identifying non-utilization patterns. In the summative assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge by explaining and synthesizing the importance of office-based processes and patient-based supporting functions to improve patient outcomes and experience as well as clinical quality. As you reflect on what you have learned in this course, you will also have an opportunity to consider the relationship between managing these processes and functions and the fundamental premise of value-based care.
Metagenomics applied to surveillance of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance
The field of metagenomics and whole community sequencing is a promising area to unravel the content of microbial communities and their relationship to disease and antimicrobial resistance in the human population. Bioinformatic tools are extremely important for making sense out of metagenomics data, by estimating the presence of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance determinants in complex samples. Combined with relevant explanatory data, metagenomics is a powerful tool for surveillance. In this course, we teach about the potential of metagenomics for surveillance and give the learners an overview of the steps and considerations in a metagenomics study. After this course, the learners will know: - the difference between the concepts of metagenomics and other microbial genomics - the need to use controls in different steps of a metagenomics study - the advantages of metagenomics for the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance - how sampling design, sample size, sample material and sample handling influence the outcome of a metagenomics study - sample processing for bacterial and viral metagenomics - different sequencing platforms and their possibilities regarding metagenomics - the steps involved in a general metagenomics study, including quality control, mapping to different databases, and read count analysis - the principles behind various tools available for analysis of metagenomics data - how to interpret read classification results - the need for epidemiology in surveillance - the concept of global and integrated surveillance - the challenges for the use of metagenomics in surveillance - the potential of metagenomics for surveillance We look forward to welcoming you !
The Truth About Cats and Dogs
What is your cat revealing to you when she purrs? What is your dog expressing when he yawns or wags his tail? Understanding your cat and dog’s behaviour and the way they communicate with you, will enable you to better understand their needs and strengthen your relationship with them. This MOOC is divided into five topics, the appliance of science; behaviour and body language, senses and perception; challenges for the human-animal relationship, including pet problem behaviour; and how to improve the quality of life for cats and dogs in our care. At the start of the course we ask you to consider what you feel is important to your cat/dog and what your cat/dog means to you? We explore the world of cats and dogs and how our relationships with them vary around the world and have changed over time. We ask if we can really know what our animals are thinking or trying to communicate through their facial expressions and behaviours. From our beloved pets to street dogs, shelter dogs/cats and welfare challenges, we explore the world from their perspective and examine how their genetic make-up may influence their behavioural responses and choices. We dispel common behavioural myths by looking through a scientific lens, asking questions about the function and development of their behaviour.. We explore how their senses help them to interact with their world and how they communicate with each other and us! Finally, we ask whether we impose unrealistic expectations on our cats and dogs and how this affects their ability to live alongside us. We ask, what can we do to be more responsible pet owners and to ensure the welfare of all cats and dogs in society? This MOOC explores different scientifically validated methods that can help you to better understand your pet, to enrich their lives and help you to be a more educated and confident pet owner. We hope you enjoy the course!
Advanced Neurobiology I
Hello everyone! Welcome to advanced neurobiology! Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. We’re trying to understand the molecular, cellular nature and the circuitry arrangement of how nervous system works. Through this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of basic neuroanatomy, electral signal transduction, movement and several diseases in the nervous system. This advanced neurobiology course is composed of 2 parts (Advanced neurobiology I and Advanced neurobiology II, and the latter will be online later). They are related to each other on the content but separate on scoring and certification, so you can choose either or both. It’s recommended that you take them sequentially and it’s great if you’ve already acquired a basic understanding of biology. Thank you for joining us!
Urbanisation and Health - Promoting Sustainable Solutions
More than half of world’s population lives in cities while only 5% did so in the 18th century. The rapid urbanisation has resulted in for example inadequate infrastructure, physical inactivity, gentrification, air pollution, and growing numbers of slum dwellers. All factors challenging health and wellbeing of the people living in the cities. In addition, when addressing climate change it has become of paramount importance to look at mitigation and adaptation investments tailored to the urban context. As stated in the Sustainable Development Goal 11 adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015, societies need to be at the forefront in the continuous management and design of urban spaces to secure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In this course, you will learn about the key determinants of urban health including demography, climate change, air pollution, noise, transport systems, public and blue and green spaces, and policies and investments affecting sense of community and public safety. You will get a historical overview of the major trends in urban planning and meet a range of stakeholders in urban planning who will provide examples of innovative methods and people-centered approaches to create sustainable solutions. Finally, you will be provided with a series of resources to inspire you to help create awareness and action around an idea or sustainable solution in the field of urbanisation and health. The course has been developed (with support from EIT Health) in a partnership between the University of Copenhagen, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and University of Coimbra. Researchers and stakeholders in urban planning will introduce you to cases from cities in Denmark, Spain, Portugal and many other urban settings across the world. The aim of the course is to further interdisciplinary knowledge on urbanisation and health. We plan for the courses to reach citizens and activists as well planners, practitioners and decision-makers with a professional interest in sustainable urban planning from countries around the world.
Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers
This course introduces participants from the healthcare sector to gender based violence (GBV), including global epidemiology of GBV; health outcomes; seminal research; and clinical best practices for GBV prevention, support, and management. A core curriculum is supplemented by lectures that contextualize the content with specific examples and programs from around the world. The core curriculum introduces learners to a global perspective on gender based violence (GBV), and includes a review with Dr. Claudia Garcia-Moreno of the new WHO guidelines on responding to violence. Students who wish to receive Honors Recognition will complete the honors module, which expands on the core material and highlights special circumstances and programs. This is an in-depth course with 2 components: 1) Core curriculum introduces GBV from a global perspective, with an emphasis on ensuring a strong health sector response to GBV and teaching key competencies for social workers, physicians, nurses, midwives, community health workers, counselors, and other healthcare workers. Completion of the core content is required for students to pass the course. 2) Honors curriculum offered by experts from around the world helps students dive deeper into certain issues, and touches on unique populations and specialized topics. Completion of Honors curriculum is required for those students who wish to receive a Certificate of Accomplishment with Honors. After taking the course, students will be able to: ● Describe the global epidemiology of leading forms of GBV and the evidence linking GBV to poor health. ● Articulate the challenges, strategies, and WHO guidelines for integrating GBV response within the health sector. ● Describe the components of a comprehensive clinical assessment, treatment, and management of a GBV survivor. ● Describe the appropriate psychosocial support and management of a GBV survivor. Module 1 – Introduction to GBV- Epidemiology and Health Impact GBV comes in a variety of forms, each with health consequences for the survivor. An understanding of these issues helps inform a comprehensive and multi-sectorial response for preventing and responding to GBV. Module 2 – Health Care Response, Screening, and Psychosocial Support Recognition of health impacts of GBV has led to calls to address GBV within the health sector. Support for GBV survivors extends beyond clinical exam and assessment. Safety planning, harm reduction, and access to psychosocial support must be ensured. Module 3 – Clinical Care for GBV Survivors Caring for GBV survivors requires compassionate, confidential, and nondiscriminatory clinical assessment. Competent medical and forensic examination, along with appropriate documentation, is essential. Honors Module – In-Depth Information and Special Topics This module provides additional materials for those who wish to explore specialized topics and gain a more advanced grasp of the complexities of addressing gender-based violence. Core course topics are expanded upon, and special populations and programs are highlighted. Special topics include violence in humanitarian settings, against adolescents and sex workers, and human trafficking. Further information is provided on epidemiology, policy, and ethical guidelines, as well as the use of mHealth in GBV screening and care. We’ll cover the unique challenges of GBV research, and explore programs that encourage men and boys to be engaged in the prevention of violence against women. Acknowledgments This course is a project of the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education. We would like to gratefully acknowledge the following collaborators: ● Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT) ● International Center for Research on Women's (ICRW) Asia Regional Office ● Center on Gender Equity and Health at University of California, San Diego ● Division of Global Public Health at University of California, San Diego ● World Health Organization ● RTI International ● Swayam ● Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Public Health and Human Rights ● Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Population, Family & Reproductive Health ● Johns Hopkins School of Nursing This course is made possible through the generosity of the Ujala Foundation, the Vijay & Marie Goradia Charitable Foundation, and the Wyncote Foundation.
Introduction to Neurohacking In R
Neurohacking describes how to use the R programming language ( and its associated package to perform manipulation, processing, and analysis of neuroimaging data. We focus on publicly-available structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We discuss concepts such as inhomogeneity correction, image registration, and image visualization. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Read/write images of the brain in the NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) format Visualize and explore these images Perform inhomogeneity correction, brain extraction, and image registration (within a subject and to a template).
Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis
With its roots in ancient cultures as early as 6,000 BC, wine has long been part of the human experience. Today, increasing worldwide interest in wine and its complexities and varieties has created an international market valued at $304 billion annually. For the learner who is just getting started in the study of wine, this course will help you take the first steps toward understanding the physiological process of wine tasting. The first module will explore types of wine and help you set up your own tasting. You’ll also begin to build a sensory vocabulary. In module 2 you will review classic wine types of the world and set up flights of specific wines. Later we’ll examine the various faults and defects that can appear in wine as well as techniques for spotting problems. In week 4 we’ll delve into the complex world of wine and food pairings, and its “seven deadly sins.” The course will culminate in a peer review project in which you will apply the knowledge and sensory techniques you have developed throughout the course to assess a specific wine.
Nursing Informatics Training and Education
In this fourth of our five courses, I will go deeper into the training and education leadership skills that are helpful for nursing informatics leaders. I will also guide you through the process of preparing a course document or syllabus for the nursing informatics specialty both in academic settings and in practice or industry. Following are the course objectives: 1. Describe relevant nursing informatics course development in clinical and academic settings to understand similarities and differences in informatics teaching and education across settings. 2. Describe informatics education and training needs for diverse participants with various experience levels to enable development of appropriate training and education materials. 3. Develop a prototype course syllabus and introductory recorded message to apply learning in a simulated setting. 4. Describe the benefits of formal and informal mentoring for nursing informaticians to advance career opportunities and support the nursing informatics specialty.