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Public Health Courses - Page 10
Showing results 91-100 of 196
Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Mind, Energy & Spirit
As the third of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing of mind, energy and spirit. As an educational and cultural platform, this course will share a number of traditional body therapies. Trained traditional healers will share their knowledge of cleansings from different cultures such as spiritual, energetic and Tonalli Cleansing.
Learners will not become certified traditional healers at the completion of this course but will be able apply basic principles or traditional medicine for health and illnesses. They will become familiar specifically with the traditional therapy of the sweat lodge temazcal, laugh therapy risaterapia and they will learn about the creation of sacred spaces and healing grief through Día de los Muertos.
The Final Curanderismo course will be:
• Global and Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing: African traditional medicine from Uganda and Gabon; Afro-Latino from Cuba and Puerto Rico, Native American spiritual cleansings and Mayan acupuncture and other topics.
- Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine without Borders by Eliseo Torres
- Curandero: Traditional Healers of Mexico and the Southwest by Eliseo Torres with Imanol Miranda
Where to buy:
Curandero: A life in Mexican Folk Healing by Eliseo Torres & Tim Sawyer
Healing with Herbs & Rituals: A Mexican Tradition, Eliseo Torres, edited by Tim Sawyer
Where to buy:
- Blubrry podcast -
- Itunes Episode 63 -
International Women's Health and Human Rights
This course focuses on women’s health and human rights issues from infancy through old age, including information about positive interventions relating to those issues. Learners are encouraged to interact with each other through interactive discussions.
It is important to us that this course be available to all learners. We encourage you to apply for Coursera's financial aid (see link to left) if the cost of the course certificate is difficult for you to afford. Please note that you may view all materials in this course, and participate in it, without purchasing a certificate.
The course was co-created by Consulting Professor Anne Firth Murray and Kevin Hsu. Anne Firth Murray is the Content Director of the course; Kevin Hsu is the Design Director of the course.
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19
Welcome to ‘Science Matters: Let's Talk about COVID-19’, from the Jameel Institute at Imperial College London.
The outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is the most significant public health emergency of the 21st century so far. As the epidemic spreads, people around the world want to understand the science behind the most pressing questions: how many people have been infected? How dangerous is the virus? When will a vaccine be available? How can the epidemic be contained, and the damages mitigated? What is the economic impact? What’s the role of social media and local communities in the epidemic response?
Researchers at the Jameel Institute and other research institutes at Imperial College London have been at the forefront of the response to the COVID-19 emergency, with clinical, epidemiological and social science analyses informing the outbreak response. They are generating robust empirical evidence that governments and international agencies are using around the world to plan their responses.
On this course, you will hear directly from our world-class experts about the theory behind the analyses of COVID-19 and its spread, while learning how to interpret new information using core principles of public health, epidemiology, medicine, health economics, and social science. You will be able to watch regular situation reports about the state of the epidemic, provided by the researchers of J-IDEA and its director Professor Neil Ferguson.
If you want to learn even more about these topics, a number of free MOOCs are available from Imperial College London. We also offer a fully online Global Master of Public Health for those of you who want to delve even deeper and join our professional community.
Please note:
This course was launched in February 2020 and we have continued to develop content as the COVID-19 situation progresses and new insights emerge. While we endeavour to include the most recent information, this is a fast-moving situation and information is constantly changing.
This course is to be used for educational purposes only and is open to all and free of charge.
The information in this course does not constitute clinical or other advice and must not be used for the purposes of providing any clinical or other advice. If you have any health concerns, please refer to your regional health authorities’ guidelines and consult a medical professional.
Please note the views expressed by individuals in the course content do not necessarily reflect those of Imperial College London, the Jameel Institute and any other funding partners.
Imperial College London, the Jameel Institute and any other funding partners shall not be liable, to the maximum extent permitted by law, for any loss suffered or for any other adverse or negative consequence arising directly or indirectly from your reliance on the information contained in this course.
Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems
Our society depends on the availability of food and accessibility to it. According to the United Nations nearly 800 million people are hungry and on the other hand, over 650 million people are obese. While many people in developing countries experience food shortage, in industrialized countries people are throwing food away.
These facts show how paradoxical and complex the world’s food problem is.
ln this course, more than 10 food researchers from Utrecht University will address the main issues of food consumption. They will handle two interrelated themes; Food shortage and Healthy choices. You will learn to identify the key ingredients of the world’s food challenges and to think about the solutions for enabling changes in the current food system.
We will also look at the possible sustainable solutions for several accut issues: the demands of the growing human population, the role of nutrition, and the need to understand food choices in order to have healthier diet and consider the possibilities of alternative foods.
We invite you to join us on an interdisciplinary journey through the world food problems. You will gain new knowledge and insights that will help you form your own opinion on these subjects and make better choices in your food consumption.
We hope you will enjoy the course!
The Future Food Team
Stories of Infection
This course introduces learners to a variety of infectious diseases using a patient-centered, story-based approach. Through illustrated, short videos, learners will follow the course of each patient’s illness, from initial presentation to resolution. Integrating the relevant microbiology, pathophysiology and immunology, this course aims to engage and entice the learner towards future studies in microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases.
The patient-centered videos included in this course were created as part of the Re-imagining Medical Education initiative, led by Charles Prober MD, Senior Associate Dean of Medical Education at the Stanford School of Medicine. This initiative was the first of its kind to explore the collaborative creation of foundational medical education online content by inter-institutional teams of faculty. The content presented in this course was created by faculty from Stanford University School of Medicine, in collaboration with The University of Washington School of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, and The University of Michigan Medical School. Support for this initiative was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Burke Family Foundation.
PLEASE NOTE: Information provided in this course is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used for diagnostic and/or treatment purposes.
Building on the SIR Model
The other two courses in this specialisation require you to perform deterministic modelling - in other words, the epidemic outcome is predictable as all parameters are fully known. However, this course delves into the many cases – especially in the early stages of an epidemic – where chance events can be influential in the future of an epidemic. So, you'll be introduced to some examples of such ‘stochasticity’, as well as simple approaches to modelling these epidemics using R. You will examine how to model infections for which such ‘population structure’ plays an important role in the transmission dynamics, and will learn some of the basic approaches to modelling vector-borne diseases, including the Ross-McDonald Model.
Even if you are not designing and simulating mathematical models in future, it is important to be able to critically assess a model so as to appreciate its strengths and weaknesses, and identify how it could be improved. One way of gaining this skill is to conduct a critical peer review of a modelling study as a reviewer, which is an opportunity you'll get by taking this course.
Responsible Reporting on Suicide for Journalists
Responsible Reporting on Suicide for Journalists is designed to give working journalists and students who are interested in the field an understanding of how news media can impact suicide trends and how that power can be used to improve public health. An extensive body of research shows that certain methods of reporting on suicide deaths can increase the number of subsequent suicides among the public. Conversely, responsible methods of reporting on suicide can increase the likelihood of people seeking help. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have both identified responsible suicide reporting among the media as a key mechanism for suicide prevention. This course aims to give journalists the concrete tools they need to fulfill that goal and make a positive public health impact with their reporting.
Community Awareness: Police Brutality in the U.S.
The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have sparked a wave of renewed protests against police brutality across the United States. These nationwide uprisings have transformed into an intense interest from the public around understanding systemic racism and abuse of power. Millions of Americans and people around the world are watching incidents of police violence and excessive force captured on video, but are looking to learn about the inequalities at the root of these incidents. While the calls of Black Lives Matter protesters to #DefundThePolice are being heard for the first time by many Americans, they are part of a longstanding effort by communities and activists to reinvest in communities rather than policing and prisons. In this course, you will learn about the history of police violence in America, become aware of laws and policies that prevent accountability, understand the demands of protesters, and gain the knowledge and tools to fight for change locally. The content for this Community Awareness course is adapted from a Teach-Out launched in July of 2020 from experts from across the United States involved in activism, social work, law, government, and higher education.
Global Adolescent Health
This course will explore the dynamic factors affecting the health and wellbeing of young people around the world, and how important it is for individuals, communities and nations that we improve the health and life chances of this important population group.
With over 25% of the world’s population aged between 10 and 24 years, today’s generation of young people is the largest in human history. As the future leaders and drivers of growth, productivity and innovation, young people are our greatest assets, and investment in their health and wellbeing has social, economic and other benefits that continue across the lifespan and into the next generation.
In this course we will adopt a life-course framework to take a holistic view of youth health and wellbeing. We will explore changing patterns of adolescent health and development, including why adolescence is starting earlier and ending later; how puberty and adolescent brain development may shape future health; and how what happens in adolescence can affect the start to life for the next generation. We’ll also look at the major health and social issues affecting young people and ways of addressing these through policy, practice and programming.
This course comprises short video lectures and interviews, required and recommended readings, online discussion, quizzes and written assignments. There is no required text for this course and all readings are provided.
No- you may access 100% of material in this course for free. You are also welcome to do as much or as little of the course as you like, including all (or none!) of the assessment tasks- it all depends on your learning goals. The option to pay for this course is there for those who wish to receive a Course Certificate as evidence of completion (which does require you to attempt and successfully pass the assessment tasks).
This course will be relevant for anyone with an interest in the health and wellbeing of young people. You do not need to be of any particular personal or professional background to benefit from this course, but having some basic undergraduate study experience will be helpful to your learning (particularly if in a health related field).
You’ll learn how so much of what happens during adolescence can impact not only the future health of individuals, but the health of the next generation as well. You’ll develop a greater understanding of the key factors impacting upon youth health and learn how to be a better advocate for the health and wellbeing of young people.
View the MOOC promotional video here:
The Newborn Assessment
In your previous course, you learned some medical interventions and skills to keep newborns healthy in the days and weeks after they have been born. In this course, you will learn what some additional skills that medical providers do to keep babies healthy. The Newborn Assessment Course will walk you through the physical examination from head to toe. You are going to learn that this is so much we can discover just by looking at a baby. And yes, we will be listening too, and discussing how medical equipment, such as a stethoscope or a pulse oximeter, can help in your exam. You will begin to be able to distinguish some normal findings from some abnormal findings.
A newborn baby is an amazing beautiful life filled with hope. There is so much that goes into making sure that babies are born healthy, and so much more to think about after they are born. Whether you are in the health care field, or even a parent, this course is the perfect educational opportunity for you to keep newborn babies healthy in the days and weeks after they are born!
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