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Personal Development Courses - Page 13

Showing results 121-130 of 514
Creating Trust & Support
Welcome to Leading StandOut Teams: Creating Trust & Support! This course will explore what it means to create the conditions in which a team feels they can trust that everyone is being open and real; how to create the team relatedness that generates a sense of support among team members; and the dynamic of how having faith in your team generates trust. By the end of the course, you will be able to: - Describe what it means to create a team environment of trust and confidence that lets everyone be open and real. - Create a sense of relatedness with your team so that they can count on support from one another. - Learn to model faith in your team and explore strategies and practices that generate trust. Modules Include: One: Teammate Trust. Explore what it means to create the conditions in which a team feels they can trust that everyone is being open and real. Two: Relying on Teammates. Explore how to create the team relatedness that generates a sense of support among team members. Three: Having Your Team Members’ Backs. Explore the dynamic of how having faith in your team generates trust. This is a beginner's course, intended for team leaders with an interest in Leading StandOut Teams. It includes lecture videos by StandOut Strengths Coaches, practice quizzes, graded quizzes, peer-reviewed assignments, discussion prompts, and activity guides to facilitate ongoing learning and provide a structure to make sense of learning so that it can be embedded into real change. To succeed in this course, you should be willing to self-reflect and open to shifting perspectives. Making the effort will result in a positive and fulfilling response.
Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Problem-solving and effective decision-making are essential skills in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing workplace. Both require a systematic yet creative approach to address today’s business concerns. This course will teach an overarching process of how to identify problems to generate potential solutions and how to apply decision-making styles in order to implement and assess those solutions. Through this process, you will gain confidence in assessing problems accurately, selecting the appropriate decision-making approaches for the situation at hand, making team decisions, and measuring the success of the solution’s implementation. Using case studies and situations encountered by class members, you will explore proven, successful problem-solving and decision-making models and methods that can be readily transferred to workplace projects. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Identify key terms, styles, and approaches to effective problem-solving and decision-making 2. Explain both the affordances and limitations associated with problem-solving and decision-making 3. Reflect on how mindset and personal bias influence your ability to solve problems and make decisions 4. Explain and discuss how organizational decisions or non-decisions impact personal development, team dynamics, and company-wide performance 5. Articulate how both good and bad team decisions can benefit your professional growth
Tinkering Fundamentals: Motion and Mechanisms
The Tinkering Fundamentals course will offer educators and enthusiasts an opportunity to develop a practice of tinkering and making. We see tinkering as a serious endeavor—one that is generalizable across content and especially good at interweaving disciplines in a way that leads to complex projects and individualized learning opportunities. Tinkering has recently been introduced into the educational field as a potential driver of creativity, excitement, and innovation in science learning. It is seen by many as an effective means to engage in exploring STEM concepts, practices and phenomena. Tinkering typically blends the high and low tech tools of science along with a strong aesthetic dimension that supports children’s (and adults’) self expression. NB: This is a hands-on course, so you will need several tools and materials to do weekly activities. You are welcome to purchase only what you don't already have—or even better try to scrounge them from surplus stores! We have put together a list of recommended materials, which you can find here: For over a decade, the Exploratorium has been developing science-rich tinkering activities for both children and adults. We see tinkering as a fun yet serious endeavor—spanning many disciplines and content areas and fostering connections between art, science, and technology. Learners follow their own path to understanding by investigating tools and materials and exploring questions that interest them. This opens up a wide range of possible answers rather than any specific “right” one, particularly for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects in the classroom. This course centers on activities related to Motion and Mechanisms, which offer a wealth of opportunities for thinking through making. In this course, we won’t just show you how we develop tinkering activities; we’ll also delve into why. We’ll focus on three important aspects: activity design around specific materials, facilitation strategies, and environmental organization. We’ll also share some guiding principles and learning indicators we’ve developed that can help you integrate tinkering into your elementary and middle-school science program. Whether you’re new to making or a seasoned tinkerer, we hope this course will help you take the next step! OUR APPROACH TO TEACHING This is a hands-on workshop, not a lecture-based class. Participation is essential! We want everyone to be making and tinkering together: trying things out, asking questions, sharing ideas, and reflecting together as a community. This is a wonderful chance to tinker and learn alongside people from all over the world and from all walks of life, so don’t be shy! PLEASE NOTE: We have put a great deal of effort towards creating a supportive space that encourages exploration. We’ll give you a few ways to get started; prompt you to share your own observations and experience as learners, designers, and facilitators; and hopefully spark interesting conversations and discoveries along the way. While it’s not a requirement, we encourage you to take this class with a friend or colleague, or meet with other people in your area: having support or doing activities with others will enhance your experience and help you stay engaged. This project was funded by generous support from Overdeck Family Foundation and the National Science Foundation.
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth, this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional development opportunity not to be missed. There are various techniques which help to assess student learning. This course helps teacher to acquire the skills to develop and use appropriate assessment procedures. Enhance your course by joining the Commonwealth teaching community on our website, Facebook and Twitter.
Creating Behavioral Change
In this course you will learn about understanding and changing mental and physical health behavior. We will examine both the historical context and the current science. Major topics will include fundamental behavioral principles and basic elements of empirically supported individual treatments (e.g., motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapies). Lectures and examples will illustrate both the theory and the practice of evidence-based approaches to behavior change. You will engage in a course-long behavior change experiment as well as brief quizzes. Please note: this course is designed to introduce you to a range of contemporary approaches to behavioral treatments; however, it will not provide the skills needed to implement psychological interventions with others (this requires years of graduate training) nor is it designed to address or resolve your own psychological problems. For each module, students will complete 1 assignment related to their personal behavior change project and 1 quiz on the week’s material.
Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Body
As the second of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing of the body. As an educational and cultural platform, this course will share a number of traditional body therapies. Learners will not become certified traditional healers at the completion of this course but will be able apply basic principles or traditional medicine for health and illnesses. They will become familiar specifically with the traditional treatment of Empacho (intestinal blockage), Manteadas (shawl alignments), Ventosas (fire cupping), Hidroterapia (healing with water), and other topics such as the Huesero (bone setter). Future Curanderismo courses include: Traditional Healing of the Mind, Energy and Spirit: Temazcal (sweatlodge), Limpias (energetic/spiritual cleansings), Risaterapia (laugh therapy) and other topics. Global and Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing: African tradition, Afro Latino from Cuba and Puerto Rico, Native American spiritual cleansings and Mayan acupuncture and other topics. REQUIRED TEXTS Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine without Borders by Eliseo Torres Curandero: Traditional Healers of Mexico and the Southwest by Eliseo Torres with Imanol Miranda Where to buy: OPTIONAL TEXTS Curandero: A life in Mexican Folk Healing by Eliseo Torres & Tim Sawyer Healing with Herbs & Rituals: A Mexican Tradition, Eliseo Torres, edited by Tim Sawyer Where to buy: PODCAST: Blubrry podcast - Itunes Episode 63 -
Oral Communication for Engineering Leaders
Taught by Rice University communication faculty from the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership (RCEL). This course covers core topics in oral communication: Communication strategy, content, data visualization, and delivery. You’ll learn key principles in • Creating a communication strategy • Developing a clear message and organizing persuasive content • Creating strong visual support • Presenting data effectively • Presenting professionally and confidently • Handling formal presentations, giving pitches, speaking extemporaneously, managing online presentations, and lowering public speaking anxiety Selected materials courtesy of Communication Faculty at Rice University - all rights reserved.
Build a Professional Resume using Canva
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to Build a keyword-optimized Applicant Tracking System (ATS) friendly Professional Resume that is appealing, eye-catching and elegant. This guided project is for anyone who is looking to build a Professional Resume. Both Professionals and Students will find this course extremely beneficial. You will not only learn how to tailor a resume according to the Job description but also Keyword Optimization techniques that will make your resume Applicant Tracking Systems friendly. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are used by 99 percent of fortune 500 companies to screen out Resumes. We will build a Resume that can pass the ATS software and reach the HRs. We will start by choosing an elegant and eye-catching template and we will build each of the following sections in detail task by task: Contact details, Objectives/Summary, Professional Experience, Education Credentials and skills/Achievements/Projects. By the end of this project, you will be confident in creating a Professional Resume that is customized and tailored for a job. Throughout our careers, all of us keep on looking for better opportunities and that’s why learning how to create and customize a Professional resume is one skill that will benefit you throughout your career. You do NOT need any prior experience in Resume writing or Graphic designs to complete this project. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Intermediate Grammar Project
If you have taken the three courses in this specialization, you have learned a lot of grammar in the last few months. This will be a big help to your studies or your career. This capstone project will help you process what you've learned and help you remember it forever. You will create a grammar scrapbook of the difficult or interesting English grammatical structures that you studied in the specialization. You will choose a multi-media tool of your choice, such as video or e-book, to showcase proper use of the grammar. You will also give authentic examples of the grammar found in articles, movies, or songs to make the scrapbook interesting. This will be a scrapbook that you can keep with you long after this specialization ends.
Tinkering Fundamentals: Circuits
The Tinkering Fundamentals course will offer educators and enthusiasts an opportunity to develop a practice of tinkering and making. We see tinkering as a serious endeavor—one that is generalizable across content and especially good at interweaving disciplines in a way that leads to complex projects and individualized learning opportunities. Tinkering has recently been introduced into the educational field as a potential driver of creativity, excitement, and innovation in science learning. It is seen by many as an effective means to engage in exploring STEM concepts, practices and phenomena. Tinkering typically blends the high and low tech tools of science along with a strong aesthetic dimension that supports children’s (and adults) self expression. For over a decade, the Exploratorium has been developing science-rich tinkering activities for both children and adults. We see tinkering as a fun yet serious endeavor—spanning many disciplines and content areas and fostering connections between art, science, and technology. Learners follow their own path to understanding by investigating tools and materials and exploring questions that interest them. This opens up a wide range of possible answers rather than any “right” one, particularly for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects in the classroom. This course centers on circuit-related activities, which offer a wealth of opportunities for thinking through making. In this course, we won’t just show you how we develop tinkering activities; we’ll also delve into why. We’ll focus on three important aspects: activity design around specific materials, facilitation strategies, and environmental organization. We’ll also share some guiding principles and learning indicators we’ve developed that can help you integrate tinkering into your elementary and middle-school science program. Whether you’re new to making or a seasoned tinkerer, we hope this course will help you take the next step! OUR APPROACH TO TEACHING This is a hands-on workshop, not a lecture-based class. Participation is essential! We want everyone to be making and tinkering together: trying things out, asking questions, sharing ideas, and reflecting together as a community. This is a wonderful chance to tinker and learn alongside people from all over the world and from all walks of life, so don’t be shy! PLEASE NOTE: Although this course will not have active instructor participation, we have put a great deal of effort towards creating a supportive space that encourages exploration. We’ll give you a few ways to get started; prompt you to share your own observations and experience as learners, designers and facilitators; and hopefully spark interesting conversations and discoveries along the way. While it’s not a requirement, we encourage you to take this class with a friend or colleague or meet with other people in your area: having support or doing activities with others will enhance your experience and help you stay engaged. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS You will need several tools and materials to do weekly course activities. Pre-bundled materials are available from the Exploratorium store at Please obtain all materials as soon as possible, well in advance of when you will need them in the course. Be sure to allow extra time for shipping and, if you are outside the U.S., for customs. In some cases, certain items may require assembly. Please refer to the Resources section to review this course’s activity guides.