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Learning English Courses - Page 2
Showing results 11-20 of 117
Low Intermediate English: Help & Information
In this course, you will learn important language for asking for help, giving and understanding directions, and sharing your opinions. Learning activities in this course will take place on Voxy, an engaging language learning platform that automatically adapts to your current level and your performance across reading, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills so that every lesson is optimized for rapid improvement.
Each week is made up of engaging, short, task-based lessons that can be done anywhere, anytime. Lessons include content from the real world, so you will learn from real conversations and emails between friends and colleagues exchanging information and assistance. By the end of the course, you will be able to seek and find answers to just about any question you may have!
Assessing Achievement with the ELL in Mind
In this course, you will learn how to design assessments around the needs of your ELL students and their language level. You will learn how to incorporate language and content requirements for both formative and summative assessment types. You will learn to assess your ELL students through the use of project and task-based assignments. You will learn to use and modify rubrics to align to and measure student achievement of your language and content learning objectives. The course will also briefly cover strategies for supporting ELL students during standardized testing.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
* Conceptualize theories of authentic assessment as they apply to second language learners
* Design formative assessment types incorporating language and content objectives
* Design summative assessment types incorporating language and content objectives
* Incorporate project and task-based assignments as assessment tools for ELLs
* Design rubrics that align to language and content objectives for your ELL(s)
* Apply the use of rubrics, both language and content, to the work of your ELL(s).
* Support your ELL(s) as they participate in standardized testing
IELTS Writing Section Skills Mastery
Whether you have taken the IELTS test before, you will benefit from completing this course on the writing section of the exam. The lessons in this course will improve your overall skills in writing and prepare you for every type of writing prompt on the test, increasing your chances of getting your target band score.
You will be ready to give well-constructed responses to Academic Writing Task 1 questions, which require you to analyze a variety of graphics and diagrams. You will also be able to confidently complete Writing Task 2, the opinion essay portion of the exam. We’ll review plenty of sample prompts and scoring rubrics so you’ll know exactly what to expect. The helpful tips and strategies offered in this course will give you the invaluable tools and knowledge you’ll need to compose clear and precise responses while efficiently managing the time allotted for each task.
Taking tests can be stressful, but being familiar with the test and practicing will reduce anxiety and give you the confidence you’ll need to perform at your best.
Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses
This is the second course in the Learn English: Advanced Grammar and Punctuation specialty. In this course, you will learn about a lot of different ways to join ideas to make more complex and interesting sentences. You'll learn about two types of conjunctions, many other types of connectives, and adverb clauses. You'll also learn about how to punctuate all of these expressions and the types of sentences they create. All of this is grammar you must know to have a high fluency in English.
Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.
Lesson | Telephone Language
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify telephone language through phone dialogues.
Tricky American English Pronunciation
In this course, you’ll practice the sounds of American English that might sometimes be confusing. You'll practice both consonant and vowel sounds. You’ll also learn about the things that give English its special “music,” such as how to stress the right syllable in a word, how to make your voice go up and down in a natural-sounding melody, and how to naturally connect sounds and words. Learning these things will help you speak more clearly and make sure that others can understand what you're saying.
This course is useful for English language learners who want to improve pronunciation of American English for better communication.
Note that access to all of the lectures and handouts are free to anyone, but the graded assignments and quizzes are only available in the paid version of the course. You will need to submit recordings of your own pronunciation for graded assignments.
Lesson | Business English Skills: Introducing Yourself in Business Settings
This lesson is part of a full course, Business English Networking. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Introduce yourself by giving your name, job, company, and city
- Identify the job, company, and the city of new acquaintances
Project: Writing a Research Paper
Welcome to the capstone project for the Academic English: Writing Specialization! This project lets you apply everything you’ve learned and gives you the practice you need for college classes by having you write a research paper. You'll have several due dates throughout the capstone to help you stay on schedule.
In this capstone project, you will:
- conduct research on an academic topic of your choice
- create an outline to plan out your essay
- write a short annotated bibliography to help you evaluate your sources
- write a 7-8 page research paper
- use source material correctly with MLA format
English for Running a Successful Business
In this course, as you read passages and watch videos, you will learn about the challenges of entrepreneurship, the importance of sales professionals in every company, and how to read numbers and graphs in sales reports. You will also learn how important project management and sustainability are for companies in modern times. Additionally, you will learn the correct usage of modal verbs and phrasal verbs as well as how to clearly ask for clarification. Your professional communication skills will improve as you incorporate these lessons into your English. This will help you to be more successful in using English in your business life.
Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen
Do you have to give presentations in school or at your work? Is it nerve-racking? Then you've come to the right place. Everyone gets a little nervous when they think about having to stand in front of other people and speak intelligently. This course will give you helpful tips for making effective speeches and delivering them well in typical American settings. You'll learn how to organize a presentation, how to make it memorable, and how to communicate clearly. In the course, you'll have several opportunities to demonstrate the presentation skills that you learn. This will help you gain the experience you need to be more confident when you give a speech in an American classroom or on the job. Learners will record several videos of themselves giving assigned presentations and upload the videos for peer feedback.
Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.
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