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Social Sciences Courses - Page 54
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Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy
In this course you’ll focus on how constant data collection and big data analysis have impacted us, exploring the interplay between using your data and protecting it, as well as thinking about what it could do for you in the future. This will be done through a series of paired teaching sections, exploring a specific “Impact of Computing” in your typical day and the “Technologies and Computing Concepts” that enable that impact, all at a K12-appropriate level.
This course is part of a larger Specialization through which you’ll learn impacts of computing concepts you need to know, organized into 5 distinct digital “worlds”, as well as learn pedagogical techniques and evaluate lesson plans and resources to utilize in your classroom. By the end, you’ll be prepared to teach pre-college learners to be both savvy and effective participants in their digital world.
In this particular digital world (personal data), you’ll explore the following Impacts & Technology pairs --
Impacts (Show me what I want to see!): Internet Privacy, Custom Ads, Personalization of web pages
Technologies and Computing Concepts: Cookies, Web vs Internet, https, Web Servers
Impacts (Use my data…. But protect it!): Common Cybersecurity knowledge levels, ISP data collection, Internet design, finding out what is known about you online, software terms and services
Technology and Computing Concepts: DNS, Cryptography (ciphers, hashing, encryption, SSL), Deep and Dark Web
Impacts (What could my data do for me in the future?): What is Big Data, Machine Learning finds new music, Wearable technologies.
Technology and Computing Concepts: AI vs ML, Supervised vs Unsupervised learning, Neural Networks, Recommender systems, Speech recognition
In the pedagogy section for this course, in which best practices for teaching computing concepts are explored, you’ll learn how to apply Bloom’s taxonomy to create meaningful CS learning objectives, the importance of retrieval-based learning, to build learning activities with online simulators, and how to use “fun” books to teach computing.
In terms of CSTA K-12 computer science standards, we’ll primarily cover learning objectives within the “impacts of computing” concept, while also including some within the “networks and the Internet” concepts and the “data and analysis” concept. Practices we cover include “fostering and inclusive computing culture”, “recognizing and defining computational problems”, and “communicating about computing”.
Brilliant, Passionate You
This course is an interdisciplinary look at how we can make each day the best day of our lives by examining the question, “How can you be your most brilliant, passionate self?” You will be joined on this journey by our animated host, Lewis!
You will envision your “perfect day” and then slowly deconstruct the elements of that day to better understand key elements such as finding your purpose, defining success, mental and physical health, the importance of community, and navigating risks and challenges. In addition, you will hear stories from a diverse array of individuals, including students, doctors, teachers, professional storytellers, professional athletes, coaches, and others sharing their own journeys, communities, and sources of inspiration.
Finally, you will participate in the What’s Your Purpose? Project, utilizing storytelling techniques to share your own purpose and inspire other members of this global learning community to pursue theirs.
Data and Urban Governance
Since the beginning of the 2000s, cities have witnessed a massive influx of data, transforming how cities are governed. Data has an impact on how city life is structured, as it influences coalitions, actors, instruments, policies, and forms of regulation.
In this MOOC, we will look at this shift more closely: what has the advent of big data done to urban governance? Have platforms disrupted local authorities? How has big data changed local politics? How do we govern using algorithms? What is the place of citizens in the digital city? Is it still possible to be anonymous in the city?
At the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the landscape of urban governance in the digital era, including its myriad actors and instruments; to decipher what drives ongoing transformations in how local governments are structured and operate; to analyze the contemporary changes in municipal service markets; and to understand what is at stake in terms of the creation and implementation of public policies when data comes to town.
This MOOC is offered by the Digital Cities Chair of the Urban School of SciencesPo, funded by La Poste, RTE and the Caisse des Dépôts.
Videos are in creative commons license BY NC
Creating a Student Profile in Google Docs
By the end of this project, you will have created a Student Profile in Google Docs that will allow you identify student needs and differentiate instruction. We will work together to learn how to use Google Docs as we create a Student Profile template and complete it for a particular student you have in mind. You will be provided with additional resources that will help improve your teaching practice through identification of students needs and ensuring that the appropriate accommodations are put in place to support their academic growth.
Teaching is constantly changing. More than ever, it is essential that all teachers have a thorough understanding of the different needs present in their classroom. Once each student is more deeply understood, learning plans can be created to ensure that their school year is successful. This project will further equip you to meet the needs of your students.
*You will need a free Google account for this project.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint to Create a Choice Board
By the end of this project, you will have created a choice board to use with your class in person or virtually. Choice boards allow teachers to accomplish curriculum goals while providing students with greater freedom in how they accomplish those goals. Providing students with choice is one important way to provide them with a sense of ownership of their learning. They will feel that their voice matters and be more engaged in the task at hand through the opportunity to choose their activity. Choice boards also provide an engaging way to encourage practice virtually!
Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems
Learn about the three phases of the urban value chain: planning, governance and regeneration. With lecturers from all around the world and concrete case studies, this course will give you a comprehensive overview about the “Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems”.
This course has assembled some of the most relevant experiences and knowledge from our Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems (IGLUS) Executive Master’s program, which has been offered by EPFL during the past 5 years. IGLUS consists of 2-week action-learning organized in over 10 major cities around the world, during which participants acquire an in-depth understanding of the challenges cities are facing and the ways they are addressing them. This MOOC will share this knowledge with you, thanks to some of our lecturers from various disciplines and from all around the world.
During this course, you will learn about the three phases of the urban value chain, which are: planning, governance and regeneration. In particular, we will address the unique challenges of the phases and ask questions such as: how to design cities? How to govern them, especially when it comes to their institutional, financial, economic and social dimensions? And how to regenerate urban spaces?
Finding bibliography metrics using the Crossref API
Manually searching specific metadata for an academic paper is laborious. Is there any magic that we can get all metadata for the bibliography search done at once? Crossref is the tool for you. It can extract the metadata for tens of thousands of papers online in one run.
By the end of this project, learners will be able to create their own tailored R function to find paper metrics from the Crossref API. The function, which will be guided to build step by step, can easily be re-used when there are newly added articles or if the learners want to get the most up-to-date metrics. In this guided project, the instructor will walk learners through understanding the Crossref API, tailoring an R function, and wrangling the bibliography dataset. A good handle of this method will make it convenient for learners to analyze different metrics for bibliography from different fields, such as impact and number of collaborators.
Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress
Developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage their emotions and those of their students. The 10-hour online course is designed for school staff, including teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, principals, and non-teaching staff in preK-12 schools.
Speaking and Presenting: Tact
To be an effective speaker you don’t need to overwhelm people with your intellect. You don’t need to dazzle them from start to finish. You simply need to give them the sense that what they are receiving was especially prepared with their interests and needs in mind. This course will help you develop the judgment and dexterity needed to craft a perfectly tailored message.
Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
It is well known that water treatment at the household level can lead to dramatic improvements in drinking water quality. But does Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) also have global relevance? What are the potential treatment solutions and how do they function? Is there a standard strategy for successful HWTS implementation, or can we identify key components which make programs more likely to succeed?
In this course you will learn about the most important water treatment methods at household level, successful implementation strategies and about assessing the impact of HWTS.
MOOC SERIES “SANITATION, WATER AND SOLID WASTE FOR DEVELOPMENT” : This course is one of four in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development".
FRANçAIS: Dans ce MOOC, vous allez apprendre les plus importantes méthodes de traitement de l'eau au niveau des ménages, les stratégies pour une mise en œuvre réussie et l’évaluation de l’impact du traitement et stockage sûr de l'eau à domicile.
ESPAñOL: Aprende acerca de los métodos más importantes de tratamiento de agua a nivel domiciliario, de estrategias de implementación eficientes y de la evaluación del impacto del tratamiento doméstico y almacenamiento seguro del agua.
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