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Arts And Humanities Courses - Page 16

Showing results 151-160 of 464
Curanderismo: Global & Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing
As the last of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing using different techniques of many countries around the world. As an educational and cultural platform, this course will share a number of traditional global perspectives. Learners will not become certified traditional healers at the completion of this course but will be able apply basic principles or traditional medicine for health and illnesses. They will become familiar specifically with African traditional medicine from Uganda, African healing through music from Gabon, Afro-Cuban and Afro Puerto-Rican healing techniques, medicinal plants for women, Native American feather healing and other topics. REQUIRED TEXTS Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine without Borders by Eliseo Torres Curandero: Traditional Healers of Mexico and the Southwest by Eliseo Torres with Imanol Miranda Where to buy: OPTIONAL TEXTS Curandero: A life in Mexican Folk Healing by Eliseo Torres & Tim Sawyer Healing with Herbs & Rituals: A Mexican Tradition, Eliseo Torres, edited by Tim Sawyer Where to buy: PODCAST: Blubrry podcast - Itunes Episode 63 -
Memoir and Personal Essay: Managing Your Relationship with the Reader
The blank page can be the most daunting obstacle in writing. In this course, aspiring writers will assemble a “starter kit” for approaching the blank page by developing constructive ways to think about the writing process as a whole. While subsequent courses in this series will focus on the mechanics of good writing, this course offers ways to think about the writer’s relationship to her material, and ultimately develop a writing style that is uniquely her own.
Skepticism is about doubt, and doubt is everywhere in the world around us today. There are doubts about whether man-made climate change is real, whether vaccinations are harmful, whether we can trust our politicians or our media, and so on. When is such skepticism warranted, and when does it stray into unreasonable territory? How widespread can such skepticism get while still being coherent? How might a radical skepticism have pernicious social consequences, such as by leading to relativism (and just what is relativism, and what is problematic about it)? These are all questions that we will be engaging with in this course Along the way we will consider some important philosophical issues, such as what the nature of knowledge is, whether there are any good arguments that show that knowledge is impossible, and how a moderate skepticism might accord with an ancient conception of the good life of human flourishing, one that essentially involves the intellectual virtues. This course is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning more about philosophy, along with those who are looking for strategies to combat extremism in their communities. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. In this course, learners will: Explore the concept of Skepticism Discuss the role of Skepticism in contemporary society Identify common responses to Skepticism Compare/Contrast various forms of Skepticism Apply knowledge of Skepticism to form a personal stance Recognize why knowledge is more than just true belief
Gender, Family, and Social Change in Contemporary South Korea
This course examines the transformation of Korean society beginning around the turn of the 20th century to contemporary times. In particular, it explores how shifting categories of masculinity, and by contrast, femininity have impacted upon, and in turn been influenced by social, cultural, and political change. Using multiple disciplinary lenses, we will critically examine how gender intersects with political, social, and economic developments starting with the Confucianization of Korean society during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) up to the contemporary moment of globalization and neoliberal reform. The class will draw on a variety of topics such as traditional views of women, religion, race, class, education, patriarchy, sexuality, imperialism, modernity, war, globalization, the diaspora, among others. Special attention will be placed on the historical, transnational and transdisciplinary connections.
Magna Carta and its Legacies: Freedom and protest
This course examines the roles that Magna Carta has played historically as well as the importance of Magna Carta today. It aims to equip students with a critical understanding of Magna Carta and its significance around the globe. Students will find out what Magna Carta is, how it came about, and why many believe that it remains one of the most significant documents in history. We will investigate why Magna Carta was perceived as 'radical' in its day, why it continues to be the source of numerous debates, and why its anniversaries are celebrated widely up until the present day. Magna Carta's most recent anniversary took place in 2015, when the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta's sealing on the meadows of Runnymede in Surrey was celebrated.
Visual Communication through zines using Scribus &
By the end of this project, you will learn how to use Scribus to create a short digital zine. Scribus v 1.4.8 is a desktop publishing software which is currently providing a valid Open Source alternative to the mainstream desktop publishing software, such as Indesign. It is a valuable option for those who want to broaden their software knowledge and train their skillset in terms of editorial production practising with this free tool available to be downloaded to any desktop. Digital zines are the current evolution of traditional zines, both recognised as powerful tools of Visual Communication. Originally born as a form of self-expression, zines are characterised by small-circulation and self-publishing, peculiarities that give traditional zines a distinctive “Lo-Fi” aesthetic. Their contents can be original or appropriated texts and images. Zines aim to divulge art, cultural or social issues, abstract concepts or in the case of “fanzines” to talk about specific phenomena of which the authors are enthusiasts. Having a wider circulation due to the fact that they can be printed or shared online, Digital zines nowadays keep the purposes of traditional ones plus they are largely used as digital portfolios for practitioners or companies, event and product catalogues, instructional or educational manuals, marketing and editorial material. As a starting point to explore the potentialities of digital zines, the learners can become familiar with this form of Visual Communication, in order to reach a broader public to whom they share their contents.
Teaching Texts and Forms
The first job of any writer is to get words down on paper, and teaching writing as process helps students gain the fluency, comfort and confidence they need to succeed at any writing task. But complex, comprehensive writing tasks often bring with them specific expectations and conventions the writer must address to be successful. This course will examine some of those more comprehensive writing tasks: personal essays; argument, analysis and other forms of transactional writing; and creative writing. Learners will also identify strategies for supporting the reading/writing connection and practical assignments for engaging students in writing around texts.
Promote the Ethical Use of Data-Driven Technologies
The greatest risk in emerging technology is the perpetuation of bias in automated technologies dependent upon data sets. Solutions created with racial, gender or demographic bias, whether unintentional or not can perpetuate tragic inequities socially and economically. This is the first of five courses within the Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (CEET) professional certificate and it is designed for learners seeking to advocate and promote the ethical use of data-driven technologies. Students will learn what emerging technologies are and how they can be used to create data driven solutions. You will learn types of bias and common ethical theories and how they can be applied to emerging technology, and examine legal and ethical privacy concepts as they relate to technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science fields. Throughout the course learners begin to distinguish which types of bias may cause the greatest risk and which principles to apply to strategically respond to ethical considerations.
How to Change the World
How can we use the things we share in common to address some of the most challenging problems facing the world? This course examines issues concerning poverty, the environment, technology, health care, gender, education and activism to help us understand better how to initiate positive change.
Effective Altruism
Effective altruism is built on the simple but unsettling idea that living a fully ethical life involves doing the most good one can. In this course you will examine this idea's philosophical underpinnings; meet remarkable people who have restructured their lives in accordance with it; and think about how effective altruism can be put into practice in your own life. All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon completion.