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Mobile And Web Development Courses - Page 25
Showing results 241-250 of 456
Deploy a Hugo Website with Cloud Build and Firebase Pipeline
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab you will learn how to deploy a static Hugo based website using Cloud Build and Firebase.
Build a Chat UI application using CSS3 Flexbox
This project will teach you how to design and build chat UI application using CSS3 Flexbox and you will explore some Flexbox playgrounds and will also see the differences between Flexbox and CSS Grid which can be helpful on to decide which layout to chose while building modern web layouts.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Make a GraphQL Server with ExpressJS
Make a GraphQL Server with ExpressJS
Installing and configuring PyDev with Eclipse
By the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to set up Eclipse for developing python projects using PyDev Plugin.PyDev is a third-party plug-in for Eclipse, that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE.
it provides things such as code completion and code analysis, a debugger, and an
interactive console. we are going to learn how to install PyDev and how we can use its cool features.
Work with Dates in JavaScript
By the end of this project, you will have learned to create and manipulate date objects in JavaScript. You will work with dates by using Date Get methods to isolate and use portions of a date—like month and year—and Date Set methods to set portions of a date to specific values. Since dates are often critical pieces of data, the ability to control them is an essential skill for any JavaScript programmer.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Agile Software Development
Software industry is going crazy on agile methods. It is rapidly becoming the choice for software development where requirements are unpredictable or is expected to change over time. This course will help you gain knowledge on what is agile? Why agile is better suited for these situations? We will also cover some of the most common agile frameworks like scrum and XP in depth.
Prerequisite: You need basic knowledge of software development process and software development methodologies.
After completing this course, you will be able to :
1) Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in agile practices/process for software development.
2) Explain the purpose behind common agile practices.
3) Ability to apply agile principles and values to a given situation.
4) Ability to identify and address most common problems encountered in adopting Agile methods.
Project: You will also be given opportunity to apply what you learn in this course. You will be given fictional case studies, where after studying the case study, you will have to exercise some of the practices, techniques, etc that team members of an agile team members are expected to know.
IoT Communications
This course builds on the previous course: IoT Devices. After we have built and programmed a small self-driving vehicle, now it's time get into more advanced territory and enhance the device's connectivity further. To do so you will study radio frequency (RF) communication, the MAC layer, Mesh Networking as well as distributed algorithms for use with geographic locations. These techniques will be applied to your device in the lab, which is composed of four steps, one in each week of the course. In Week 1, after going over some orientation for the course, you will focus on radio frequency (RF) communication, how it fits in with the larger scope of electromagnetism, how RF signals propagate in physical environments, how RF signals can be used to encode data, and how all this information is useful in constructing resilient and high-bandwidth IoT communication substrates.
Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio
In this course you will build an Android app with persistent storage (specifically Shared Preferences) in Android Studio. What is meant by persistent storage is that when a user exits an app and then restart it, the app will remember some information that the user gave it previously. This app has four input boxes where the user is being asked to enter a name, address, phone number, and email address. Beneath that section the user will be asked to use radio buttons to indicate the part of the day they prefer, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Night. The ability to save and retrieve information is a fundamental part of practically all apps and is essential knowledge for any aspiring app developer and those who like to create apps out of curiosity for fun.
Projects in Series 1:
1. Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java
2. Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio
3. Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio
4. Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio
5. Build a Table Layout App in Android Studio
Projects in Series 2:
1. Build an App in Android Studio using Resources
2. Build an App in Android Studio using Static Files
3. Build an App in Android Studio using Read - Write
4. Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch
5. Build an App in Android Studio using Activities
Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow
Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your model.
In this final course, you’ll explore four different scenarios you’ll encounter when deploying models. You’ll be introduced to TensorFlow Serving, a technology that lets you do inference over the web. You’ll move on to TensorFlow Hub, a repository of models that you can use for transfer learning. Then you’ll use TensorBoard to evaluate and understand how your models work, as well as share your model metadata with others. Finally, you’ll explore federated learning and how you can retrain deployed models with user data while maintaining data privacy.
This Specialization builds upon our TensorFlow in Practice Specialization. If you are new to TensorFlow, we recommend that you take the TensorFlow in Practice Specialization first. To develop a deeper, foundational understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take the Deep Learning Specialization.
Build a MERN application using Next.js
By the end of this project, you will Build a MERN application using Next.js by using Next.js to fetch data from an existing REST API and passing props to a React component to present questions and check answers on a form.
Next.js is used to provide server-side rendering and routing. React is used for presenting dynamic data on the Client side for such activities as form processing. Next.js may be responsible for fetching data from an API to create props, while the React component handles form creation and event processing.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
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