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Data Science Courses - Page 28
Showing results 271-280 of 1407
Introduction to Business Analytics with R
Nearly every aspect of business is affected by data analytics. For businesses to capitalize on data analytics, they need leaders who understand the business analytic workflow. This course addresses the human skills gap by providing a foundational set of data processing skills that can be applied to many business settings.
In this course you will use a data analytic language, R, to efficiently prepare business data for analytic tools such as algorithms and visualizations. Cleaning, transforming, aggregating, and reshaping data is a critical, but inconspicuous step in the business analytic workflow.
As you learn how to use R to prepare data for analysis you will gain experience using RStudio, a powerful integrated development environment (IDE), that has many built-in features that simplify coding with R.
As you learn about the business analytic workflow you will also consider the interplay between business principles and data analytics. Specifically, you will explore how delegation, control, and feasibility influence the way in which data is processed. You will also be introduced to examples of business problems that can be solved with data automation and analytics, and methods for communicating data analytic results that do not require copying and pasting from one platform to another.
Build Dashboards in Power BI
In this project, you will create a Dashboard in Power BI. You will get data to bring into a model, build several reports, generate informative charts from each report, then choose powerful visuals to highlight on a Dashboard. Your new skills will help you efficiently summarize important information on a one-page dashboard with visual data.
Medical Insurance Premium Prediction with Machine Learning
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to predict medical insurance cost with machine learning. The objective of this case study is to predict the health insurance cost incurred by Individuals based on their age, gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), number of children, smoking habits, and geo-location.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Recommender Systems
In this course you will:
a) understand the basic concept of recommender systems. b) understand the Collaborative Filtering.
c) understand the Recommender System with Deep Learning. d) understand the Further Issues of Recommender Systems.
Please make sure that you’re comfortable programming in Python and have a basic knowledge of mathematics including matrix multiplications, conditional probability, and basic machine learning algorithms.
Data Analysis and Interpretation Capstone
The Capstone project will allow you to continue to apply and refine the data analytic techniques learned from the previous courses in the Specialization to address an important issue in society. You will use real world data to complete a project with our industry and academic partners. For example, you can work with our industry partner, DRIVENDATA, to help them solve some of the world's biggest social challenges! DRIVENDATA at, is committed to bringing cutting-edge practices in data science and crowdsourcing to some of the world's biggest social challenges and the organizations taking them on.
Or, you can work with our other industry partner, The Connection ( to help them better understand recidivism risk for people on parole seeking substance use treatment. For more than 40 years, The Connection has been one of Connecticut’s leading private, nonprofit human service and community development agencies. Each month, thousands of people are assisted by The Connection’s diverse behavioral health, family support and community justice programs. The Connection’s Institute for Innovative Practice was created in 2010 to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners in the behavioral health and criminal justice fields with the goal of developing maximally effective, evidence-based treatment programs.
A major component of the Capstone project is for you to be able to choose the information from your analyses that best conveys results and implications, and to tell a compelling story with this information. By the end of the course, you will have a professional quality report of your findings that can be shown to colleagues and potential employers to demonstrate the skills you learned by completing the Specialization.
Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Final Project
In this Capstone Project, you'll bring together all the new skills and insights you've learned through the four courses. You'll be given a 'mock' client problem and a data set. You'll need to analyze the data to gain business insights, research the client's domain area, and create recommendations. You'll then need to visualize the data in a client-facing presentation. You'll bring it all together in a recorded video presentation.
This course was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with an address at 300 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10017.
Empathy, Data, and Risk
Risk Management and Innovation develops your ability to conduct empathy-driven and data-driven analysis in the domain of risk management. This course introduces empathy as a professional competency. It explains the psychological processes that inhibit empathy-building and the processes that determine how organizational stakeholders respond to risk. The course guides you through techniques to gather risk information by understanding a stakeholder’s thoughts, feelings, and goals. These techniques include interviewing, brainstorming, and empathy mapping. The course concludes by using this risk information to enrich data analysis. You will learn basic data visualization concepts in Tableau and use these concepts to explore and explain data. Throughout these analyses, the course challenges you to identify risks by focusing on unmet stakeholder needs.
Classification of COVID19 using Chest X-ray Images in Keras
In this 1 hour long project-based course, you will learn to build and train a convolutional neural network in Keras with TensorFlow as backend from scratch to classify patients as infected with COVID or not using their chest x-ray images. Our goal is to create an image classifier with Tensorflow by implementing a CNN to differentiate between chest x rays images with a COVID 19 infections versus without. The dataset contains the lungs X-ray images of both groups.We will be carrying out the entire project on the Google Colab environment.
Please be aware of the fact that the dataset and the model in this project, can not be used in the real-life. We are only using this data for educational purposes.
By the end of this project, you will be able to build and train the convolutional neural network using Keras with TensorFlow as a backend. You will also be able to perform data visualization. Additionally, you will also be able to use the model to make predictions on new data.
You should be familiar with the Python Programming language and you should have a theoretical understanding of Convolutional Neural Networks. You will need a free Gmail account to complete this project.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Big Data Analysis to a Slide Presentation
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console.
This lab leverages two Google developer platforms: G Suite and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It uses GCP's BigQuery API, Sheets, and Slides to collect, analyze and present data.
Object Localization with TensorFlow
Welcome to this 2 hour long guided project on creating and training an Object Localization model with TensorFlow. In this guided project, we are going to use TensorFlow's Keras API to create a convolutional neural network which will be trained to classify as well as localize emojis in images. Localization, in this context, means the position of the emojis in the images. This means that the network will have one input and two outputs. Think of this task as a simpler version of Object Detection. In Object Detection, we might have multiple objects in the input images, and an object detection model predicts the classes as well as bounding boxes for all of those objects. In Object Localization, we are working with the assumption that there is just one object in any given image, and our CNN model will classify and localize that object.
Please note that you will need prior programming experience in Python. You will also need familiarity with TensorFlow. This is a practical, hands on guided project for learners who already have theoretical understanding of Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, and optimization algorithms like Gradient Descent but want to understand how to use use TensorFlow to solve computer vision tasks like Object Localization.
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