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Governance And Society Courses - Page 22
Showing results 211-220 of 270
Global Trends for Business and Society
In this course, you’ll learn to analyze rapidly changing global trends, their effects on consumer and labor markets, financial systems, and geopolitical relationships among countries all over the world. Professor Mauro Guillen of the Wharton School has designed this course to help you understand the magnitude of influence these trends have on the business world and society. Through real-world case studies, both historical and contemporary, you’ll examine how changes within one society affect others. By the end of this course, you’ll have gained the tools to be able to identify, analyze, and adapt to global changes as they affect your business and society.
Data and Urban Governance
Since the beginning of the 2000s, cities have witnessed a massive influx of data, transforming how cities are governed. Data has an impact on how city life is structured, as it influences coalitions, actors, instruments, policies, and forms of regulation.
In this MOOC, we will look at this shift more closely: what has the advent of big data done to urban governance? Have platforms disrupted local authorities? How has big data changed local politics? How do we govern using algorithms? What is the place of citizens in the digital city? Is it still possible to be anonymous in the city?
At the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the landscape of urban governance in the digital era, including its myriad actors and instruments; to decipher what drives ongoing transformations in how local governments are structured and operate; to analyze the contemporary changes in municipal service markets; and to understand what is at stake in terms of the creation and implementation of public policies when data comes to town.
This MOOC is offered by the Digital Cities Chair of the Urban School of SciencesPo, funded by La Poste, RTE and the Caisse des Dépôts.
Videos are in creative commons license BY NC
The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World
Did you know that Arabic was for centuries the lingua franca in an area stretching from the south of Spain to the Chinese border? Did you know that the Middle East under Muslim rule in those days was the world’s beating heart of trade, but also of science and scholarship?
Did you know that Islam in its formative period was heavily influenced by existing cultures in the region, like Indian, Greek, Persian and Byzantine culture? Did you know that for many centuries after the establishment of the Muslim Empire the majority of the population remained largely Christian and Jewish?
Did you know that they held a protected status in Islamic law? Did you know that this generally open-minded, curious and open society stimulated many great innovations and inventions?
Did you know that European scholarship in the Renaissance leaned heavily on the texts and inventions from the Middle East which were the outcome of this sophisticated advanced society?
In this course we will focus on the fascinating history of the Arabic Medieval World. We will take you on a journey through the Middle Ages starting off in eighth-century Baghdad. Along the old pilgrim trails we will go to places like Mecca, Jerusalem and Najaf. We will show you the impressive markets of places like Cairo and Samarkand. However we will not hide the dark sides of society either, by introducing you to the flourishing widespread slave trade. We will visit the Abbasid court, the Harem of the caliph, and the palace of the Mamluk Sultan. We will show you some beautiful medieval manuscripts, that live on as the silent witnesses of the impressive achievements of scientists and medical doctors of this forgotten era. All along we will present you with historiographical debates and dilemma’s. Reflecting on the way we look at and interpret history. And while taking you on this journey, we will travel back and forth in time explaining to you how events of the past affected and shaped the world as we know it today.
Welcome to the Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World! Enroll now and follow this course for free.
Dear Prof. Sijpesteijn
I am sending this email in gratitude for the Leiden University team for this course. Please thank the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs for offering it on Coursera, the Faculty of Humanities for creating the lovely course content and the excellent reading material. Rarely have I seen an MOOC that is this well-researched and thought through. This is in addition to the excellent resources provided and the creative media. I finished the course and presently doing the honors-track.
If I may introduce myself, I am Radi Radi, a Palestinian-Jordanian who lives on "Shajaret Al Dur" St. in Amman, Jordan. It was quite an coincidence to learn about her here. I work as a pilot and currently we are not flying anywhere currently so I thought of finishing this course. I am a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Ryerson Univeristy, Canada and this really felt like the 100-level electives I took in that it really is a university-level course.
I have bought a few books that I have read about in your course and that meant that I have something else to do in this corona-imposed hiatus. After
Once aviation kicks back into gear, I hope to be flying to Amsterdam Again. When that happens, I plan on bringing you guys a gift from Amman for your efforts.
Many Thanks
Radi Radi
Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
It is well known that water treatment at the household level can lead to dramatic improvements in drinking water quality. But does Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) also have global relevance? What are the potential treatment solutions and how do they function? Is there a standard strategy for successful HWTS implementation, or can we identify key components which make programs more likely to succeed?
In this course you will learn about the most important water treatment methods at household level, successful implementation strategies and about assessing the impact of HWTS.
MOOC SERIES “SANITATION, WATER AND SOLID WASTE FOR DEVELOPMENT” : This course is one of four in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development".
FRANçAIS: Dans ce MOOC, vous allez apprendre les plus importantes méthodes de traitement de l'eau au niveau des ménages, les stratégies pour une mise en œuvre réussie et l’évaluation de l’impact du traitement et stockage sûr de l'eau à domicile.
ESPAñOL: Aprende acerca de los métodos más importantes de tratamiento de agua a nivel domiciliario, de estrategias de implementación eficientes y de la evaluación del impacto del tratamiento doméstico y almacenamiento seguro del agua.
Strengthening territorial response for better health
This course was developed by the reference network for the European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA), Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS), and Mental Health Europe (MHE) as part of the research project 'Pan-European Response to the Impacts of the COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics' (PERISCOPE, Funded by the European Commission Research Funding programme Horizon 2020 under the Grant Agreement number 101016233, PERISCOPE investigates the broad socio-economic and behavioural impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, to make Europe more resilient and prepared for future large-scale risks.
Fundamentals of Diversity
In this course, we will arrive at the first port of our Diversity Inclusion and Belonging Journey, the Fundamentals of Diversity.
The course will provide you with the basic tools to be able to navigate diversity. The course will bring you an understanding of the fundamental categories of diversity , and will particularly focus on demographic diversity including gender, ethnicity, race, disability, aging or physical appearance. it will also help you to identify the challenges posed by diversity, and finally you will gain a working knowledge of how to manage diversity in organizations and teams.
This course is designed for all: students and young professionals, as well as older and senior professionals looking for a better understanding of what diversity is and the role it plays in the organization.
Assessment, Interviewing and Onboarding
Developing a robust, responsive recruitment process is one of several integrated organizational activities that must be embedded to achieve greater diversity and inclusion.
In this course, you will learn about the pivotal role recruitment plays in building and sustaining a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace. By examining some of the dominant traditional approaches to recruitment, you will understand how, in the contemporary global, social, and technological environment, many are no longer "fit for purpose," limited in their capacity to seek out diversity or recognize the employee attributes that support inclusion. For example, this course will examine how unconscious bias can compromise efforts unless expressly addressed in the recruitment process.
This course is one of four that comprise the Recruiting for Diversity and Inclusion Specialization, offered by the University of Western Australia.
Complete them all to gain an in-depth understanding of this fascinating and important topic.
Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change
Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change is designed to provide learners with the best available science and insights from top scholars across the country as well as the skills to understand which interventions are the most effective to offer a path forward for reducing gun violence in our homes, schools, and communities.
Through this course, you will learn how to:
1. Appreciate the scope of gun violence and the importance of considering the issue across a variety of contexts.
2. Describe the role of law and policy in addressing gun violence at the federal, state, and local levels.
3. Compare the effectiveness of gun violence policies and highlight the importance of changing the way we talk about gun
4. Describe state standards for civilian gun carrying and use and how those standards affect crime and violence.
5. Describe how firearm design is regulated, the effective and just enforcement of firearm laws, and strategies for reducing
police-involved shootings.
6. Identify and explain evidence-based programs to reduce gun violence and understand public opinion on gun policy.
As a student of this course, it’s important to recognize that you are part of an international learning community. We understand that gun violence can be a difficult issue to discuss and we all have our own set of opinions and beliefs. However, we ask you to please remember that gun violence is something that affects every person differently. It’s important to understand that this course is intended to generate productive and meaningful conversation.
We ask students of this course to abide by the rules outlined and expected of you by Coursera’s Code of Conduct Policy. Please help us promote a healthy, productive, and sustainable learning environment for all and practice the following principles:
Be polite.
Treat your fellow learners with respect.
Insulting, condescending, or abusive words will not be tolerated.
Do not harass other learners.
Polite debate is welcome as long as you are discussing the ideas or the evidence, not attacking the person.
Be sensitive.
Remember that Coursera is a global forum with learners from many different cultures and backgrounds.
Be kind, thoughtful, and open-minded when discussing race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or controversial topics
since others likely have differing perspectives.
Post appropriate content.
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You may not post inappropriate (e.g., pornographic or obscene) content.
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Please note that violations of Coursera’s Code of Conduct, Honor Code, or Terms of service are not permitted and may result in:
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*It is important to also note that certain policies and laws mentioned in this course are likely to change and develop over time. As a result, we understand that course content may need to be updated to reflect such changes. While we will strive to do this as quickly as possible, we appreciate your patience. All information included in the course is reported accurately at the time of recording and we intend to update lectures as soon as possible and to the best of our ability.
The development of this course was made possible through generous financial support provided by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, an organization committed to improving the lives of children, enabling the creative pursuit of science, advancing reproductive health, and conserving and restoring the earth’s natural systems.
Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries
This course challenges you to consider how one might lift societies out of poverty while also mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. We explore the inherent complexity of developing country governments wanting to grow their economies in a climate friendly way. You will be introduced to an approach with which to address this challenge. The approach consists of a facilitated process whereby academic researchers and high-level influential actors within society co-produce knowledge. You will track this process in four Latin American countries - Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and South Africa. You will hear from various professionals about their contexts and the different challenges and opportunities the process includes.
This course will cover topics such as facilitation process techniques, energy modeling, scenario building, innovation and policy making. You will have the opportunity to respond to these topics with ideas and reflection from your own context. Whether you are a climate change practitioner, work in development or are simply curious about how climate mitigation is understood, this course will give you insights into the complexity of how countries from the South pursue development goals while addressing climate mitigation.
The course is free to enroll and take. You will be offered the option of purchasing a certificate of completion, which you become eligible for if you successfully complete the course requirements. This can be an excellent way of staying motivated! Financial Aid is also available.
Media ethics & governance
Media Ethics and Governance
About this course: This course explores some of the basic theories, models and concepts in the field of media ethics. We will introduce influential ethical theories and perspectives, explore changing societal demands and expectations of media creation and media use, and we will elaborate on existing ethical norms for media professionals. After following this course, you will be able to reflect on ethical dilemmas and develop a well-substantiated argumentation for ethical decision making in a variety of media-related contexts.
Upon completion of this course, students should:
• have knowledge of the history and development of perspectives on media ethics;
• have knowledge of the dominant theoretical approaches and concepts;
• be able to use this knowledge to develop a well-substantiated argumentation
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