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Physical Science And Engineering Courses - Page 9

Showing results 81-90 of 522
3-Axis Machining with Autodesk Fusion 360
As our machining geometry gets more complicated, Autodesk® Fusion 360™ is up to the task! With a host of standard and adaptive toolpaths we can rapidly remove material from even the most complicated 3d parts. In this course, we explore how to rough and finish geometry that requires tool motion in X, Y, and Z simultaneously, learning how to finish even the finest of details. We’ll wrap up this course by creating a full CNC program for a part, simulating it, and exporting it to G-code. Want to take your learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk CAD/CAM for Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like generative design. Looking for Autodesk Fusion 360 certification prep courses? Check out additional learning resources to help you uplevel your skills:
Input Filter Design
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5707, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This is Course #3 in the Modeling and Control of Power Electronics course sequence. After completion of this course, you will gain an understanding of issues related to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), the need for input filters and the effects input filters may have on converter responses. You will be able to design properly damped single and multi-section filters to meet the conducted EMI attenuation requirements without compromising frequency responses or stability of closed-loop controlled power converters. We strongly recommend students complete the CU Boulder Power Electronics specialization as well as Courses #1 (Averaged-Switch Modeling and Simulation) and #2 (Techniques of Design-Oriented Analysis) before enrolling in this course (the course numbers provided below are for students in the CU Boulder's MS-EE program): ● Introduction to Power Electronics (ECEA 5700) ● Converter Circuits (ECEA 5701) ● Converter Control (ECEA 5702) ● Averaged-Switch Modeling and Simulation (ECEA 5705) ● Techniques of Design-Oriented Analysis (ECEA 5706) After completing this course, you will be able to: ● Understand conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the need for input filter ● Understand input filter design principles based on attenuation requirements and impedance interactions. ● Design properly damped single-stage input filters. ● Design properly damped multi-stage input filters. ● Use computer-aided tools and simulations to verify input filter design
Introduction to Semiconductor Devices 1
This course aims to provide a general understanding of semiconductor devices. This course explores the principles and the operation mechanism of semiconductor, such as charge transfer, p-n junction, junction capacitors, and Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors(MOSFETs). The lecture notes can be downloaded with registration, that helps students watch the videos. It is recommeded to print them in two pages in one A4 sheet and take notes during lectures for better understanding. Also, there are quiz problems to check your understanding of the lectures each week. To receive course certificate, you must score at least 60% of each week's quiz withing two chances. Lecture notes, quiz and certificate are offered to registered students only. week 1 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices week 2 Crystal properties, Atoms, Electons and Schrodinger Equation   week 3 Carriers in Semiconductors week 4 Excess Carriers and Drift Carriers in Semiconductors week 5 p-n Junction under Equilibrium week 6 Currnet Flow at p-n Junction week 7 Junction Capacitance, p-n Junction Applications, Breakdown
Phase Diagrams I & II
In this course, we will look at phase diagrams and how they are used to determine the state of the material as a function of temperature and composition. We will also investigate how the microstructure and materials properties can be manipulated as a function of temperature and composition. A special focus will be on the eutectic phase diagram.
Electrodynamics: An Introduction
The depth and breadth of electromagnetism, the foundation for many fields including materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry, requires a long, steep, and steady learning curve. This course aims to bridge the gap between the fundamental principles taught in electromagnetism and its practical application to specific fields such as materials, physics, and chemistry related to energy storage and harvesting. The goal of Electrodynamics: An Introduction is to not only teach electromagnetism but also introduce some mathematical tools which can be used to solve problems in the subject. Within these lecture notes, we review vector calculus and explain how to use fields to visualize the topics we cover. This course is dynamic, as the lectures continuously build on previous notes and a variety of explanations are presented for each solution. Since this is a lower level course, we will focus on the simple concept of electrostatics. This has applications in exploring intermolecular forces, and qualities of capacitors. Through this, we relate electromagnetism to more conventionally studied topics and its application to specific research topics related to energy storage and harvesting.
Introducing Cellular Automata
In this hands-on guided project you will be introduced to the wonders of Cellular Automata, a powerful modeling framework for the exploration of inter-scale dynamics. That is, how do simple local level rules give rise to global pattern formation and self-organization? You will explore questions like this with the help of Golly and NetLogo, two rich simulations softwares for the creation of CA and agent-based models. Moreover, you will be exposed to cutting edge applications of Cellular Automata in the fields of Biology (Morphogenesis) and Physics.
Solar Energy Basics
This course gives you an introduction to the fundamentals of solar power as it applies to solar panel system installations. You will learn to compare solar energy to other energy resources and explain how solar panels, or photovoltaics (PV for short), convert sunlight to electricity. You will be able to identify the key components needed in a basic photovoltaic (solar panel) system, such as is found on a house or building, and explain the function of each component in the system. You will also learn how to calculate the electrical demand of a building, how to reduce the overall demand, and then how to design a solar panel system that can meet that annual demand at a given location. You will also compare the different types of pricing models that are being used and key regulatory considerations for grid tied systems (where a house or building is connected to the electrical grid and also generates electricity from solar panels). A capstone design project that entails both the simple audit of a building to determine demand, and a selection of components to design a solar panel system to meet that demand.
The Age of Sustainable Development
The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.
Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions
Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal for students beginning in the engineering, physical, and social sciences. Distinguishing features of the course include: 1) the introduction and use of Taylor series and approximations from the beginning; 2) a novel synthesis of discrete and continuous forms of Calculus; 3) an emphasis on the conceptual over the computational; and 4) a clear, dynamic, unified approach. In this first part--part one of five--you will extend your understanding of Taylor series, review limits, learn the *why* behind l'Hopital's rule, and, most importantly, learn a new language for describing growth and decay of functions: the BIG O.
From the Big Bang to Dark Energy
We have learned a lot recently about how the Universe evolved in 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang. More than 80% of matter in the Universe is mysterious Dark Matter, which made stars and galaxies to form. The newly discovered Higgs-boson became frozen into the Universe a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang and brought order to the Universe. Yet we still do not know how ordinary matter (atoms) survived against total annihilation by Anti-Matter. The expansion of the Universe started acceleration about 7 billion years ago and the Universe is being ripped apart. The culprit is Dark Energy, a mysterious energy multiplying in vacuum. I will present evidence behind these startling discoveries and discuss what we may learn in the near future. This course is offered in English.