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Entrepreneurship Courses - Page 10
Showing results 91-100 of 222
Get started with Tweetdeck for Twitter
In this project, learners will learn about how to use Tweetdeck. Tweetdeck is an alternative way to use Twitter. The learner will learn about best practices for sending out tweets from Tweetdeck, as well as learning about how to create and search for Twitter lists.
Cracking the Creativity Code: Discovering Ideas
Skill at discovering new ideas, and delivering them, may be one of the most important practical job skills, in today’s and tomorrow’s job market. Creativity is an acquired skill, one that improves with practice. This course aims to empower individuals who believe they have lost their innate creativity, because they, their employers or teachers prefer the three R's: replication, repetition and rote, to innovation. We show how to re-ignite rusty creative powers.
During this course, you will learn proven tools, frameworks and concepts useful for discovery– generating an endless stream of new ideas implementing at least some of those ideas with skill and persistence, based on books and articles written by the instructors.
In the first part of the course, you will learn a proven structured method for generating and implementing world-changing ideas known as ‘Zoom in, Zoom out, Zoom in’ that makes creativity more accessible to everyone. In the following weeks, you will learn practical proven tools useful for delivering ideas by employing the basic principles of business and management. You will practice the method, use it to tackle challenging real-world needs and produce a 2-3 minutes video presenting your idea.
Course Learning Outcomes
On successfully completing this four-week course, you will be able to:
- Manage a process to generate an unending stream of creative ideas
- Lead a process of innovation and implement ideas through all phases from discovery to delivery.
- Apply creativity to a wide range of strategic management issues.
- Solve problems with a high degree of innovation, creative thinking and risk taking.
- Use and apply proven structured method for generating and implementing world-changing ideas known as ‘Zoom in, Zoom out, Zoom in’.
- Develop and implement an innovation in your own practice.
- Identify new and unfamiliar challenges and reflect on these challenges from a creative point of view, action they require and service they provide.
- Demonstrate creative problem solving skills for defining, structuring and solving real world operations management problems.
Automating Sales Tasks with Zapier
This project gives you easy access to time-saving tools used by entrepreneurs, business administrators, and department leaders. We’ll learn about how to use a tool called Zapier to automate a common business activity, responding to a new subscription on a website, and sharing the information with other departments.
By the end of this project, you can use Zapier to automate a variety of tasks that will reduce errors and save you time. Saving you time at work will free up your time to devote to other interests. If you’re already using Zapier you may find new apps to connect and tasks to automate. If you’re struggling, you’ll see solutions and tips that can make things easier. If you want more time in your life this project will help serve as your guide.
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Legal Foundations for Entrepreneurs
By its nature, the law touches on many aspects of entrepreneurship, making it an applicable and versatile topic of study. For aspiring entrepreneurs, it's important to understand how to form the business and work with the initial customers. For active entrepreneurs, there are critical considerations on employment law and operating policies. For everyone, the role that the law plays in managing the company, and its associated risks, must be properly understood to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.
With the aspiring and active entrepreneur in mind, this course focuses on the foundational elements of law. We'll begin with an introduction to the nature of law and modern legal systems and sources. Initial priorities, including what legal activities you may pursue on your own, versus when and how to select and work with an attorney, are explored. Business formation choices and considerations are also central points of discussion. Employments laws and liabilities are examined, with the closing topic being entering and existing your business.
"Legal Foundations for Entrepreneurs" is one of three courses in the "Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship Specialization" by Coursera and the University of Maryland. This specialization explores the critical legal and business issues entrepreneurs face as they build and launch a new venture. Learners examine real-world scenarios and address legal and business issues from ideation to all of the important junctures along the path to success. Significant attention is placed on new venture formation, intellectual property management, and contracts and financing arrangements.
Launching Your Music Career
After you've acquired the various tools and strategies to build your music career, it's time to put those skills to work! In this course, you will acquire the skills to manage a variety of professional endeavors including self-management, freelance performing, and launching a private lesson studio. Perfect for the young professional or a seasoned pro looking to diversify their portfolio career.
Technology Strategy: Creative Destruction
The success of modern companies depends critically on their ability to manage and respond to technological change. Innovation is continually challenging companies’ competitive advantages, giving rise to new business models, and stimulating new platform-based competition. Managers and entrepreneurs need to understand these strategic forces and how they impact firms and industries in the modern knowledge economy. This course explains how technological innovation affects the competitive dynamics of markets, and how managers and entrepreneurs alike can strategically manage these dynamics to maximize the likelihood of success.
Drawing on many years of research, this course teaches various tools, concepts, and analytical frameworks that help to characterize and analyze strategic problems arising from innovation and technological change. It also offers appropriate strategic responses that managers and entrepreneurs can implement to achieve market leadership for their companies. In a nutshell, this course seeks to help managers and entrepreneurs navigate through the “gales of creative destruction” (a term coined by the famous economist Joseph Schumpeter) unleashed by technological innovation.
Scaling Product and Processes
Fine-tune your product and processes before you begin to scale up your startup! Take the guesswork out of product-market fit and sales and marketing for your scaleup with this course and discover what sets your product apart and how to capitalize on what your company has to offer as you scale up your startup.
In this course, you will learn how to rethink your product to make sure it is scalable; understand the importance and elements of a growth strategy; discover how to structure your growth team; learn how to align sales and marketing for the scaleup stage; and ensure you know how to protect your cash, your company, and your personal well-being in this crucial stage of going from startup to scaleup. This course brings together practical advice, real-life examples, and big-picture insights from well-known companies and experts in the field so you can see what has worked for other companies and develop a "toolbox" of scaling solutions.
Get perspective on how your company operates and optimize it for scale – this course will prime your product and processes for exponential growth.
Create a free online web presence using Blogger
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to
- create a free web presence
- design your site
- publish your website
Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
From Idea to Startup
How do you implement ideas?
This course provides practical proven tools for transforming an idea into a product or service that creates value for others. As students acquire these tools, they learn how to tell bad ideas from good, how to build a winning strategy, how to shape a unique value proposition, prepare a business plan, compare their innovation to existing solutions, build flexibility into their plan and determine when best to quit.
As a vital part of the course students conduct on-site interviews with entrepreneurs who have launched startups, and are eager to share their valuable insights with them.
Upon completing this course successfully, graduates will be able to:
1. Transform ideas into real products, services and processes, by validating the idea, testing it, and turning it into a growing, profitable and sustainable business.
2. Identify the major steps and requirements in order to estimate the potential of an innovative idea as the basis of an innovative project.
3. Reach creative solutions via an iteration of a virtually endless stream of world-changing ideas and strategies, integrating feedback, and learning from failures along the way.
4. Apply the 10 entrepreneurial tools in creating a business plan for a new innovative venture.
5. Apply methods and strategies learned from interviews with startup entrepreneurs and innovators.
6. Communicate and sell innovative ideas successfully.
Building Your Artistic Brand
In a world where musical content of all kinds can be found anywhere and everywhere, developing a distinctive artistic brand is critical to any musician's professional success. Whether you're an emerging professional musician or a seasoned pro looking to up your game, you will gain knowledge of basic marketing principles as applied to the performing arts. These principles include using visual and design elements to define your artistic identity, strategies for effective marketing through a variety of media and channels, and developing a social media strategy for their professional brand.
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