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Language Learning Courses - Page 4
Showing results 31-40 of 153
Foundational Skills for Communicating About Health
Effective communication is a core skill that nearly every health professional will need and use during their careers. Yet, few health professionals receive even basic training in how to design communications to be clear and successful. As “foundational skills,” the content in this course can be applied to both oral and written communication, within and beyond health.
Learners will develop the skills to: analyze and tailor a communication effort for different audiences, develop clear messages, create logical and compelling stories, understand and apply important considerations with language as well as nonverbal communication.
This course is valuable and appropriate for both beginning and experienced health professionals who need to communicate effectively with other professionals, patients, policymakers, or the broader public.. Content is relevant to public health professionals, clinicians of all types (medical, nursing, dentists, social work, etc.), health advocates, and scientists and researchers in any health domain..
Business English: Final Project
A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product. This plan will include:
· A project status report
· A copy of the marketing campaign
· A basic budget analysis for the project
· A short presentation for upper management with details on the project’s status
This project will give you the opportunity to apply your English skills learned in the courses to develop a useful document for your current job or a document that you could use as an example to demonstrate your new abilities and skills.
English Composition I
You will gain a foundation for college-level writing valuable for nearly any field. Students will learn how to read carefully, write effective arguments, understand the writing process, engage with others' ideas, cite accurately, and craft powerful prose.
Course Learning Objectives
• Summarize, analyze, question, and evaluate written and visual texts
• Argue and support a position
• Recognize audience and disciplinary expectations
• Identify and use the stages of the writing process
• Identify characteristics of effective prose
• Apply proper citation practices
• Discuss applying your writing knowledge to other writing occasions
General Academic English
Do you want to read and write better in English? Welcome to our course. The course consists of 6 units with different topics: art, man and nature, social issues, engineering and technology, psychology, economics and management. From this course, you will have a good knowledge of general academic English learning skills. We invite you to learn with our teachers and friends from different countries in the videos. Are you ready? Let’s go!
Intermediate Grammar Project
If you have taken the three courses in this specialization, you have learned a lot of grammar in the last few months. This will be a big help to your studies or your career. This capstone project will help you process what you've learned and help you remember it forever. You will create a grammar scrapbook of the difficult or interesting English grammatical structures that you studied in the specialization. You will choose a multi-media tool of your choice, such as video or e-book, to showcase proper use of the grammar. You will also give authentic examples of the grammar found in articles, movies, or songs to make the scrapbook interesting. This will be a scrapbook that you can keep with you long after this specialization ends.
Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar
In this course, you will learn ideas for teaching reading and writing courses, and how to include grammar instruction within them. Learn how to help students with differing types of reading problems and how to implement both intensive and extensive reading strategies. Learn strategies to engage students in the stages of writing--pre-writing, writing, and post-writing. Find out about different writing problems that students may encounter. Incorporate grammar through the use of noticing and input enhancement.
Getting Started with Go
Learn the basics of Go, an open source programming language originally developed by a team at Google and enhanced by many contributors from the open source community. This course is designed for individuals with previous programming experience using such languages as C, Python, or Java, and covers the fundamental elements of Go. Topics include data types, protocols, formats, and writing code that incorporates RFCs and JSON. Most importantly, you’ll have a chance to practice writing Go programs and receive feedback from your peers. Upon completing this course, you'll be able to implement simple Go programs, which will prepare you for subsequent study at a more advanced level.
Business Chinese 1 中级汉语 (上)
《中级汉语(商务篇)》慕课是为汉语水平达到HSK三级的外国留学生制作的汉语学习慕课。它以汉语语言知识和交际技能为主要教学内容,培养留学生在一般工作情景和真实商务情境中运用汉语进行交际的能力,将生活汉语与商务汉语有机融合,情境设计贴近飞速发展的科技和商务生活,能同时满足留学生日常生活、学习和工作的需求。语法内容涵盖了HSK 三、四、五级考纲中的所有语法重点及要点;语料新鲜而实用,以HSK三、四、五级词汇为主。学习结束后汉语能达到HSK四、五级的水平,并兼具生活和基本商务交际语言技能。
The MOOC of Intermediate Business Chinese is designed for the Chinese language learners who have reached HSK level 3. The MOOC presents lively, authentic, and up-to-date dialogues for daily conversations and business communications. The contents integrate trendy technologies with real-life situations that can be applied to everyday lives, language classrooms, and working places. The course also covers all the key grammar points and patterns in HSK level 3-5. Students are expected to reach HSK level 4-5 when they complete the course and be able to effectively communicate in daily lives and professional settings from intermediate-mid to advanced-low levels.
Enhance your Writing with Noun Clauses
This course is designed to hold your hand step-by-step through the most basic concepts of noun clauses all the way to the end goal of writing a paragraph with varied noun clauses. With each individual lesson, you’ll watch both introductory and guided practice videos which will give you tips on writing noun clauses, you’ll complete independent practice exercises and check your answers, and you’ll do short quizzes. For several assignments throughout the course, you’ll practice writing noun clauses, first as individual sentences and then within a paragraph. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to see exactly how much your writing has improved when you compare Week 1’s with Week 4’s writing. No matter how you use English in your daily life, this course will inspire you to use noun clauses more in your writing and speaking.
Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners
Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for beginners is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese in continuation of Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for beginners. It uses lectures, short plays, interactive exercises and cultural tips to help learners build a fundamental capability of oral Chinese in real-life situations. At the end of the 5-lesson course, the learners will reach the following proficiency:
♦ 300 words
♦ 40 language points
♦ handling 10 real-life situations
Completing "Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for beginners" or having attended Chinese courses of any types for at least 15 hours is the prerequisite.
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