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Language Learning Courses - Page 11
Showing results 101-110 of 153
Advanced Grammar & Punctuation Project
If you have taken the three courses in this specialization, you have learned a lot of grammar in the past few months. This will be a big help to your studies or your career. This project will help you process what you've learned and help you remember it forever. In this course, you will create a grammar portfolio of the difficult or interesting English grammatical structures that you studied in the previous courses. Your portfolio will include several items that you create, such as two scripts that you will write, in which you showcase proper use of grammar points you've learned. You will then record a video performing each script and using the grammar. You can record these two videos alone or with friends. You can be creative and make funny skits like your teachers did in all of the fun videos you watched in this specialization or use your own creative style. The items you create for your portfolio will help you review the material you've learned and will be a memorable project that you can keep with you long after this course ends.
You must be able to create and share videos in order to complete this course.
Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience
¡Bienvenidos! This second course in the specialization will build on the basic vocabulary you learned in the first course, and you will begin to build the skills necessary to express your likes and dislikes orally and in writing. You’ll also begin to explore the some of the common cultural experiences of the Spanish-speaking world through a visit to the marketplace. A series of interactive activities and videos will provide opportunities for practice and continued exploration of the cultural context of the Spanish-speaking world.
Low Intermediate English: Shopping & Customer Service
In this course, you will learn important language to describe how you shop, review what you’ve bought, and assist customers. Learning activities in this course will take place on Voxy, an engaging language learning platform that automatically adapts to your current level and your performance across reading, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills so that every lesson is optimized for rapid improvement.
Each week is made up of engaging, short, task-based lessons that can be done anywhere, anytime. Lessons include content from the real world, so you will learn from real conversations and emails between customers and colleagues asking questions and giving opinions about shopping. By the end of the course, you will be able to discuss just about any kind of shopping experience.
Chinese for HSK 2
Welcome to HSK level 2 course!
This course is called “Chinese for HSK Level 2”, which is also the second step towards HSK Level 6. At the end of the 6 weeks, you will be able to express your views towards some simple and common daily life topics.
In this course, we have
24 lecture videos and in class exercises
44 short videos in complement to the context of learning material
Over 150 new vocabularies, 62 new grammar points as well as relevant pictures and examples
Downloadable practice charts for over 100 basic Chinese Characters
Weekly online quiz and final simulation exam questions
This course covers the entire content that stated in the HSK Level Two Outline. It does not matter if you complete HSK Level 1 or not, as long as you have obtained basic Chinese language competency, I would like to welcome you to join the journey of learning Chinese with us. I believe you will continue enjoying the happiness that Chinese brings to you.
Lesson | Small Talk & Conversational Vocabulary
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course.
In this lesson, you will review professional conversational vocabulary.
Teaching Intermediate Grammar Project
This is the final project for the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. You should have basic knowledge of intermediate grammar and teaching methodology in order to complete this course. In this course, you will create a portfolio including all of the following for one specific intermediate grammar point: a lesson plan for the grammar point, a video of yourself introducing the grammar point, two related practice exercises or activities with handouts, an informal assessment, and a formal assessment with answer key. To do this, you will put into practice all of the skills that you have learned in the previous three courses. Finally, you will share your portfolio with other learners to demonstrate the skills you have learned and receive feedback, and you will get the chance to learn from others as you give them feedback on their portfolios. After you complete this course, you will have the skills you need to effectively create your own lesson plans, practice exercises and assessments needed to teach grammar to intermediate-level students.
Learners in this course must be able to create a video using a webcam, video camera, or smart phone and upload the video files or share the video as a link.
Lesson | Express Yourself: Pronunciation
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to produce proper word stress and intonation in your speaking.
Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative
Intended for both newcomers who are curious about video games and experienced gamers who want to reflect on their passion, this course will explore what happens to stories, paintings, and films when they become the basis of massively multiplayer online games. The Lord of the Rings trilogy—the novels, films, and video game—are our central example of how “remediation” transforms familiar stories as they move across media.
The course is designed as a university-level English literature class—a multi-genre, multimedia tour of how literature, film, and games engage in the basic human activity of storytelling. Our journey will enable us to learn something about narrative theory, introduce us to some key topics in media studies and cover some of the history and theory of video games. It will also take us to some landmarks of romance literature, the neverending story that lies behind most fantasy games: J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, a bit of Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene, and poems by Keats, Tennyson, Browning, and others.
Drawing on centuries of romance narrative conventions, the twenty-first century gaming industry has become a creative and economic powerhouse. It engages the talents of some of our brightest writers, artists, composers, computer engineers, game theorists, video producers, and marketing professionals, and in 2012, it generated an estimated $64 billion in revenue. Anyone interested in today’s culture needs to be conversant with the ways this new medium is altering our understanding of stories. Join me as we set out on an intellectual adventure, the quest to discover the cultural heritage of online games.
Noun Clauses and Conditionals
This is the third course in the Learn English: Advanced Grammar and Punctuation specialty. In this class, you will learn about the advanced grammar concepts of noun clauses and conditionals. You will learn about several different types of each and get lots of practice using them appropriately. This may seem like difficult grammar, but this course will make them easy to understand. These grammar points are essential for any learner trying to master fluency in the English language.
Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.
Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest
This course is for curious students and aspiring authors with a passion for writing for young readers. Participate in a dynamic online community of writers as you experiment with your own writing and develop your voice. This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned children’s authors. As you work through the writing exercises, you will give and receive feedback from your peers and gain tools and techniques for improving your writing.
During this course you will identify stories that matter to you, explore cultural significance and boundaries, and shape your identity as a writer; become familiar with standard elements of narrative (character, setting, plot, theme, language, dialogue, point of view); reflect on your own work and practice essential self-editing skills; see the different ways in which words and art interact, and the possibilities of longer narrative forms; come away with practical insights into publishing options; and create a plan for pursuing your enthusiasm for writing. By the end of the course, you will have ten to twelve extracts of writing that you can develop into a portfolio.
Join a dynamic community of many voices from around the world. Find inspiration in your own voice, heart, and place so that you can tell the stories for young readers you’ve always wanted to tell.
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