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Physics And Astronomy Courses - Page 9
Showing results 81-87 of 87
Differential Equations Part I Basic Theory
This introductory courses on (Ordinary) Differential Equations are mainly for the people, who need differential equations mostly for the practical use in their own fields. So we try to provide basic terminologies, concepts, and methods of solving various types of differential equations as well as a rudimentary but indispensable knowledge of the underlying theory and some related applications.
The prerequisites of the courses is one- or two- semester calculus course and some exposure to the elementary theory of matrices like determinants, Cramer’s Rule for solving linear systems of equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Physics 102 - AC Circuits and Maxwell's Equations
This course serves as an introduction to the physics of electricity and magnetism. Upon completion, learners will have an understanding of how the forces between electric charges are described by fields, and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. They will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. The course follows the typical progression of topics of a first-semester university physics course: charges, electric forces, electric fields potential, magnetic fields, currents, magnetic moments, electromagnetic induction, and circuits. Each module contains reading links to a free textbook, complete video lectures, conceptual quizzes, and a set of homework problems. Once the modules are completed, the course ends with an exam. This comprehensive course series is similar in detail and rigor to what is taught on-campus. It will thoroughly prepare learners for their upcoming introductory physics courses, or more advanced courses in physics.
Exploring Quantum Physics
An introduction to quantum physics with emphasis on topics at the frontiers of research, and developing understanding through exercise.
Astrobiology: Exploring Other Worlds
How are astronomers approaching their search for life in the universe? What have we learned from the surge of exoplanets discoveries? How likely is it that Earth does not host the only life in the Universe? In this course we explore the field of astrobiology, an emerging multidisciplinary field. Progress in astrobiology is driven by telescopes on the ground and in space, and by new insights on how life emerged on Earth and its diversity. The topics in this course range from the science of how exoplanets are detected, to the chemistry that supports the argument that the ingredients for life are common in the Universe.
We will follow the analyses of experts in chemistry, astronomy, geology and archaeology to build a strong foundation of understanding. By the final assignment, students will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to identify what makes a planet habitable, and how likely it is that life exists there. Students will graduate from this course informed about one of the most exciting fields in all of science, and ready to discuss the current exoplanet news stories and discoveries.
Exploring concepts of Optics using Wolfram notebook
Exploring concepts of Optics using Wolfram notebook
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5610, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.
This course covers the fundamental concepts and topics of quantum mechanics which include basic concepts, 1D potential problems, time evolution of quantum states, and essential linear algebra. It provides undergraduate level foundational knowledge and build on them more advanced topics.
At the end of this course learners will be able to:
1. demonstrate full grasp of basic concepts in quantum mechanics including wave-particle duality, operators and wavefunctions, and evolution of quantum states,
2. achieve mastery of the mathematical apparatus needed for quantum mechanics and
3. attain foundational knowledge required to learn more advanced quantum mechanics and applications.
Transistor - Field Effect Transistor and Bipolar Junction Transistor
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5632, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.
This course presents in-depth discussion and analysis of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) and bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) including the equilibrium characteristics, modes of operation, switching and current amplifying behaviors.
At the end of this course learners will be able to:
1. Understand and analyze metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) device
2. Understand and analyze MOS field effect transistor (MOSFET)
3. Understand and analyze bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
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