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Physical Science And Engineering Courses - Page 47
Showing results 461-470 of 522
Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations
In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and quantum) from basic computer programs that you will download, generalize, or write from scratch, discuss, and then hand in. Join in if you are curious (but not necessarily knowledgeable) about algorithms, and about the deep insights into science that you can obtain by the algorithmic approach.
Foundational Sustainability Skills & Competencies
The third course in this specialization takes the skills and knowledge learners have gained in the previous two courses and develops them into concrete skills that will serve the learner when they enter the field as a sustainability analyst. These skills include developing sustainability goals and initiatives, reporting and planning, maintaining document accuracy, and identifying partners for sustainability initiatives. This course focuses on the real-world application of all the skills the learners have gained in the previous two courses, using video, text, interactive, and peer-reviewed content and activities to support continued growth and learning.
In this course, the topical knowledge presented is directly related to the practical skills learners will demonstrate since the content presented is about tasks crucial to a successful sustainability analyst. Interactive learning objects and peer-reviewed submissions provide opportunities for hands-on learning and collaboration with fellow learners. Knowledge checks ensure that learners clearly understand the skills and competencies needed in the field of sustainability. At the same time, the hands-on activities provide them with opportunities to practice those skills and competencies.
Because this course is intended to be the final learning experience in the sequence, it supports learners as they prepare to enter the job market and seek sustainability roles. By presenting opportunities to practice developing reports, setting goals, and evaluating potential external partners, learners will be able to speak to those tasks in job interviews and complete the tasks successfully when they are hired into a role. The focus on practical application in this course supports learners’ confidence and development toward the position they seek.
Introduction to Digital Transformation
This course is primarily for professionals, college students, and advanced high school students who are interested in driving the digital transformation by integrating automation, software, and cutting-edge technologies.
This course represents a foundational introduction to Digital Transformation, appropriate for learners with a basic familiarity with common business terms and concepts and an interest in digital technology. To succeed in this course, learners should bring their curiosity about how new developments in technology are shaping the way businesses and entire industries operate. This course has no formal prerequisites.
This course focuses on how technology can be used as a competitive advantage in today’s business environment. First, current trends in computing, visual, connectivity and artificial intelligence are outlined with an emphasis on their impact to businesses. Next, we look at digital tools for design, manufacturing, and usage of products. Finally, we look at the applications of these technologies and digital tools across eight key industries.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Summarize digital transformation - what, how and why
Outline important technical trends within today’s economy
Identify digital tools that can be applied to transform business processes
Apply digital transformation to a variety of industries
Course developed in partnership with Fram Akiki of Joun Technologies.
Approximation Methods
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5612, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.
This course teaches commonly used approximation methods in quantum mechanics. They include time-independent perturbation theory, time-dependent perturbation theory, tight binding method, variational method and the use of finite basis set. In each case, a specific example is given to clearly show how the method works.
At the end of this course learners will be able to:
1. use time-dependent perturbation theory to obtain first- and second -order corrections to energies and wavefunctions,
2. use time-dependent perturbation theory and obtain transition rates, and
3. use tight binding method, variational method and finite basis set to obtain approximate solutions of various quantum mechanics problems.
The Effect of Fires on People, Property and the Environment
Fires impact people, property and the environment in all countries around the world. In some cases, the resulting losses are extraordinary, causing hundreds of deaths, widespread damage to property and contents and significant impacts on the environment. More often, fires may cause a single casualty or affect a single home, though the effects are still highly significant to those affected and collectively are substantial. This course will provide an overview of the challenges posed by fire as well as the fire safety solutions that are available to meet those challenges.
Programming for the Internet of Things Project
In this Capstone course, you will design a microcontroller-based embedded system. As an option, you can also build and test a system. The focus of your project will be to design the system so that it can be built on a low-cost budget for a real-world application. To complete this project you'll need to use all the skills you've learned in the course (programming microcontrollers, system design, interfacing, etc.). The project will include some core requirements, but leave room for your creativity in how you approach the project. In the end, you will produce a unique final project, suitable for showcasing to future potential employers.
Note that for the three required assignments you do NOT need to purchase software and hardware to complete this course. There is an optional fourth assignment for students who wish to build and demonstrate their system using an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Please also note that this course does not include discussion forums.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
1. Write a requirements specification document
2. Create a system-level design
3. Explore design options
4. Create a test plan
Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice)
This course is developed to improve the effectiveness of laboratory classes in higher education. It aims to support teachers to improve their teaching skills for active learning in university science laboratory courses. It will show you how laboratory sessions can differ with respect to their aim and expected learning outcomes, how to engage students for learning and how to cope with their different levels of pre-knowledge and experience and probe their understanding. Last but not least it will show how you could assess students in laboratory courses.
This course is developed by ECTN (European Chemistry Thematic Network), Working group Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods.
RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design
This unique Master-level course offered by the Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWT/e) of the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, provides students with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on RF and mmWave circuit design.
The course covers the topics on how to derive the RF wireless systems specifications, and how to design the main building blocks of a transceiver, i.e., low noise amplifier, power amplifier, RF mixers, oscillators, and PLL frequency synthesizers. It is divided into two parts: (1) theoretical lectures will cover the basis of RF and mmWave Circuit Design; and (2) design labs will include simulation and implementation of these circuits.
The design labs are completely optional for obtaining the certificate, but they are recommended because they allow students to put into practice all the acquired theoretical knowledge, and of course, implementing the circuits is where all the fun is! The students will be able to do 70% of the design labs using simulation tools, which already offers a great learning experience. The other 30% will require students to either get access to an electronics lab or to purchase a few off-the-shelf components. But ultimately, this would allow students to design and build their own transceiver at home!
The course contains theoretical video classes with examples, quizzes, and an entire set of simulation files, step-by-step procedures, recorded data of real-life circuits, and solution videos so that students can learn from and build even better circuits.
Finite Element Analysis Convergence and Mesh Independence
In this hands-on project, you will learn about the Finite Element Method (FEM) and perform a convergence study using the cloud-based simulation tool SimScale. We will set up a simple simulation case with a provided geometry to learn the fundamentals of the Finite Element Method and how a convergence study is approached in the first place. We will walk through the classical three step process of every simulation which includes the pre-processing, processing and post-processing step.
SimScale is an engineering simulation platform that is revolutionizing the way engineers, designers, scientists, and students design products. The SimScale platform is accessible completely via a standard web browser, with an easy-to-use interface which supports numerous simulation types including solid mechanics (FEM), fluid dynamics (CFD) & thermodynamics.
This course runs on Coursera's hands-on project platform called Rhyme. On Rhyme, you do projects in a hands-on manner in your browser. You will get instant access to pre-configured cloud desktops containing all of the software and data you need for the project, for this project you need no special setup or any data. Everything is already set up directly in your internet browser so you can just focus on learning!
- This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Environmental Hazards and Global Public Health
The second course of the Impacts of the Environment on Global Public Health specialization will explore a number of different environmental hazards. These are: air pollution, water pollution, solid and hazardous waste, and two physical hazards (radon and noise). These hazards each have the potential to harm human health, and we will explore how you may come into contact with these hazards and how they may harm you, as well as what we can do to minimize these exposures and health impacts. We will also explore two additional key topics: urban and global health, and the influence of the built environment on human health.
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