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Computer Security And Networks Courses - Page 7

Showing results 61-70 of 277
DDoS Attacks and Defenses
In this MOOC, you will learn the history of DDoS attacks and analyze new Mirai IoT Malware and perform source code analysis. you will be provided with a brief overview of DDoS Defense techniques. You learn an Autonomous Anti-DDoS Network called A2D2 for small/medium size organizations to deal with DDoS attacks. A2D2 uses Linux Firewall Rate limiting and Class Based Queueing, and subnet flood detection to handle various DDoS traffic types. You learn the new Intrusion tolerance paradigm with proxy-based multipath routing for DDoS defense. By developing and deploying such a new security mechanism, you can improve performance and reliability of the system at the same time and it does not have to be just an overhead. By the end of this course, you should be able to analyze new DDoS malware, collect forensic evidences, deploy firewall features to reduce the impact of DDoS on your system and develop strategies for dealing with future DDoS attacks. For the pre-requisites, we recommend the learners take the Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems course to learn the basic security concepts and principles and take the Secure Networked System with Firewall and IDS courses to learn the basic firewall and IDS systems.
Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming
This course builds upon the skills and coding practices learned in both Principles of Secure Coding and Identifying Security Vulnerabilities, courses one and two, in this specialization. This course uses the focusing technique that asks you to think about: “what to watch out for” and “where to look” to evaluate and ultimately remediate fragile C++ library code. The techniques you’ll be examining will make your programs perform accurately and be resistant to attempts to perform inaccurately. This is really what the term secure programming means. You will be shown common errors that people make, and then learn how to program more robustly. You will apply tips and best practices to help you improve your programming style and help you to avoid common problems like buffer overflows, which may or may not cause security problems.
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also covers deploying practical solutions including customer-supplied encryption keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.
How Computers Work
Computers are everywhere, they aren't just the desktops and laptops we use for work but the phones in our pockets and even the watches on our wrists are also computers. You probably use a computer every day and in fact you are reading this on a computer! Just because we use computers all the time, doesn't mean that we understand them, or find them easy to use. Computer Science is the science of computers, it is the field of knowledge that experts use to understand computer systems. Knowing a little computer science will help you understand the computers all around you. This isn't a how-to course for a particular piece of software, instead you will learn some fundamental concepts that you can apply to any software or computer system. You'll apply these concepts to the kind of computer systems we use every day, including word processing applications, e-commerce, the internet and web sites. You will learn how to apply computer science concepts to solve problems in daily computer use and generally be a better computer user. Taking this course could be the start of your career in computer science, and the course is an introduction to the Bachelors in Computer Science from University of London, but it is also for you if you just want to learn a little computer science to help you better understand the computers you use in your ordinary life.
Getting Started with Linux Terminal
In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to use simple commands to create and manipulate files and folders, perform multiple complex tasks using one simple command, use the superuser to perform high privilege operations.
Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE)
Digital Forensics Essentials helps learners increase their competency and expertise in digital forensics and information security skills, thereby adding value to their workplace and employer. This course will introduce learners to Computer Forensics Fundamentals as well as the Computer Forensics Investigation Process. Plan to learn about Dark Web, Windows, Linux, Malware Forensics, and so much more! The interactive labs component of this course ensures that learners receive the hands-on, practical experience required for a future in digital forensics. DFE-certified learners have an assured means of formal recognition to add to their resumes and show off their expertise and skills to prospective employers. This improves their prospects for employment advancement, higher salaries, and greater job satisfaction.
Cloud Computing Security
In this MOOC, we will learn Cloud Computing basics using AWS as an example, We will guide you to create AWS account, planning AWS resources for your cloud systems, create AWS EC2 instances, access them and configure the popular LAMP web services with MySQL database. We will guide you to create user accounts for your programmer or operators using AWS Identify and Access management GUI, Register your domain name and setup DNS entry for your servers using AWS Route 53 in 22 mintues! and show you how to use AWS Command Line interface to create and managing instances and services programmatically. We then introduce AWS Load balancing feature, create load balancing cluster for scalability and reliability. We also demonstrate how to diagnose the problem introduced by the health check and firewall restriction conflicts. By the end of this course, you should be able to create your own web cluster with mysql databases, setup your users with credentials to manage your AWS resources/virtual machines either through their management control interface or using AWS CLI API using scripts. You will also learn the best practice in cloud security and debugging service interaction issues may arise in the cloud systems.
Aruba CX Switching for Cisco Professionals
The Aruba CX Switching for Cisco Professionals course bridges the gap between Aruba and Cisco switching technologies by teaching the necessary skills for a Cisco Certified Routing and Switching Professional to use the Aruba AOS-CX technology. This course consists of approximately 40% lecture and 60% hands-on lab exercises to help you learn how to implement and validate AOS-CX solutions. Self-directed Labs can be purchased separately on HPE Press. This course prepares already certified Cisco professionals for the Aruba Certified Switching Associate (ACSA) exam.
Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. CFT Scorecard is a utility you can combine with Forseti policies to check for violations in your Google Cloud environment.
Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection - It's Not About the Terrorists
Welcome to Course 1 in CS4950, Homeland Security and Cybersecruity. In this course we examine the origins of homeland security and its connection with cybersecurity. Homeland security is about safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction. Catastrophic destruction comes in two forms: natural and man-made. For most of history the man-made variety came in the form of warfare and required the combined resources of a nation state. All that changed March 20th, 1995. On that date, members of a quasi-religious cult in Japan attacked the Tokyo subway system using Sarin gas. It was the first deployment of a weapon of mass destruction my a non-state actor. The power of destruction once reserved to nation states was now available to small groups, even individuals. The incident was a wake up call for governments around the world. Defense establishments designed to keep rogue states in check were practically useless against non-state actors. Overnight, the number of potential enemies multiplied a hundred, maybe even a thousand-fold. In response to the Tokyo Subway Attacks, the United States took measures to protect itself from WMD attack by non-state actors. Those measures were still being enacted when the nation was attacked on 9/11. On September 11, 2001, nineteen hijackers inflicted as much damage as the Imperial Japanese Navy on December 7, 1941. The investigating 9/11 Commission noted the attacks for their "surpassing disproportion". The hijackers had achieved WMD effects without using WMD. They did this by subverting the nation's transportation infrastructure, turning passenger jets into guided missiles. Again, the security implications were profound. Non-state actors seeking to inflict domestic catastrophic destruction did not need to import, fabricate, or acquire WMD as the nation was surrounded by the means of its own destruction in the form of critical infrastructure. The vulnerability of critical infrastructure had not gone unnoticed. Again, in response to the Tokyo Subway attacks, which themselves had been an attack on Japanese infrastructure, President Clinton in 1996 commissioned a panel to investigate the threat to United States' infrastructure. The panel replied in 1997 that there was no immediate threat to US infrastructure, but they were concerned with the growing risk of cyber attack. The same cyber physical systems that fueled the explosive growth of the Internet were being incorporated into Industrial Control Systems that underpinned much of the nation's critical infrastructure. The panel noted that the knowledge and skills necessary to mount a cyber attack on the nation's infrastructure was growing. As a result of this observation, President Clinton in 1998 ordered the protection of US critical infrastructure, especially from cyber attack. Following 9/11, critical infrastructure protection and cybersecurity were designated core missions in the 2002 Homeland Security Act establishing the new Department of Homeland Security. They remain core missions to this day, but many don't see the connection. The connection is this: cybersecurity is essential to critical infrastructure protection, which is essential to homeland security, which is about safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction. I look forward to working with you in the coming lessons. Best wishes and good luck! Course 1: Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection Course 2: Cybersecurity Policy for Water and Electricity Infrastructures Course 3: Cybersecurity Policy for Aviation and Internet Infrastructures Course 4: Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Future