Teaching (Maths)
Filo EdTech Private Limited
7500 per month
1 Opening(s)
Posted 4 days ago
Application endsJan 29, 2025
Job Description
About the internship
Selected intern's day-to-day responsibilities include:
1. Create video solutions for Maths K10 in Gujarati language only
2. Develop engaging video content for the CBSE Maths curriculum
3. Demonstrate fluency in Gujarati to cater to Gujarati-speaking students
Who can apply
Only those candidates can apply who:
1. are available for the work from home job/internship
2. can start the work from home job/internship between 10th Dec'24 and 14th Jan'25
3. are available for duration of 4 months
4. have relevant skills and interests
* Women wanting to start/restart their career can also apply.
Filo is the fastest-growing on-demand tutoring platform in India. We are on a mission to deliver quality education to everyone with a deep understanding that the answer to quality is not the same for everyone. While the current educational industry, offline or online, is built around aggregating students with different requirements in a single offering of a class or a video, we are unbundling education services into a segment-focused instant offering. Filo has reached 41M+ minutes of learning sessions, 1.5M+ students registered and 40K+ tutors currently teaching with Filo. We have raised $23 million in a Series A round led by Anthos. It is by far the largest Series A round in the Indian ed-tech space. Our homegrown systems connect students with tutors instantly in real time over a live video session, 24/7, clocking more than 7 million minutes of classes every month.
Job Skills
Gujarati Proficiency (Spoken)
Gujarati Proficiency (Written)
Job Overview
Date Posted
December 11, 2024
Offered Salary
7500 INR per month
Expiration date
January 29, 2025
0 To 3 Years
Any bachelor's degree