Create an Animation for a Social Media Icon using Adobe Illustrator
By the end of this project, you will be able to create an animation for a social media icon using Adobe Illustrator and an online GIF maker. Throughout the project, you will be able to use Adobe Illustrator with its different tools. You will be able to create the frames for the animation of the social media icon. You will be exposed to the concept of Artboards in Adobe Illustrator as well as how to export those Artboards as files and use them in other software or online applications. This guided project is for intermediate designers and intermediate animators who are interested in learning how to create the frames for their animations in Adobe Illustrator. Using the tools in Adobe Illustrator, you will be able to create the frames needed to animate the social media icon. By creating this animation you will contribute to completing the visual branding of your website or mobile application. It will add a dynamic edge to your social media icons and hence achieve an interactive visual experience. It is always an interesting addition when you include animation as part of your visual identity and this project will help you achieve that. Adobe Illustrator is the most used software to create vectorial designs. It will be, undoubtedly, a great asset throughout your future career as a designer.