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Audit System with Spring Boot AOP


In this guided project you will learn about what is AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) and its key terminologies. Then you will also learn about what are the different types of advice in Spring Boot AOP. Then you will be given a walkthrough of an provided Employee Management System application builded using Spring Boot Framework. Then in this Employee Management System application you are going to implement an Audit System to audit events such as when a new employee is added, exception scenarios such as someone trying to update an non-existing employee with help of After Returning advice and After Throwing advice. By the end of this project, you will be able create an Audit System for any application builded using Spring Boot Framework by using Spring Boot AOP and you will have in-depth knowledge about After Returning advice and After Throwing advice in Spring Boot AOP and you will also have good idea about how to write pointcut expressions for selecting the business logic methods for applying advices on.

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