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Create a Basic Mini-Map in Unity


In this one-hour, project-based course, you'll learn how to create a simple mini-map. You'll learn how to set up a secondary camera and configure it to display an overhead view of the scene and follow the player. You'll also learn how to use layers to display different objects on each active camera and use masks to give the mini-map a circular shape. The guided project will introduce you to the following Unity concepts: - Camera - Layers - Masks This course makes use of the scene created in Baking Lights for Better Performance in Unity and the scripts created in Create Keyboard Movement Mechanics with C# in Unity and Create Simple Enemy Behaviour with C# in Unity (Intro to AI). These compliment this guided project and, although not prerequisites, are recommended for a more well-rounded understanding of the concepts presented herein. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.

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