Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio
In this course you will build an Android app with a Linear Layout in Android Studio with the java programming language and will be given an explanation of linear layout. This app has a piece of text asking the user to pick the type of movies they like over five check boxes for Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Romance, and Fantasy. Beneath these check boxes is another piece of text asking if watching movies is the favorite activity of the user with a toggle button for them to indicate "yes" or "no". Depending on if the user selects "yes" or "no" for the toggle button another piece of text will change between "What other activities do you like?" and "What do you prefer?". There is then five more check boxes for Books, Art, Music, Sport, and Theater for the user to indicate activities they like. Finally, there will be a button to exit the app. The app will remember the choices made by the user in their previous visit. Projects in Series 1: 1. Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java 2. Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio 3. Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio 4. Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio 5. Build a Table Layout App in Android Studio Projects in Series 2: 1. Build an App in Android Studio using Resources 2. Build an App in Android Studio using Static Files 3. Build an App in Android Studio using Read - Write 4. Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch 5. Build an App in Android Studio using Activities