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Computer Science Courses - Page 106

Showing results 1051-1060 of 2309
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Degradation Prediction
In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to predict mRNA Vaccine Degradation Rates at various positions of the molecule. Our model will predict likely degradation rates at each base of an RNA molecule which will be useful to develop models and design rules for RNA degradation. We will look at how to build a Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units Neural Network which can predict the degradation for multiple scenarios at each of the base. We will cover how to train the model and evaluate on a test set. We will then finally make predictions using the trained model and compare it with the original degradation rates. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Learn to Code using C# on VS Code
Welcome to this introduction on fundamental programming concepts and terminology. This project is intended for learners who have never programmed before. You will be exposed to the basic coding structures such as assignment statements, variables, constants, decision making statements, loops, and arrays in C# Console applications. By successfully completing the hands-on practices assigned, you will understand why and when to apply these basic programming concepts and be better prepared for taking other computer programming courses in any language.
Build a World Encyclopedia with AngularJS
In this 1.5 hours guided project, you will build a world encyclopedia app from scratch using AngularJS, HTML and JavaScript. You will learn how to take advantage of existing API via HTTP and also learn about more advanced Angular features such as services and routing. (To fit the project within the time limit, some code for areas that are not our focus will be provided). Prerequisites: Basic Angular, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Taking my class Make a Bill Splitter app with AngularJS is highly recommended if you want to get a foundation of fundamental AngularJS.
Image Segmentation with Python and Unsupervised Learning
In this one hour long project-based course, you will tackle a real-world problem in computer vision called segmentation. Segmentation means taking an image and partitioning it into different regions that capture the different elements of interest in the scene. We will tackle this problem using an unsupervised learning technique called K-means. By the end of this project, you will have segmented an image with unsupervised learning, using code you will write in Python.
Securing Digital Democracy
In this course, you'll learn what every citizen should know about the security risks--and future potential — of electronic voting and Internet voting. We'll take a look at the past, present, and future of election technologies and explore the various spaces intersected by voting, including computer security, human factors, public policy, and more.
CSS3 Flexbox - Mastering the Basics
This project will teach you easy and simple examples on Flexbox properties so that one can understand and master the basics of Flexbox so that these can be applied in building modern web layouts in Front End part of the Web application process. This project covers all Flexbox properties like Flexbox Container Properties and Flexbox Item Properties. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Working with Big Data
By the end of this project, you will set up an environment for Big Data Development using Visual Studio Code, MongoDB and Apache Spark. You will then use the environment to process a large dataset from NOAA showing hourly precipitation rates for a ten year period from the state of Wisconsin. MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database well suited for very large datasets or Big Data. It is highly scalable and adaptable as well. Apache Spark is used for efficient in-memory processing of Big Data.
Introduction to git and GitHub
This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. For this lab, you will assume a documentation persona responsible for product guides at your organization. There's a release next month, so you need to update a product guide in preparation for the release.
JavaScript Decision Programming with Switch
In this intermediate-level project you will examine the need to make decisions in programming using the Switch feature in JavaScript. Using the Notepad++ editor and JavaScript embedded in HTML, you will write the JavaScript code to test a condition and then take an action based on the test result. As you develop your JavaScript toolset, you’ll find the Switch to be a useful alternative to the If-Else statement. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.
Using Tensorflow for Image Style Transfer
Have you ever wished you could paint like Van Gogh, Monet or even Picasso? Better yet, have you wished for an easy way to convert your own images into new ones incorporating the style of these famous artists? With Neural Style Transfer, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) distill the essence of the style of any famous artist it is fed, and are able to transfer that style to any other image. In this project-based course, you will learn how to utilize Python and Tensorflow to build a Neural Style Transfer (NST) model using a VGG19 CNN. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.